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Operative Feedback


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Demagogy. I dont see anything about balance, pro et contra etc.


Most mobile class in game with seflheal, teleport, stealth escape, jesus roll, god burst and 3 cc's. And you start crying about lighty nerf that really need. Are you kiddin me?


imagine thinking that concealment has "god burst".


fury marauder would like to talk to you

AP powertech would like to talk to you

arsenal merc would like to talk to you

marksman sniper would like to talk to you

hell, freaking lightning sorc would like to talk to you


concealment's burst is considerably lower than all of these lmao.


On the topic of the thread, my only real complaint, as someone who does not think too much about stats or theorycrafting and all that, is that Catalyzed Toxins for Lethality is a very weird tactical that messes up the entire rotation of the spec. Yeah, I get that tacticals are meant to be "spec defining" items, but this does not do that in a good way. It's extremely clunky and completely ruins the flow. I like what they were trying to do, but tbh, if you want to give Lethality more burst... make Corrosive Assault work like how old Cull used to, for that tactical. Does x amount of damage per dot, instead of making both dots tick during your CA.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Ok, after testing in that Phase:


The more Im testing the healing tacticals / sets, the more I find that something is bugging me : most of our options turn around Tactical Advantage procs.

I take it tactical advantage is our main resource as operatives, but it makes the synergy between certain sets and tacticals difficult, without counting how we usually spend TA in an normal play.



  • Combat Medic : Kolto Pack while moving - need a TA
  • Critical Surgery: - need a TA
  • Diagnostic Probes: -need 3 TA in a fairly small window to have the proc (that doesn't last very long as well)
  • Regenerative Waves - waves now require a TA
  • Toxic Haze Heal set : -needs a TA


Now, the new Tactical set does help for these, its the obvious solution.


The problem is when you want to use other sets, like the Aggressive Treatment.


Some people already pointed out that the Regenerative Waves tactical + the Toxic Haze Heal set *could* have been great together for an AOE build, but is not working well, because of that limit.


Ive been playing around a lot with the Toxic Haze set + the Diagnostic Probe tactical, because i like the polyvalence ...The toxic Haze heal is fun to use, but often if I use it Im short 1 stacks for the diagnostic probes proc, or the time I regain a TA the stacks have expired already. So I ended up using more 1 or the other, but not both. Not counting if you want to use Kolto Infusion in the mix.


I agree that a re-worked Surgical Probe could be a better option to use with the Toxic Haze set.


The suggestions Ive seen around, and my own :


  • Make Diagnostic Probes stacks last for longer, like this they could still be useful if we cant / dont want to use those 3 probes in succession,or use other abilities in between. We could have some breathing room to regain TA.
  • Diagnostic Probes : Longer window for the auto-injection Proc. Something that was great about the old autocrit Injection was the long window so you could plan when to use it. If you are worry it would be too OP , maybe with a cooldown?
  • I second the suggestion somebody made about the Shiny Proc-Injection for Diagnostic Probe at 3 stacks :)
  • More TA generation: the new Kolto Waves Tac could have an higher % chance of refunding the TA you use for it ?
  • Or it could be like the Surgical Precision Passive, it could give you back 1 TA automatically, but only once every x seconds? Having an higher chance of TA generation would help not wasting a TA on waves for nothing, if we get interrupted or if we want to stop our channel for x reason( time, energy, prevent overhealing..)



WISHLIST (one can still hope



What about having a tactical or a set NON related to TA so we have other options ?


Suggestion : Wild idea , why not have options related to our stacks of Kolto Probes, which as an op healer compose of more than 40% of our heals?


Considering we spend so much time managing them,refreshing them, looking at the ops frame for them... that could be very interesting for the op healer gameplay If we had some changes related to them. Its something people want, seen as it was reccurent in the suggestions thread a few month ago. https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=962784


I wont qq about choices that were or werent made, its already great than the Devs took suggestions (and implemented some of them litteraly, a lot of tacticals are already great , but lets just say than Im a bit sad the suggestions about the probe stacks didnt stick as a lot of them were great and So So useful. (up the stacks to 3, AOE probe refresh/spread, secondary effects on Probe ticks ... so much way those could be improved, a less "boring" than they are now . We never know, maybe its still possible :)



Please give the healers a Generic set they can use ? The old berserker +20% power was usable by healers and dps, now its not. A set with a +5% healing would be great too !!!


*** Im not as knowledgeable as a lot of you are, please correct me if you find those suggestions overpowered or unnecessary, its my humble average-pve player opinion :) ***

Edited by jambalayabungee
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As another thought, when Regenerative Waves is utilized, the Tactical Medicine proc from the operative skill tree is not being given. The passive says: "Executing a Tactical Advantage with a healing ability increases all healing done by 3% for 6 seconds". It would be nice if kolto waves were added to the list of healing abilities when the tactical is equipped.

Bumping this idea, for emphasis. I feel its important it don't fall between cracks and get forgotten. Regen. Waves should give the passive !!!!

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Speaking of Operative DPS bonuses and tacticals... where is the fun stuff for Lethality? I know Concealment needs love and attention for PvE, but the only tactical for Lethality on PTS 1.5 seemed to be Viral Elements, which awesome as it is, makes my Lethality Op feel a little left out.
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One problem I have now with Operative is the way the utilities are situated. You’re basically forced to take the same utilities you were taking in 5.0 if you’re playing with the normal PvP BiS build (except in Tier 2). While Sniper feels like they get more options when building their utilities. For example, my slow and immobilize build for Ruffian is hard to make anymore without sacrificing nearly all my defensive utilities because where they are place.
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One problem I have now with Operative is the way the utilities are situated. You’re basically forced to take the same utilities you were taking in 5.0 if you’re playing with the normal PvP BiS build (except in Tier 2). While Sniper feels like they get more options when building their utilities. For example, my slow and immobilize build for Ruffian is hard to make anymore without sacrificing nearly all my defensive utilities because where they are place.


I agree, and I see from other posts its a recurrent concern,how can we suggest to change it so it could be more convenient?

(assuming they wont change the 8 utilities / tiers x 3 tiers disposition )


As a reference the current pts layout VS the live one :



from my PoV, :

What I hear people saying : Because of the new layout we cant take as much defensive utilities.




I think we should put one either Escape Plan or Evasive Imperative in the masterful section, so we could at least take the combination of both (that is a pretty popular choice I believe) and what used to be 2 legendary, maybe swap it instead with Evasive Screen or Jarring Strike ?


SKILLFUL: I would put a 3rd more generic ability, non dps/pvp related utility, so its relevant for pve healers, maybe Adrenaline Probe? Maybe Swapping it with Curbing Strategy or Precision Instrument? Unsure about the impact of that swap for dpses tho.




Now, I dont play much operative dps, or pvp. So I dont know what would be the best choices for them, and after looking at the most popular builds I admit it would be easy to make people unhappy swapping utilities around.


Any other suggestions ?


What about that slow / cc build for leth, how would you make it work ?

Edited by jambalayabungee
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Before PTS shut down Energy management for Catalyzed Toxin is horrible, constantly reapplying dots take a lot.


Perhaps remove the removal of dots on Sanguinary Shot or you could make the next Sharp Bomb apply Vital Shot. Or even make the next Sharp Bomb and Vital Shot cost no energy.

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