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i got a very cool idea for the class changes.


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So, i feel like the dark and light side is a cool concept for the story aspect,


but for the playstyle i dont feel like it change much


so my IDEA is ..if your going towards the dark side as a jedi, or republic character, you will learn abilities from the dark side of the force, choke, lighting, and mabye others, replacing them with ur other abilities,


and same for sith, if we go to the light side we gain abilities from the light side, mind trick and other cool spells



i would also love if my sith sorcerer could choke someone or push them , basicly giving us more freedom to play our character the way we want, like kotor did, or even make our companions into aprentice of the light or dark side, or what not :)

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i would also love if my sith sorcerer could choke someone or push them , basicly giving us more freedom to play our character the way we want, like kotor did, or even make our companions into aprentice of the light or dark side, or what not :)

This isn't a single-player RPG, but a MMORPG. Any significant class change will have to be considered carefully, as it'll affect more than just you. What you're talking about will require a revamp of the current ability system, and I don't see it happening as of now.

As for affecting the alignment of companions, it was already implemented in game where it made sense. For example, Jaesa.

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They’re kind of doing a semi-revamp with the new tactical slot. That’s actually more than I expected them to do at this stage. While SWTOR still makes good money it’s nowhere near what EA predicted it would be at and since their greed is even more powerful than Valkorian I can’t see them investing any significant capital into a rework of that caliber.


As much as we all love the game, this is simply a petty cash flow for EA to use for other investments, same as the madden and FIFA series. Nothing improves, but you’d better believe that cash shop will continue to put out overpriced items....

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It could work, technically, but would require a lot of work. Basically it would activate the opposite factions skill set, depending on the players alignment for their character, but: The wrinkle in that idea would revolve players who play with a Grey alignment, which hypothetically speaking, would mean pulling from both skill sets. Edited by ZeroTypeR
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As for affecting the alignment of companions, it was already implemented in game where it made sense. For example, Jaesa.

Arguably it would have made sense for Ashara as well, except that they didn't do that. Ashara clings more tightly to her defunct Jedi nature than LSJ ever did, but there are clear hooks in the acquisition story that would have allowed for a DSA/LSA split.

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