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Don't charge to get credits out of escrow


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I was a long time player for SW:TOR from launch, until about 2015, took a break and am now coming back. I'm getting charged to get MY credits out of my escrow because I let my subscription go. How are you going to charge me real money because I went over the "limit" for the amount of credits I am allowed to have?


That is absolutely ridiculous. If you want to set a cap limit for the amount of credits a player is allowed to have in general, that's fine. But punishing players with IRL compensation to get back their virtual goods that were earned the right way in the first place is absurd and exploitation. I understand the ends for what the cartel market brings to the company but this is absolutely ridiculous.


As it currently stands, it would cost me more than $100 to get back all of my credits from my "escrow".

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It would cost you $15 to get back all of your credits from escrow.


lol, funny but true. also you could use someones link, get a week free, then move all your credits to your legacy bank.

This keeps your credits out of escrow, but limits what you can spend, although, that's changing soon too.

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I'm getting charged to get MY credits out of my escrow because I let my subscription go. How are you going to charge me real money because I went over the "limit" for the amount of credits I am allowed to have?

They aren't *your* credits. Read the EULA and Terms and Conditions carefully. It all belongs to BioWare.


And it's not because you let your subscription go. It's because you didn't re-subscribe.


As for how they are going to charge you money, well, in the immortal words of Tommy Cooper, "Jus' like that!"

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