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Can someone help me understand Conquest points?


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So far this evening, my monoguild(1) has the following statistics:

* Eltera'inskis: 11834

* Chankara Heltick: 6255


Total: 20651


So, 11834+6255=20651. I don't know in which universe this makes sense, but ...


Hint: I though that 11834+6255=18089...


(1) It's not, pedantically speaking, a monoguild, but the most recent login from a character not on one of my accounts was ... huh, four hours ago ... but he didn't get any points. Aside from that, 259 days. (Last time I looked, he hadn't logged in for more than two months.) In any event, it might as well be a monoguild.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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You have to get 15k conquest points on a single toon to complete conquest. You can't get some points on one, and other points on another. Once you complete it, it is legacy, you can't complete anymore conquest. They "fixed" that :mad:

Yes, I know all that. Why do the numbers not add up correctly?

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You have to get 15k conquest points on a single toon to complete conquest. You can't get some points on one, and other points on another. Once you complete it, it is legacy, you can't complete anymore conquest. They "fixed" that :mad:


I don't think you understand the issue. The issue is that the total conquest points that are being displayed for the guild do not equal the amount of conquest points when he totals up the only two characters in the guild who actually have conquest points. That they're both on his account is irrelevant.

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Did you invade a planet? I believe you get a 15% boost to the guild total after you invade. Though if I'm calculating correctly, a 15% boost would give you 20,802 points, so maybe something else is going on.
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Did you invade a planet? I believe you get a 15% boost to the guild total after you invade. Though if I'm calculating correctly, a 15% boost would give you 20,802 points, so maybe something else is going on.

Ah, bingo. Invasion was the first thing I did when I logged in. Although as you say, the numbers still don't add up even then. Might be rounding errors or something silly like that. A lot of those conquest points were very small amounts from Crysfangs and googah Gormaks on Voss.

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Ah, bingo. Invasion was the first thing I did when I logged in. Although as you say, the numbers still don't add up even then. Might be rounding errors or something silly like that. A lot of those conquest points were very small amounts from Crysfangs and googah Gormaks on Voss.


I'm guessing oddities in the calculation. Maybe the invasion bonus isn't applying to all conquest points from all sources.

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I'm guessing oddities in the calculation. Maybe the invasion bonus isn't applying to all conquest points from all sources.


That's entirely possible. The 15% might apply to the conquest specific goals...rampage kill targets, pvp matches, etc and not applying to the new xp based sources.


I can test this with my pub guild.

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So some quick math here based on 1 character after choosing ziost as an invasion taget with my pub side guild.


*This guild has no guild perks of any kind.*


Starting at zero conquest points (with 150% stronghold bonus)


First heroic - Jungle Flight on Belsavis. Can be a zero kill heroic if you follow someone else in who cleared the mobs, or are on a stealther (I wasn't)

There were only a few mobs to kill.

20 conquest points to reach the target from the mobs in the cave. that equaled 21 conquest points in the guild tab.

625 personal conquest points completing the mission. That made 718 conquest points for the guild. (a 15% bonus)


After the first heroic.....645 Personal and 739 Guild


2nd Heroic on Balmorra - Industrial Sabatoge (also CAN be a zero kill heroic)

39 personal points in kills 41 guild points

625 Heroic completion points 718 guild points

1375 Balmorra mission points 1583 guild points




It seems that the npc kills, the individual points per kill have a 5% bonus when moved to the guild column. The xp/conquest points from "mission completions" have a 15%


Which, I believe, was stated at some point over the last couple weeks.




The TLDR version:

The number of kills per each toon was most likely different compared to the "mission completions"

100 kills on toon A and 2 missions is a different % balance than 350 kills and 3 missions on toon B.


Thus, you can't add both toons' totals together and expect the same math/%

Edited by Darevsool
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What is it now with the trillion conquest points you get ?? I do not understand the meaning behind it. It's nice that you only need an hour to reach your personal conquest goal. But you can overdo it too.
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