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Idea - Use 1 character for all storylines


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My idea would be to use 1 character. Allow the user to pick which story line they would like to complete, but let them use the character they create with any weapon they choose. They can still pick what class they want to be, but let the user decide on what represents them the best, and allow them to complete all story lines whether they are republic or empire.


This will also allow the user to promote through the ranks faster rather than starting over every time with a new created character just because they need to finish all 8 story lines in order to become get legendary status. There are characters in the game I don't like and don't want to play, but I don't have a choice if I want to get legendary status.


Just suggesting to allow more flexibility. Let the users be who they are and enjoy all aspects of the game rather than having to be someone you may not like to get the benefits of completing all of the stories.


I've been playing SWTOR since 2012 and I love this game. I just wanted to pass on the idea to add more flexibility.

Edited by Wrijul
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Are you seriously suggesting a system that would let me run the Inquisitor story as a Commando? What exactly would happen when Zash gives me the lightsabre she had as an apprentice? Or when a certain, rather insubstantial, person remarks on having woken up because I picked up my lightsabre, and my character turns his Honking Big Gun over in his hands?


No, I think this idea is pretty much a total non-starter. It's not like you have to play more than just the eight class stories up to being sent to Ilum in order to get Legendary Player (and it's not like Legendary Player means anything anyway).

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Naturally there would be a little tweaking. Its already done when you are getting ready to go against Arcan. You don't manufacture a new gun when you meet Satel and Darth Marr, but that is what you have at the end. Legendary is just one of goals you can achieve as part of your legacy. Maybe they would give you something else from Zash, maybe a rare item, who knows. Maybe trainers would be general instead of just one class and would give you what you need based on your character... Anyway, it was an idea for users to explore other stories without having to create a new character to do so.
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Naturally there would be a little tweaking. Its already done when you are getting ready to go against Arcan. You don't manufacture a new gun when you meet Satel and Darth Marr, but that is what you have at the end. Legendary is just one of goals you can achieve as part of your legacy. Maybe they would give you something else from Zash, maybe a rare item, who knows. Maybe trainers would be general instead of just one class and would give you what you need based on your character... Anyway, it was an idea for users to explore other stories without having to create a new character to do so.


If I recall that cutscene correctly, you do put together a new gun if you're a gun using class.

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If I recall that cutscene correctly, you do put together a new gun if you're a gun using class.


That is correct (unless they've changed the cutscene since the last time I played through it on a vanguard several months ago).

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