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252 Worse than 248?


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Played a whack of ranked last week on my sorc using command crate gear up to 248....finally had enough crystals/reputation to buy 252 armour/weapon/offhand and an earpiece from ossus this week and added augs to those parts.


Getting absolutely pwned in ranked this week....like killed right out of the gate if there's no tank guard.


Is the 252 worse that the 248s? Should i just go back to the old stuff till i can affor 258s?

Edited by Sir-steve
Title stated backwards
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Played a whack of ranked last week on my sorc using command crate gear up to 248....finally had enough crystals/reputation to buy 252 armour/weapon/offhand and an earpiece from ossus this week and added augs to those parts.


Getting absolutely pwned in ranked this week....like killed right out of the gate if there's no tank guard.


Is the 252 worse that the 248s? Should i just go back to the old stuff till i can affor 258s?


i think it is similar not so much different

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consider checking out this video I created a couple months describing bolster.



if you don't have time, the basic synopsis is that 252 is the base line for bolster.


this system tries to bring lower tiered gear up to a similar stat line. (230 rated equipment tends to yield very similar stats to 252).


This system also tries to bring 228 augments more closer to the stats of 236/240 augments.

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Gear has nothing do with exploding in ranked :p


Actually the easiest way to gear up right now is with 230 + 258MH. The 230 gear bolster better than 248, but not by much. Use crit augments in 230 gear to reach correct stat balance. The only problem with this is perception, as you will look "weak" and might be targeted first.

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Gear has nothing do with exploding in ranked :p


Actually the easiest way to gear up right now is with 230 + 258MH. The 230 gear bolster better than 248, but not by much. Use crit augments in 230 gear to reach correct stat balance. The only problem with this is perception, as you will look "weak" and might be targeted first.


Do you have solid proof for that? Experimenting with Bolster had different result for me: all purple gear up to 252 are equivalent, all legendary gear are bolstered higher overall than purple up to 246. Armor rating is not bolstered. 230 purple gear is fine for ranked, use augments to balance gear (override default stats for bolstered augment slots). Mixing tiers in a given slot is a bad idea. Mainhand is indeed top priority, at least 5% increase in damage.

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Well at least not with any "serious" mindset right now. Season 9 was my one and only focused season, and unless 6.0 brings a lot of changes it will also be my last.


Safe to say I don't take it overly seriously, but I do enjoy it. I don't mind getting my share of whoopings.....but man, the hate you get from other solo ranked players when you die fast as the medic. "OMG they're win trading, report, report".


Thanks for the insights on gear folks, I'll play around with my purples/yellows a bit more to see if that helps.

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Safe to say I don't take it overly seriously, but I do enjoy it. I don't mind getting my share of whoopings.....but man, the hate you get from other solo ranked players when you die fast as the medic. "OMG they're win trading, report, report".


Thanks for the insights on gear folks, I'll play around with my purples/yellows a bit more to see if that helps.


I would advice against playing certain roles if you new to ranked. Healers and tanks will often make or break such games, and you will get nothing but grief for it. As a benchmark I would say a healer should be capable of 6 - 9 khps depending on the game. Yes there are many factors that will influence this, but some healers only do 3-4k hps and it's simply not enough (most of the time).

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... As a benchmark I would say a healer should be capable of 6 - 9 khps depending on the game. Yes there are many factors that will influence this, but some healers only do 3-4k hps and it's simply not enough (most of the time).


[Edited to make it a bit less sounding like a direct attack on you Lundorff - sorry about that if you read it already :o ]


What about 5-6K healers? Or 5-7.5K healers?


I understand that, yes, healer and tanks can have big impact on a match. And yes it sucks to have a match with a healer on either side, and you know right away that the other side has some awesome, impossible to kill healer, and your side has jill-average. But, to put it bluntly, why does some other player get to decide if I should play ranked or not?


I mean, in another thread I was contributing on, I had the "okay", apparently, from one of the "regular ranked guys" who'd been in matches with me, that I was good enough to keep playing (I am in no way good - but at least I think I'm learning). Then comes a match where 2 on my team and the entire other side conspire to vote kick me and another guy by leaving one of the other 2 "us" alive long enough for the vote kick to go through (that's not entirely fair, one guy on the other side protested in my name - but didn't actually stop it). Apparently I was "bad" according to them. So bad that I should not even be playing.


So who's right? Who gets to decide who is good enough to go into ranked? That's why I don't like any of this "you have to be able to do at least xyz", because everyone's "xyz" is apparently different. Since bioware didn't set a bar beyond some token valor level, then that means to me that everyone gets in... even if we suck.


If bioware wanted an actual skill bar to enter ranked, they *could* (in theory) implement it. Make someone go to a parsing dummy and actually dps or heal against it for 10 minutes and top xyz heals per minute, or xyz dps per minute. (I swear I've played some other game that made me do this before actually going in PvP, but I can't think what it was now?) Admittedly, I don't know how they would implement a bar for tanks. Maybe have random attacks spawn on several dummies and measure their guard swap or something. But in any event, they don't.


Maybe we should vote the "ranked pvp police", and then they get to approve who gets into ranked?

Edited by Banderal
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[Edited to make it a bit less sounding like a direct attack on you Lundorff - sorry about that if you read it already :o ]


What about 5-6K healers? Or 5-7.5K healers?


I understand that, yes, healer and tanks can have big impact on a match. And yes it sucks to have a match with a healer on either side, and you know right away that the other side has some awesome, impossible to kill healer, and your side has jill-average. But, to put it bluntly, why does some other player get to decide if I should play ranked or not?


I mean, in another thread I was contributing on, I had the "okay", apparently, from one of the "regular ranked guys" who'd been in matches with me, that I was good enough to keep playing (I am in no way good - but at least I think I'm learning). Then comes a match where 2 on my team and the entire other side conspire to vote kick me and another guy by leaving one of the other 2 "us" alive long enough for the vote kick to go through (that's not entirely fair, one guy on the other side protested in my name - but didn't actually stop it). Apparently I was "bad" according to them. So bad that I should not even be playing.


So who's right? Who gets to decide who is good enough to go into ranked? That's why I don't like any of this "you have to be able to do at least xyz", because everyone's "xyz" is apparently different. Since bioware didn't set a bar beyond some token valor level, then that means to me that everyone gets in... even if we suck.


If bioware wanted an actual skill bar to enter ranked, they *could* (in theory) implement it. Make someone go to a parsing dummy and actually dps or heal against it for 10 minutes and top xyz heals per minute, or xyz dps per minute. (I swear I've played some other game that made me do this before actually going in PvP, but I can't think what it was now?) Admittedly, I don't know how they would implement a bar for tanks. Maybe have random attacks spawn on several dummies and measure their guard swap or something. But in any event, they don't.


Maybe we should vote the "ranked pvp police", and then they get to approve who gets into ranked?


I'm totally with you.


I tend to be rather curt to these players. "I will definitely stop queuing when the devs make ranked only for the 1%. Until then, buckle up because we're in for a bumpy ride!!!"


The devs appear to be attempting to increase the size of the ranked population (which is important to help with wintrading prevention) by making rewards available to ranked players of all calibers. If the same rewards were available by playing regular pvp, I'm sure more "low-quality" players would run that instead. But only ranked counts towards your daily and weekly.


When people complain about the quality of other players in "solo" ranked, it makes me laugh. There is a simple solution for the "elite." Make your own group. You know, with the leaguemates that you're trying to queue sync with?

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[Edited to make it a bit less sounding like a direct attack on you Lundorff - sorry about that if you read it already :o ]


What about 5-6K healers? Or 5-7.5K healers?


I understand that, yes, healer and tanks can have big impact on a match. And yes it sucks to have a match with a healer on either side, and you know right away that the other side has some awesome, impossible to kill healer, and your side has jill-average. But, to put it bluntly, why does some other player get to decide if I should play ranked or not?


I mean, in another thread I was contributing on, I had the "okay", apparently, from one of the "regular ranked guys" who'd been in matches with me, that I was good enough to keep playing (I am in no way good - but at least I think I'm learning). Then comes a match where 2 on my team and the entire other side conspire to vote kick me and another guy by leaving one of the other 2 "us" alive long enough for the vote kick to go through (that's not entirely fair, one guy on the other side protested in my name - but didn't actually stop it). Apparently I was "bad" according to them. So bad that I should not even be playing.


So who's right? Who gets to decide who is good enough to go into ranked? That's why I don't like any of this "you have to be able to do at least xyz", because everyone's "xyz" is apparently different. Since bioware didn't set a bar beyond some token valor level, then that means to me that everyone gets in... even if we suck.


If bioware wanted an actual skill bar to enter ranked, they *could* (in theory) implement it. Make someone go to a parsing dummy and actually dps or heal against it for 10 minutes and top xyz heals per minute, or xyz dps per minute. (I swear I've played some other game that made me do this before actually going in PvP, but I can't think what it was now?) Admittedly, I don't know how they would implement a bar for tanks. Maybe have random attacks spawn on several dummies and measure their guard swap or something. But in any event, they don't.


Maybe we should vote the "ranked pvp police", and then they get to approve who gets into ranked?


I think there's an important distinction here. Kicking people because you think they're bad is obviously terrible behavior. There is no defense for it, and it should not be happening (it's already pretty rare, but I do see it sometimes).


But I'm sure you'd agree that there is a huge difference between kicking someone and just typing "please stop queueing." The key difference is that a person does not have to do what another person typed. Your post makes it seem like regular ranked players actually can control who queues...but they can't. I don't think anyone should actually be deciding who gets to enter ranked, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to voice their opinion if they think someone doesn't belong there. Can such a suggestion often be rude, insulting, or "toxic"? Yes, but not always.


It's very rare that I tell someone not to queue, but if I see someone getting globaled in match after match, I might say something like "please stop queueing." Why? Because they are essentially ruining the games for 7 other people each time by making it a 3v4, which is extremely hard to overcome in mmo pvp. Your response might be "who are you to decide," but I'm not deciding anything; I'm just making a suggestion. It's still totally up to the person whether they want to listen to me or not.

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I think there's an important distinction here. Kicking people because you think they're bad is obviously terrible behavior. There is no defense for it, and it should not be happening (it's already pretty rare, but I do see it sometimes).


But I'm sure you'd agree that there is a huge difference between kicking someone and just typing "please stop queueing." The key difference is that a person does not have to do what another person typed. Your post makes it seem like regular ranked players actually can control who queues...but they can't. I don't think anyone should actually be deciding who gets to enter ranked, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to voice their opinion if they think someone doesn't belong there. Can such a suggestion often be rude, insulting, or "toxic"? Yes, but not always.


It's very rare that I tell someone not to queue, but if I see someone getting globaled in match after match, I might say something like "please stop queueing." Why? Because they are essentially ruining the games for 7 other people each time by making it a 3v4, which is extremely hard to overcome in mmo pvp. Your response might be "who are you to decide," but I'm not deciding anything; I'm just making a suggestion. It's still totally up to the person whether they want to listen to me or not.


A better response might be to ask them if they need some help.

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A better response might be to ask them if they need some help.


It could be, but notice that I said "getting globaled in match after match." Usually there is some effort to help, such as "make sure you save breaker for net and use barrier" or "make sure you stealth out and go heal before you die" or "you have to swap guard to the person taking damage," etc, etc. But there's only so much you can really help a person in the little time pre-match and between rounds. If the person can't take on basic advice and keeps getting globaled, well, in my opinion they don't belong in ranked.


And if by help you mean you'd want me to personally tutor them outside of ranked, I'm afraid that's not my job and I have no desire to do it. Though if someone asks nicely I'm more than willing to share gearing/utilities tips.

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