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Fast Respec and gearing for off-specs.


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Could we please have a faster way to respec, some kind of saved quickbar so we don't have to constantly reorganize the UI and rotation when filling a "role in need" shortage? As it stands we have to swap roles a lot more than we used to do what with killing WBs and groupfinder missions being so popular now, but changing between specs is getting laborious and annoying.


In addition could we get some kind of way, such as a check box with GC, that allows us to gear for an offspec? When a player has achieved full end game gold gear, but changes spec a lot for whatever reason maybe to fulfill a "role in need" shortage, passively obtaining better gear for that offspec would allow someone to get full gold without staying in that offspec, or restarting the gear grind.


Out of all the quality of life changes the game could see, I think this is at the top of many peoples list.

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