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Jedi Sentinel Early Bloomer


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For some reason I'm beginning to think that I'm progressing in the story mood rather quickly mainly, because on the Tarnis mission I notice many Jedi Sentinels doing the same mission as me tend to me around the lvl 14 and 15 area. What I assume is, either I'm making quick progress or my peers are making slow progress. At one point while I was playing the game I remember fighting the Flesh Raider with the light saber and it toke me forever trying to beat him, it was so difficult at my lvl at the time that I had to party up to defeat him, the same thing also happened when I had to fight Master O's former padawan. Since I'm on the Tarnis mission I assume when I face him I will have a pretty hard time trying to defeat him. (Atm I'm lvl 12) Currently, what I have in mind is, lvling up to get stronger then continuing the mission or simply partying up to defeat Tarnis (I have not faced Tarnis yet but I know I'm getting close). So for those who are experienced Jedi Sentinels what do you guys have to say? Your info and help is greatly appreciated.
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Yeah, it sounds like you are way underleveled.

I was 10 when I reached the Forge on Tython and then taking down the apprentice and the Forge Beast cost T7 his life but not me.

I can't remember what I was by the time I got to Tarnis on Coruscant, but I know it was A LOT higher than 12. I hit level 12 after finishing Tython and running one or two times on Esseles.


I'd definitely stop and level some - but if you're doing sidequests and general fighting while running around (not grinding, just enough to get you where you need to be going), you should be well above that anyway.


The story-driven content through Taris (which I just finished), isn't terribly hard, but then again I think I'm over-leveled compared to a lot of people running through the same quests because I probably fight more mobs and do more space missions than most people.

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I dont think I left coursant till level 14-15. If you press L to bring up your quests and look at your class quest it will also mention in its description what level it is. Ideall you want to be one level on either side of that number. Taris quests are probably 15ish to start. Edited by tk-fourtwentyone
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Haha, I'm the exact opposite. I'm level 23 and still on Taris (not Tarnis). I did like 3 or 4 Essels runs as soon as I got to the Republic Fleet, then I did some PvP and then I did like 3 Hammer Station runs. I also do every single quest and Heroic available before moving on. Doing a bunch of space combat missions after getting my ship didn't help matters either. Everyone is going to eventually be at 50, what's the point to rush through the content? Enjoy Bioware's masterpiece, you're paying good money for it. Edited by PantsOn
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