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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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Apologies. /bow


Clarification for my arguement then, I just want 2 purple colored crystals, for my sabers. They can have -10 Strenth as the stat on them, don't care.


I love the color purple. Always have.


Apology accepted. As I mentioned (I edited above a bit), I'm not a huge fan of the rainbow lightsaber effect the game is giving me currently. My reasoning is that I don't believe that non-movie lightsaber colors belong in a Star Wars game. I realize that I am in the minority and this is just my opinion.


My theory is this: Mace Windu was the only character in Star Wars who had a purple lightsaber (in the movies: The Dark Woman had one in the TCG... still, they were freaking rare). My character is not as powerful, cool, awesome as Mace Windu AND NEVER WILL BE. Therefore, I shouldn't be allowed to have a purple lightsaber (unless I undertake some EXTREME... and I mean extreme task). Since all my characters are going to be roughly equal to everybody elses, players shouldn't be able to get purple crystals (or any other weird colors) easily.


Like I said, that is just my opinion.

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I've played games since the 80's, that's why I can recognize that the gear for work model is overdone and stupid. Additionally, in this case they have lowered the amount of customization from what was available to 3 or 4 choices for the majority of the game. Sorry to break it to you, but raiding is less than 1% of the game.


There is no more reason to make color crystals 'rare' than it is to make pants rare. I don't mean specific pairs, I means pants altogether. You have other clothing, why can't ALL pants be held for raiders so they have something to work for? Your logic follows the exact same series of steps for justifying the removal of pants for all characters until level 50 when they raid.


Instead, they could stop with the crystal BS and use things like titles for raiding instead of limiting customization for 99% of the game to five or less colors for sabers and guns.


For at least the 4th time, I do not agree with the effort/reward being color crystals. It's like asking people to raid in order to have a certain hair color. It's just retarded.


My gripe is against those who beat their fists against their chests because people who do the more difficult content are rewarded with something they cannot have. It doesn't matter what it is...even if it were just a title, there would be threads on these forums complaining about how "I shouldn't have to raid to have the title Conqueror of Eternity Vault, I want my character to be named that, its customization."


So to clarify one last time -- I agree that color crystals, and customization in general, is a bad carrot to put on the stick. However, there still needs to be the carrot. And if you haven't ran after the stick, you don't get it.

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Apology accepted. As I mentioned (I edited above a bit), I'm not a huge fan of the rainbow lightsaber effect the game is giving me currently. My reasoning is that I don't believe that non-movie lightsaber colors belong in a Star Wars game. I realize that I am in the minority and this is just my opinion.


My theory is this: Mace Windu was the only character in Star Wars who had a purple lightsaber (in the movies: The Dark Woman had one in the TCG... still, they were freaking rare). My character is not as powerful, cool, awesome as Mace Windu AND NEVER WILL BE. Therefore, I shouldn't be allowed to have a purple lightsaber (unless I undertake some EXTREME... and I mean extreme task). Since all my characters are going to be roughly equal to everybody elses, players shouldn't be able to get purple crystals (or any other weird colors) easily.


Like I said, that is just my opinion.


But the problem with the (often used) "Mace Windu" arguement, there are about 10 zillion mobs running round using purple sabers, and I AM awesome enough to slaughter these mobs by the 1/2 zillions.

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Apology accepted. As I mentioned (I edited above a bit), I'm not a huge fan of the rainbow lightsaber effect the game is giving me currently. My reasoning is that I don't believe that non-movie lightsaber colors belong in a Star Wars game. I realize that I am in the minority and this is just my opinion.


My theory is this: Mace Windu was the only character in Star Wars who had a purple lightsaber (in the movies: The Dark Woman had one in the TCG... still, they were freaking rare). My character is not as powerful, cool, awesome as Mace Windu AND NEVER WILL BE. Therefore, I shouldn't be allowed to have a purple lightsaber (unless I undertake some EXTREME... and I mean extreme task). Since all my characters are going to be roughly equal to everybody elses, players shouldn't be able to get purple crystals (or any other weird colors) easily.


Like I said, that is just my opinion.


Luke brought balance to the force and had a blue saber. Players shouldn't have blue sabers at level 10.


Darth Vader had a red saber, players shouldn't have red sabers at level 10.


There are a ton of NPCs in this game that have purple sabers, get over your Mace fetish please. It has no logical bearing on SWTOR or what is already in the game.

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I won't raid or PvP here... I do that pretty much in EQ2 which is my main MMO. It gets tedious ...


Will I quit cause I can't get a purple crystal? Not really ... It would be nice to have a wide variety of colours to choose from sure, but I thought in the SW universe purple was extremely rare with red, green and blue very common.


I'm glad BioWare is looking into it, and hopefully will give more avenues to get outside of raiding and PvP, but I won't get my hopes up.






I dont raid on here either and dont really raid anymore on my main MMO, WoW.

But if i choose not to, I do so knowing that i am missing out on stuff,

But i dont expect them to change the game, or change the way something is acquired

just because I dont want to go and get it.

If i dont want to go and get it, I wont have it.

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For at least the 4th time, I do not agree with the effort/reward being color crystals. It's like asking people to raid in order to have a certain hair color. It's just retarded.


My gripe is against those who beat their fists against their chests because people who do the more difficult content are rewarded with something they cannot have. It doesn't matter what it is...even if it were just a title, there would be threads on these forums complaining about how "I shouldn't have to raid to have the title Conqueror of Eternity Vault, I want my character to be named that, its customization."


So to clarify one last time -- I agree that color crystals, and customization in general, is a bad carrot to put on the stick. However, there still needs to be the carrot. And if you haven't ran after the stick, you don't get it.


Has there ever been a complaint about titles in any game, ever? That is the one thing I have never, ever, ever, ever heard anyone complain about or ask to have a specific title avaialable for less.

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Apology accepted. As I mentioned (I edited above a bit), I'm not a huge fan of the rainbow lightsaber effect the game is giving me currently. My reasoning is that I don't believe that non-movie lightsaber colors belong in a Star Wars game. I realize that I am in the minority and this is just my opinion.


My theory is this: Mace Windu was the only character in Star Wars who had a purple lightsaber (in the movies: The Dark Woman had one in the TCG... still, they were freaking rare). My character is not as powerful, cool, awesome as Mace Windu AND NEVER WILL BE. Therefore, I shouldn't be allowed to have a purple lightsaber (unless I undertake some EXTREME... and I mean extreme task). Since all my characters are going to be roughly equal to everybody elses, players shouldn't be able to get purple crystals (or any other weird colors) easily.


Like I said, that is just my opinion.


Except for the fact that the Purple crystals are common as dirt on NPCs, especially on low level sith NPCs.


/would really like more options for color crystals for Sith. Kinda bored with red, and hate yellow and orange.

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I dont raid on here either and dont really raid anymore on my main MMO, WoW.

But if i choose not to, I do so knowing that i am missing out on stuff,

But i dont expect them to change the game, or change the way something is acquired

just because I dont want to go and get it.

If i dont want to go and get it, I wont have it.


Very simple way to make a very good point. Thank you.

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Luke brought balance to the force and had a blue saber. Players shouldn't have blue sabers at level 10.


Darth Vader had a red saber, players shouldn't have red sabers at level 10.


There are a ton of NPCs in this game that have purple sabers, get over your Mace fetish please. It has no logical bearing on SWTOR or what is already in the game.


That argument makes absolutely no sense. Blue and Red are two of THE most common lightsaber colors available. Padawans use blue and green in training all the time and most if not every Sith has a red one. That is the point... they are COMMON.


That is also my point with the Mace Windu argument; purple crystals are common in game... I do NOT think that they SHOULD be. Frankly, I don't blame you for wanting them. I told BioWare that I only wanted to see Blue, Green, Red... and RARELY purple (for a super powerful Jedi) in game. Obviously, they did not listen to me. :(

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Has there ever been a complaint about titles in any game, ever? That is the one thing I have never, ever, ever, ever heard anyone complain about or ask to have a specific title avaialable for less.


I was using it as an example.


So basically, you want the reward to be something that is so meaningless nobody could possibly get jealous. Because that's the only way it'd be fair, right?



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I dont raid on here either and dont really raid anymore on my main MMO, WoW.

But if i choose not to, I do so knowing that i am missing out on stuff,

But i dont expect them to change the game, or change the way something is acquired

just because I dont want to go and get it.

If i dont want to go and get it, I wont have it.


Brilliant post. I don't know if it impacts this current direction of the thread as much as a few pages ago, but still 100% brilliant. Wish there were more people like you.

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I dont raid on here either and dont really raid anymore on my main MMO, WoW.

But if i choose not to, I do so knowing that i am missing out on stuff,

But i dont expect them to change the game, or change the way something is acquired

just because I dont want to go and get it.

If i dont want to go and get it, I wont have it.


I'm currently lvl 36 Valor rank on my 50 Sentinel. The reason I started this PVP grind was, at the time I was under the impression pvp sabers were purple as the Empire hard cores had gotten them through PVP dailys. With my Cyan saber, I found out that purple is restricted to Empire for PVP.


I did the work, but because I chose Republic I feel hoodwinked. At least with the (incredibly lame, short sighted and inappropriate) Light Side/Dark Side color restrictions, I knew what I was getting into when I chose Republic (I hate Red).

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I was using it as an example.


So basically, you want the reward to be something that is so meaningless nobody could possibly get jealous. Because that's the only way it'd be fair, right?




No, I want a reward system that doesn't remove basic choices for the majority of the players.


There were a ton of color choices available before release.


Since the change to restrict colors and make others rare, I'm down to THREE COLOR CRYSTALS for the vast majority of the game. THAT is the problem, not because of specific colors, but because 10 colors went to THREE.


I didn't give a crap about the black/color combinations, I was happy to hear that there were some ridiculous things for raiders since they flock to ugly like a hutt to a couch. I didn't care about rainbow pulsing colors.


I wanted the opportunity to make my own colors as I leveled for variety, but all I got was red/yellow/dark yellow(orange) to remind me that stroking raiders egos and pandering to players who don't understand that 'uncommon' doesn't mean 'never' by restricting my giant neon tube.

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Brilliant post. I don't know if it impacts this current direction of the thread as much as a few pages ago, but still 100% brilliant. Wish there were more people like you.


See, I'm a KOTOR veteran. I remeber the massive # of color crystals that they had in that game. I'd really like to see that level of customization available throughout the game. If I see a neat color blaster, I'd like to be able to slot that color into my Sabre.



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No, I want a reward system that doesn't remove basic choices for the majority of the players.


There were a ton of color choices available before release.


Since the change to restrict colors and make others rare, I'm down to THREE COLOR CRYSTALS for the vast majority of the game. THAT is the problem, not because of specific colors, but because 10 colors went to THREE.


I didn't give a crap about the black/color combinations, I was happy to hear that there were some ridiculous things for raiders since they flock to ugly like a hutt to a couch. I didn't care about rainbow pulsing colors.


I wanted the opportunity to make my own colors as I leveled for variety, but all I got was red/yellow/dark yellow(orange) to remind me that stroking raiders egos and pandering to players who don't understand that 'uncommon' doesn't mean 'never' by restricting my giant neon tube.



Okay, so we agree. Color crystals are a bad carrot.


Thats awesome. Glad we can agree. My problem isn't with you, it's with the idiots who think I shouldn't have a carrot to begin with, because its not "fair".


These are the same people who think they should be able to purchase high-level gear with real money because "they just dont have time to earn it in-game and thats not fair".

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It is not as easy as that... Even if they decide they want it in there has to be discussion on what level, what stats, what mobs would drop it.


Every level range, with stats equivalent to other color crystals at that level, via multiple convincing sources including vendors, crafters, and drops. This is not something that should be difficult, neither for them nor for us.


Ideally, of course, they would remove all stats from color crystals, have them exist for appearance customization only, and redistribute those points to the hilts/barrels, but in the meantime they can just dump a bunch of purple crystals in.

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Every level range, with stats equivalent to other color crystals at that level, via multiple convincing sources including vendors, crafters, and drops. This is not something that should be difficult, neither for them nor for us.


Ideally, of course, they would remove all stats from color crystals, have them exist for appearance customization only, and redistribute those points to the hilts/barrels, but in the meantime they can just dump a bunch of purple crystals in.


Oh, so much THIS.


That being said, I could deal if they just made some more options. (Hopefully with Purple being one of them)


I hate the Orange and Yellow and am terminally bored with Red.


Heck, mae 'em available for fleet commendations. Give me something usefull to do with my Dailies. :D

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I want color choice while leveling, not when I'm done playing that character. Most players don't want to grind level 50 for color choice. I am one of the many, many players who want choice while playing the game, and that does not include a long period of grinding at level 50.


It has nothing to do with 'rare' or jealousy, it only has to do with choice early in the game. It's just a color crystal, and match armor to chest is just a thing for looks, and going to the fleet before level 10, and wanting to use a speeder before 25, and wanting to have useful quick travel to a ship, and everything else that makes the game less tedious and more enjoyable are things that raiders mock other for wanting because their only enjoyment in the game is gear and stuff other people doesn't have.


My jaw dropped about halfway through your paragraph. I'm sorry, but if you want a game with those things, you should be playing a console single player game. Your list is not of things "raiders" mock others about, you seem to have a mentality that you never even intend to get to level 50.

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I'm not going to drob my sub over this but I'm baffled as to why BW went with this kind of decision.


As a republic player I have access to blue, green, yellow and orange if I work hard for it throughout the leveling process. I think Cyan is available at level cap. One of the things that made KOTOR so great was the huge pool of lightsaber colors you had to choose from. It made your Jedi feel more unique and special. BW decided to restrict this aspect of the game for reasons I can't even begin to understand. I feel even worse for people who are Sith and can only get red and orange as they level (if dark side). Seriously BW, what gives?

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