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Get rid of unranked


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The issue with the rishi stronghold is that you can’t really get cxp or unassembled components from it. You’re right though, if there was a practice arena queue I would not touch regs lol


you don't need the rishi stronghold. you get 2 groups of four and issue a "guild challenge."


you can also do this with 8 player teams on the larger maps, but that's outside your interest. just mentioning it for completion sake.


I'm in a PvE casual guild with a few ace PvPers from the 8v8 days. they don't play at all or very rarely (usually drunk). well, we grouped up for kickball group ranked and played a couple games -- we all tried, but the teams were designed to be balanced. after two games, ppl were tired and most went to bed. the next day, someone found out about the guild challenge thing. it's really cool. a few of use felt bad about using the grp Q but there's no way we were dumping 4-6 out of 8 guildies into ranked of any format. it was a blast.


the only down side, as slimeydoom mentioned, is that you also cannot collect cxp or anything in guild challenges. but you DO get to practice against properly balanced/role-balanced teams on the actual arena maps. that's pretty cool. the only other time you can do anything like that is during preseason of ranked, and that prevents anyone from dipping their feet into the water.

Edited by foxmob
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