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The Colicoid Queen


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The (somewhat thin, mostly unexplained) premise is that Malorra needed a sturdier hive queen to birth an army of geonosians. There's a codex entry after you beat her. Personally, I think a level designer used the wrong model, and they had to adjust. I have this entire inner monologue of Charles Boyd checking out MattP's work and going "Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah. That's a colicoid, not a geo queen!" :D


It doesn't bother me like it used to. If you look up geonosian queen on wookiepedia, you'll see how small she actually is. So it seems plausible. Colicoids are cooler than geonosians anyway. They are very Starship Troopery

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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The (somewhat thin, mostly unexplained) premise is that Malorra needed a sturdier hive queen to birth an army of geonosians. There's a codex entry after you beat her. Personally, I think a level designer used the wrong model, and they had to adjust. I have this entire inner monologue of Charles Boyd checking out MattP's work and going "Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah. That's a colicoid, not a geo queen!" :D


It doesn't bother me like it used to. If you look up geonosian queen on wookiepedia, you'll see how small she actually is. So it seems plausible. Colicoids are cooler than geonosians anyway. They are very Starship Troopery


Yeah, the codex entry sort of makes sense but it's clearly just an excuse to use a Colicoid model... can't say I fully blame them since the Queen isn't exactly operation material.

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They should have used Colicoids on Ossus. :rak_03: Maybe Malora feels bad from watching her fellow imps slaughter these creatures on Balmorra so she's moved them to a new 'safe' location.


This would actually make perfect sense. One of the daily heroics on Balmora allows you to actually speak with a Colicoid leader, who is sorry that the scientists had stopped experimenting on them. He gladly hands over all the data on the project to the Empire. It would be an easy jump from that to new experiments on Ossus with imported subjects.

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