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A plea for Kira Carsen to return in Onslaught or sooner

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One thing I don't get is how many of you on here realize how busy Laura Bailey is? She doesn't exclusively only do voice acting for SWTOR. Not to mention that she has her own personal life. Take a minute and look at the list of cartoons, animes, video games, etc. and then tell me that she isn't busy. I know none of you are saying she isn't, but voice actors can be just as busy (if not more) than actual actors. Want to see what she's been up to, check her out on IMDb


The makers of this game ought to have found a backup voice actress (I'm sure there are those out there that can come at least close to her voice) by now and if not then accept how things are. One of the latest posts I've seen in regards to getting Kira back is a mission that will be for the new expansion; no details were given.




****BTW- if you look at the posted link, it shows all the voice acting she's been credited to (459), not to mention those things that are in Post-production. ****SWTOR's Kira Carsen is not mentioned in that list**** (other than the first and only mention of her credit to voice acting Kira Carsen/Captain Faro in 2015; she hasn't done any for SWTOR since)

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You know what I love? I love this thread. Why do I love this thread?


Because of this thread is emblematic of players who think they know exactly what's going on, and yet don't have a clue.


What do I mean?


Well we have all this concern over the availability of the voice actor for Kira. We even have some defending how busy the voice actor must be.


Yet recently the voice actor herself said she did some voice over work for SWTOR, just not for the character of Kira.


She said like all of us she's waiting to get the call to do that character again but in the meantime she has done recent Voice work for SWTOR.


So another words these people defending her busy schedule have no idea what they're talking about because she already has done voice over work for the game LOL.


And that is why I love this place and love this thread. Because it's emblematic of how everyone thinks they are an expert and yet know absolutely nothing. And yes I'll even include myself it at times with that statement.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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It's been years now. She's the most popular companion as far as I know. She's certainly my favorite. Last I checked, my subscription runs out in 7 days, so I might not be able to reply later on. But I just wanted to get this out there. Because you know, a great reunion between the Jedi Knight and romanced Kira would get me to sub again. ;)


I hate her. Never use her on my knights, get rid of her as soon as I can.

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I hate her. Never use her on my knights, get rid of her as soon as I can.


Here is an example of the golden rule of MMOs and/or the internet...


If someone publicly says X is the best or they like X the best, someone else will feel obligated to publicly say X is the worst or they hate X.


Nobody bothers to justify these opinions, so both sides are equally wrong.

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I think them moving away from Zakuul and back onto Rep vs Imp cause them to have to readjust where to fit kira and the rest of the missing comps. In the datamining for post kotet we were suppose to meet Kira and Scourge together on the planet where I think TFB takes place cause they were there to destroy the emperor's real body. Could even romance Scourge. Obv this has now been cut.
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You know what I love? I love this thread. Why do I love this thread?


Because of this thread is emblematic of players who think they know exactly what's going on, and yet don't have a clue.


What do I mean?


Well we have all this concern over the availability of the voice actor for Kira. We even have some defending how busy the voice actor must be.


Yet recently the voice actor herself said she did some voice over work for SWTOR, just not for the character of Kira.


She said like all of us she's waiting to get the call to do that character again but in the meantime she has done recent Voice work for SWTOR.


So another words these people defending her busy schedule have no idea what they're talking about because she already has done voice over work for the game LOL.


And that is why I love this place and love this thread. Because it's emblematic of how everyone thinks they are an expert and yet know absolutely nothing. And yes I'll even include myself it at times with that statement.


Yeah, you can tell that Darth Krovos (for example) is her voice.

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Yup. Hence my amusement at the wasted rationalizing...


Nailed it !!

IMO... It's all about WHEN the "team" decides to bring her back .. to what degree.. and the role they have in mind for the next step in the game.


I'd love to be able to listen in on some of their meetings discussing this !


What a hoot !

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The other serious flaw in the "the VA can / cannot do it" reasoning is that it assumes that there is just one VA involved, which isn't true. There are *three* for every player or non-player character that speaks Basic. (Caveat: in this analysis, "male Warrior" and "female Warrior" are different player characters.)


Three? One speaks English, one speaks French, and the other speaks German. "Omi Topi" sounds the same in all three localisations, but "Some elaboration is required" does not.


No, I think the key point was mentioned before the thread was necroed: it's a writing thing, not a VA thing.

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The other serious flaw in the "the VA can / cannot do it" reasoning is that it assumes that there is just one VA involved, which isn't true. There are *three* for every player or non-player character that speaks Basic. (Caveat: in this analysis, "male Warrior" and "female Warrior" are different player characters.)


Three? One speaks English, one speaks French, and the other speaks German. "Omi Topi" sounds the same in all three localisations, but "Some elaboration is required" does not.


No, I think the key point was mentioned before the thread was necroed: it's a writing thing, not a VA thing.


You know what's funny.. We tend to forget the "rest of the story" ... Others who are involved in the overall scheme of things. Very good... very solid point!


On another (related) thought:


This also brings to the forefront one question that many have asked: Why were Kira and Scourge not used in a powerful way to help the Outlander bring an end to the emperor once and for all ??

Hmmm ... Perhaps there is another good answer to be revealed. I know a lot of negative responses have been vocalized thus far. But in my mind ... I can't help but to wonder if this has been the one thing held back to help get things back on track..


You have to admit this could be a good opportunity for everyone !


Call me a dreamer if you like ... BUT I prefer to think of the possibilities that are available !!

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This also brings to the forefront one question that many have asked: Why were Kira and Scourge not used in a powerful way to help the Outlander bring an end to the emperor once and for all ??

Hmmm ... Perhaps there is another good answer to be revealed.

I used to feel that way. Then I watched a stream where Charles talked about trying to find the right reasons/story to get Tharan and Zenith back, and it felt like a shock of ice-cold water waking me from a hazy dream. That moment, it dawned on me that they hadn't worked out and decided what every companion's story and return would be like before taking them away. I just cannot understand that. Even allowing that plans changed with the severe shortening of the Zakuul story arc, why couldn't old plans be adapted to a new situation? Why take away beloved companions that we played alongside for years, without having decided how to return them? :(

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I used to feel that way. Then I watched a stream where Charles talked about trying to find the right reasons/story to get Tharan and Zenith back, and it felt like a shock of ice-cold water waking me from a hazy dream. That moment, it dawned on me that they hadn't worked out and decided what every companion's story and return would be like before taking them away. I just cannot understand that. Even allowing that plans changed with the severe shortening of the Zakuul story arc, why couldn't old plans be adapted to a new situation? Why take away beloved companions that we played alongside for years, without having decided how to return them? :(

You may be reading too much into what Charles said. It's entirely possible (and compatible with his words) to think, as you sort of implied, that when they shortened the Zakuul arc, they had to remove already-planned returns. The key question, though, is when they decided to shorten the arc.


If it was after KotFE was released, and the decision was done as a reaction to the players' collective reactions to KotFE and its delivery mechanism, then it's easy to see how they could have ended up deleting the story elements that would have contained those returns.


And if that's the way it went, then of course they have to find good ways to return them, and of course they can't use the previously-written elements.

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I used to feel that way. Then I watched a stream where Charles talked about trying to find the right reasons/story to get Tharan and Zenith back, and it felt like a shock of ice-cold water waking me from a hazy dream. That moment, it dawned on me that they hadn't worked out and decided what every companion's story and return would be like before taking them away. I just cannot understand that. Even allowing that plans changed with the severe shortening of the Zakuul story arc, why couldn't old plans be adapted to a new situation? Why take away beloved companions that we played alongside for years, without having decided how to return them? :(


Its things like that (and the hamfisted explanations of trying to retcon the Valkorion Emperor to the Vitiate Emperor) that lead me to believe Charles isn't a very good writer - not at all very creative.


Then again, if he is responsible for Ossus, I may have to eat those words - Ossus was pretty damn good from a writing standpoint. It's just that there is a lot of lazy writing that happened with KorFE and KotET and a lot of disrespect in the writing towards the original class stories there, so it will take more than Ossus to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Hopefully Onslaught will deliver - but I don't have my hopes up.

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The other serious flaw in the "the VA can / cannot do it" reasoning is that it assumes that there is just one VA involved, which isn't true. There are *three* for every player or non-player character that speaks Basic. (Caveat: in this analysis, "male Warrior" and "female Warrior" are different player characters.)


Three? One speaks English, one speaks French, and the other speaks German. "Omi Topi" sounds the same in all three localisations, but "Some elaboration is required" does not.


No, I think the key point was mentioned before the thread was necroed: it's a writing thing, not a VA thing.


Mon dieu! Zut alors! We must find out if the French and German VA of Kira also got pregnant or have otherwise busy careers! It's a global conspiracy to deprive us of this beloved companion, I tells ya. Exprimer le choc! Merde!

Its things like that (and the hamfisted explanations of trying to retcon the Valkorion Emperor to the Vitiate Emperor) that lead me to believe Charles isn't a very good writer - not at all very creative.


Then again, if he is responsible for Ossus, I may have to eat those words - Ossus was pretty damn good from a writing standpoint. It's just that there is a lot of lazy writing that happened with KorFE and KotET and a lot of disrespect in the writing towards the original class stories there, so it will take more than Ossus to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Hopefully Onslaught will deliver - but I don't have my hopes up.


That's probably why Scourge hasn't returned; Charles Boyd haven't figured out how to do his romance yet. Yep, what can you do with the emotionally-unavailable red daddy anyway? Probably way too much for just one scene.

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Its things like that (and the hamfisted explanations of trying to retcon the Valkorion Emperor to the Vitiate Emperor) that lead me to believe Charles isn't a very good writer - not at all very creative.


Then again, if he is responsible for Ossus, I may have to eat those words - Ossus was pretty damn good from a writing standpoint. It's just that there is a lot of lazy writing that happened with KorFE and KotET and a lot of disrespect in the writing towards the original class stories there, so it will take more than Ossus to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Hopefully Onslaught will deliver - but I don't have my hopes up.


Ummm I'm not trying to start something.. but this insistent push to condemn KotFE / ET is pointless. IMO ... it was not mismanagement nor a disrespect to the original stories. A lot of us like the two deviations better than SOME of the original stories (at least for the light side). Many of the companions were just obnoxious (truthfully). I am thankful for the new stories and the new companions. I just hope we are not "driven" to decide that we really want Tau (for example) as our next Lana replacement. Tau is a great contact point ... but to be perfectly honest I would prefer to not have to spend entire episodes with her only at my side . This is my only complaint about Ossus. And IMO it is a valid one.


The return of Kira and Scourge in a "meaningful way" IMO... is a lot more about how we play the game and not just a couple of ghost figures that pop in for a quick two minute ...

Kira, "Howdy... sorry we missed out on 6 + years of the time line "

Commander... " No big deal.... it's cool !"

Kira.. "You sure..?''

Commander... " Yeah it's all good !"

Both high 5 to each other in a brief celebration that leads to Kira walking away never being seen again.... only to receive an e-mail from time to time expressing her "true love and appreciation for everything"



UGH !!!!


The writers did a great job in bringing things full circle. Now it's time to move forward.


Do we have reason to be concerned.. Short answer: Yes.


Only because it's been so long. And a number of the reunions have in fact been sadly disappointing. But don't loose sight of some of the good things in the process.


One thing is for certain.. A great deal is riding on 6.0 No question about it !


EDIT... one of the things that was a positive note that proves that BW team can do it when they want to... Hearts and Minds. That IMO was well done !

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Yeah I would expect Kira and Scourge would have had a more relevant onscreen role in the defeat of Valkorion if Bioware had been able to complete their plans for the Knights of trilogy.


It's unfortunate, but the game does suggest that they still may have played a part in his downfall, and Charles even said that his idea for where Scourge and Kira have been is directly related to the Jedi Knight storyline, so hopefully they can still be tied into Valkorion's defeat. If we are lucky, it may even help explain the jarring transition from Vitiate to Valkorion a little better.

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Know what makes the most sense?


Kira and Scourge are frozen in carbonite. Stuck in one of Arcann's vaults.


Can even have a scene if you spared Arcann as a jedi knight that you are looking at an old holo of them when Arcann comes in the room, you tell Arcann that you are looking at a holo of some old companions, wondering where they were and what they were up to, and Arcann's eyes go wide and he recognizes them as a couple of other "trophies" he had when he was emperor, which leads to a rescue operation back on Zakuul to free them. If you killed Arcann, maybe T7 pulls through and says he found them when looking at an asset list of one of Arcann's old storehouses.


It would explain the absence.

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