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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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Hey guys,


Thanks for the thoughtful and well articulated feedback. We're going to re-discuss this topic internally and see what we can come up with. I wouldn't expect any short term changes on this as we've got a lot of stuff in the pipe right now, but I wanted to let you know that we have taken note of the feedback given in this thread.


-- Georg


Of allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of the issues to comment on.






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To all the pruple people (eaters :p)




or here the darth hater one gives some sources...






and the full darth hater list




Your linking outdated datamined beta information. Both of those sights are so out of date, they are basically worthless and will be for another couple months.


Linking websites only causes confusion if you link them with out researching what you linked.

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This thread is sad. Next time you are at a bar walk up to a couple smokin ladies and tell them you were on a star wars forum last night whining about the fact that you cant choose a purple color in your lightsaber. You will soon realize how lame this is. I dont understand why everyone thinks they are entitled to something and no one else can have something without them having it too. This is such elementary mentality. Guess what, when everyone has something its not really that cool anymore.
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Of allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of the issues to comment on.







Oh look, someone else who doesn't bother to read the dev trackers, Q/A's, interviews, Twitters and reddit blogs that Bioware has painstakingly put forth to address pretty much every issue in the game.


Sorry you didn't get a personalized memo engraved in gold with your name on it, but move on.

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This thread is sad. Next time you are at a bar walk up to a couple smokin ladies and tell them you were on a star wars forum last night whining about the fact that you cant choose a purple color in your lightsaber. You will soon realize how lame this is. I dont understand why everyone thinks they are entitled to something and no one else can have something without them having it too. This is such elementary mentality. Guess what, when everyone has something its not really that cool anymore.


So you are one of those that think you can only be happy if you have what others do not?


Wow, thats very a elementary mentality.


I, being an adult, find happiness in the things that make ME happy, and do not care if it also makes others happy. Thats why adults rule the world and kids do not.

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So you are one of those that think you can only be happy if you have what others do not?


Wow, thats very a elementary mentality.


I, being an adult, find happiness in the things that make ME happy, and do not care if it also makes others happy. Thats why adults rule the world and kids do not.


You're being condescending. It's more to do with a sense of accomplishment. Nobody feels a sense of accomplishment graduating grade school, because everybody can do that. Graduate college and you're ecstatic, though.


Why? Because you put time and effort into being the best you could and were rewarded for it. There's nothing immature about that, it's human nature. We aspire to be personally better yet at the same time we require outside validation of having reached that goal.


You're basically telling somebody that they're being immature because they don't think people who don't work for it should have a Lamborghini. Guess what, only the very wealthy or very rich get that Lamborghini, and usually its because they put in the time and effort to put themselves in a position to afford it.

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Oh look, someone else who doesn't bother to read the dev trackers, Q/A's, interviews, Twitters and reddit blogs that Bioware has painstakingly put forth to address pretty much every issue in the game.


Sorry you didn't get a personalized memo engraved in gold with your name on it, but move on.


You think I wanted something... for myself? Does not compute.


I have seen Zoeller comment on the forums... twice maybe? Three or four times MAX.


There is a *********** laundry list of things that are seriously wrong with this game... let's take 20 seconds and see how many we can list:


- faction imbalance

- combat/animation issues

- horrible AH

- biochem extremely overpowered

- related to the above: stacking consumables results in insane burst damage > 8k crits

- other tradeskills basically useless

- groups dissolve after pvp

- when trying to access hard modes, players on different quests/chains make actually entering the zone a nightmare

- pvp gear RNG is atrocious game design

- ilum is utterly non competitive





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You're being condescending. It's more to do with a sense of accomplishment. Nobody feels a sense of accomplishment graduating grade school, because everybody can do that. Graduate college and you're ecstatic, though.


Why? Because you put time and effort into being the best you could and were rewarded for it. There's nothing immature about that, it's human nature. We aspire to be personally better yet at the same time we require outside validation of having reached that goal.


You're basically telling somebody that they're being immature because they don't think people who don't work for it should have a Lamborghini. Guess what, only the very wealthy or very rich get that Lamborghini, and usually its because they put in the time and effort to put themselves in a position to afford it.


I think giving someone a full set of rakata gear for soloing quests is probably over the top. Giving someone a minor cosmetic change (I'm guessing with the same stats as a typical artifice crafted gem) isn't exactly a slap in the face.


At the end of the day this is a video game. If giving someone some e-loot that otherwise has minimal impact on the game ruins people's fun then I dunno what to say.

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You're being condescending. It's more to do with a sense of accomplishment. Nobody feels a sense of accomplishment graduating grade school, because everybody can do that. Graduate college and you're ecstatic, though.


Why? Because you put time and effort into being the best you could and were rewarded for it. There's nothing immature about that, it's human nature. We aspire to be personally better yet at the same time we require outside validation of having reached that goal.


You're basically telling somebody that they're being immature because they don't think people who don't work for it should have a Lamborghini. Guess what, only the very wealthy or very rich get that Lamborghini, and usually its because they put in the time and effort to put themselves in a position to afford it.


Again, its not about work, its about restrictiing it. Its restricted to empire, wich is wrong.


I was 50 just after Christmas, completed most of the planets completely in terms of missions, and continue to maintain ahead of the vast majority of players on my server in terms of progress and gearing.


But all of this matters not....


This is a GAME.


Games != Work




BTW - People rarely "get rich". Most people simply "are" rich. The hardest workers I've met in my life are the poorest.

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You think I wanted something... for myself? Does not compute.


I have seen Zoeller comment on the forums... twice maybe? Three or four times MAX.


There is a *********** laundry list of things that are seriously wrong with this game... let's take 20 seconds and see how many we can list:


- faction imbalance

- combat/animation issues

- horrible AH

- biochem extremely overpowered

- related to the above: stacking consumables results in insane burst damage > 8k crits

- other tradeskills basically useless

- groups dissolve after pvp

- when trying to access hard modes, players on different quests/chains make actually entering the zone a nightmare

- pvp gear RNG is atrocious game design

- ilum is utterly non competitive






Wow, every single one of these has been covered on either his Blog, Stephen Reids twitter, various dev posts (look at the tracker) and the reddit blogs...


And at least half of this list is fixed in the very next patch. Do you just not read?


Oh wait, you were waiting for that personalized memo. Gotcha.

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It's amazing how entitled raiders are, and how horrible their logic is.


Making things available doesn't make it easier. I got pants at level 1, do you know what the difference between a pair of pants is and a +1 purple crystal?


Your ego.


Do you know what separates raiders from other players?




Raiding isn't hard, but it is a time sink. Waiting until level 50 to 'earn' something isn't relevant to the discussion, player choice is. No one who is asking for crystals are asking for uber pwnage gear, they want a simple color that they see everywhere in the game available for players. It isn't complicated, there isn't a reason to limit it in any way, and the whole purple is rare BS needs to go away.


Getting something that should not have been 'hard to get' isn't being spoon fed, it is being allowed to make a choice with more than 5 basic colors during 50 levels of missions and game play. Get over yourselves, let the vast majority of the players who want some customization to have it instead of pandering to a tiny fraction of the population.


Note: I'll raid and I'll get a purple saber right when I'm done playing a character. It won't be work, it will be hey look I finally got the color I wanted, now I can roll an alt and have three color choices again, yay...


It is really infuriating when non-raiders always spout this crap about stuff shouldn't be a "time sink" and they should receive items just for logging in because they have important lives outside of the game and real jobs/relationships that they have to attend to.


As if raiders don't.


I don't get to play the game 24/7. I have a full-time job and bills to pay just like everybody else. For somebody else to come in and tell me that THEIR real-life is so much more important than mine just because they don't raid and I do is insulting.


It is exactly like every other pursuit you could be doing other than gaming. If you invest a lot of time in gaming, you'll get the best/most unique gear possible. If you invest a lot of time in painting, you're going to be a better painter and have better paintings than someone who just shows up and lazily messes around for half and hour and then goes to bed. If you invest time in writing, you're going to have a much better piece than someone who doodles in their diary for 15 minutes before bed.


In ALL those cases, the person who works harder and invests more time gets better stuff. I haven't seen one explanation in this thread that explains why that shouldn't apply to SWTOR.


And they say WE have an ego. Wow. :eek::wea_12:


Finally, to BioWare, please don't make snap decisions.


Direct feedback: Itemization adjustments should never be made with character customization in mind.

Edited by TheDetour
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Again, its not about work, its about restrictiing it. Its restricted to empire, wich is wrong.


I was 50 just after Christmas, completed most of the planets completely in terms of missions, and continue to maintain ahead of the vast majority of players on my server in terms of progress and gearing.


But all of this matters not....


This is a GAME.


Games != Work




BTW - People rarely "get rich". Most people simply "are" rich. The hardest workers I've met in my life are the poorest.


As I've said in other posts, I don't think that color crystals are the best way to 'dangle the carrot'. But my ranting is against people who think a carrot should not be dangled. Some people enjoy the 'effort' (I'll use that term instead of work) that it takes to be able to do something others cannot. Effort/Reward, this is not a new concept in any facet of life or gaming.


It is the developers responsibility to find ways to make both solo progression and raid progression equally rewarding to the player. But the current idea that "everyone should be equal no matter how much/little effort they apply" is ridiculous.


Equally appealing and rewarding does not necessarily mean "the same reward".

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So you are one of those that think you can only be happy if you have what others do not?


Wow, thats very a elementary mentality.


I, being an adult, find happiness in the things that make ME happy, and do not care if it also makes others happy. Thats why adults rule the world and kids do not.




Not quite chief. This may come as a shock, I could care less if you have a purple crystal or a brown one. If having a pretend purple crystal in your pretend lightsaber makes you happy, bottoms up buddy. What would happen to diamonds if everyone could dig one up in their backyard? What if you pulled up to a stoplight and everyone was in a Ferrari? They lose their luster.



I would also debate the fact that adults rule the world.

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You're being condescending. It's more to do with a sense of accomplishment. Nobody feels a sense of accomplishment graduating grade school, because everybody can do that. Graduate college and you're ecstatic, though.


Why? Because you put time and effort into being the best you could and were rewarded for it. There's nothing immature about that, it's human nature. We aspire to be personally better yet at the same time we require outside validation of having reached that goal.


You're basically telling somebody that they're being immature because they don't think people who don't work for it should have a Lamborghini. Guess what, only the very wealthy or very rich get that Lamborghini, and usually its because they put in the time and effort to put themselves in a position to afford it.


I don't get accomplishment from gear in a computer game. I want to play a game, and when the game has stupid rarity added to cater to players like you it is annoying.


White and purple crystals were common before Thanksgiving, they were made rare to cater to players like you who think you've accomplished something by raiding other than completing the raid. It's sad that they have limited player choice to appease players like you.

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Again, its not about work, its about restrictiing it. Its restricted to empire, wich is wrong.


I was 50 just after Christmas, completed most of the planets completely in terms of missions, and continue to maintain ahead of the vast majority of players on my server in terms of progress and gearing.


But all of this matters not....


This is a GAME.


Games != Work




BTW - People rarely "get rich". Most people simply "are" rich. The hardest workers I've met in my life are the poorest.


Putting in an effort to achieve something in a game doesn't turn the game into work.

What the f kind of logic is this?

Are you that dense and simple that it's just not possible to enjoy a game as soon as it requires some sort of skill, effort, and persistence?

If that's the case, then it also explains your belief that people rarely get rich by working hard. You think everything is just handed to people on a platter.


I am not sure why you are playing this game. There are games meant strictly for children, or strictly for casual play, like Sims Online. And those games aren't worth paying a $15 monthly fee for a reason.


Most intelligent adults want some sort of challenge and a reasonable risk/reward ratio when they are playing an MMORPG and paying $15 a month for it.

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It is really infuriating when non-raiders always spout this crap about stuff shouldn't be a "time sink" and they should receive items just for logging in because they have important lives outside of the game and real jobs/relationships that they have to attend to.


As if raiders don't.


I don't get to play the game 24/7. I have a full-time job and bills to pay just like everybody else. For somebody else to come in and tell me that THEIR real-life is so much more important than mine just because they don't raid and I do is insulting.


It is exactly like every other pursuit you could be doing other than gaming. If you invest a lot of time in gaming, you'll get the best/most unique gear possible. If you invest a lot of time in painting, you're going to be a better painter and have better paintings than someone who just shows up and lazily messes around for half and hour and then goes to bed. If you invest time in writing, you're going to have a much better piece than someone who doodles in their diary for 15 minutes before bed.


In ALL those cases, the person who works harder and invests more time gets better stuff. I haven't seen one explanation in this thread that explains why that shouldn't apply to SWTOR.


And they say WE have an ego. Wow. :eek::wea_12:


Finally, to BioWare, please don't make snap decisions.


Direct feedback: Itemization adjustments should never be made with character customization in mind.


Sentinel PVP Gear.


I just eviscerated your entire arguement. Have you seen that hideous garbage? /shiver.


Just trying to say it looks good will make vomit rise up in the back of your throat.


Secondly, your "examples" are horrendously inaccurate.


"Spending your time gaming gives you better gear" = "Painting every day gives you better paintings?" Serious?


Gaming makes you a better gamer, Painting makes you a better painter. But a gear, much like a painting, can be seen as both bad and good. Some people wouldn't give you a nickel for a piece of art, while others would give you their life savings for the same piece.


Stats are the only thing that should be adjusted via raids.

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I don't get accomplishment from gear in a computer game. I want to play a game, and when the game has stupid rarity added to cater to players like you it is annoying.


White and purple crystals were common before Thanksgiving, they were made rare to cater to players like you who think you've accomplished something by raiding other than completing the raid. It's sad that they have limited player choice to appease players like you.


You don't play a lot of video games, do you?


There has always, -always- been content that is outside of the "normal" game that offers a greater challenge, and for many many years completing this content has rewarded the player, usually with a special ending or a second playthrough with full stats or weapons, etc. Raids and end-game gear are just the translation of this concept to MMO's.


If there were no reward other than "pat yourself on the back", not many would care. Sorry, not everyone climbs the mountain just because its there. You don't either, or you wouldn't be posting in a video game forum.

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Putting in an effort to achieve something in a game doesn't turn the game into work.

What the f kind of logic is this?

Are you that dense and simple that it's just not possible to enjoy a game as soon as it requires some sort of skill, effort, and persistence?

If that's the case, then it also explains your belief that people rarely get rich by working hard. You think everything is just handed to people on a platter.


I am not sure why you are playing this game. There are games meant strictly for children, or strictly for casual play, like Sims Online. And those games aren't worth paying a $15 monthly fee for a reason.


Most intelligent adults want some sort of challenge and a reasonable risk/reward ratio when they are playing an MMORPG and paying $15 a month for it.


So your "version" of adult thinks a RNG drop from a PVP daily is a reasonable risk/reward to achieve a purple crystal colored saber, if and ONLY IF your on empire?


Hello kiddy island is that way buddy, you've proven your ready for it.

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Eviscerated my argument? What are you talking about?


What does the look of the gear have ANYTHING to do with my post?


Rare items have better stats. The purple crystal is (apparently rare). Therefore, I assume the purple crystal has better stats than all other crystals available. The premise of my argument has NEVER been based on the fact that the crystal was desirable because it was purple; it is based on the fact that the crystal has the best stats.


I don't even know how to end this post. I am bewildered beyond belief that anyone could have possibly mistaken that I was interested in the pretty colors of the crystal. The original post doesn't mention ONCE wanting the crystal because it looks nice. If we're going to get in to the color debate (which I believe is light years off topic), as far as I'm concerned, the only colors available should be Blue, Green, Red, and sometimes Purple. I'm rather annoyed at being forced to use yellows so much because the extra stats are so much easier to attain with them.


Let me clear this up for the record right now: I AM TALKING ABOUT THE STATS.



Edited by TheDetour
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Eviscerated my argument? What are you talking about?


What does the look of the gear have ANYTHING to do with my post?


Rare items have better stats. The purple crystal is (apparently rare). Therefore, I assume the purple crystal has better stats than all other crystals available. The premise of my argument has NEVER been based on the fact that the crystal was desirable because it was purple; it is based on the fact that the crystal has the best stats.


I don't even know how to end this post. I am bewildered beyond belief that anyone could have possibly mistaken that I was interested in the pretty colors of the crystal.


Let me clear this up for the record right now: I AM TALKING ABOUT THE STATS.




Apologies. /bow


Clarification for my arguement then, I just want 2 purple colored crystals, for my sabers. They can have -10 Strenth as the stat on them, don't care.


I love the color purple. Always have.

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You don't play a lot of video games, do you?


There has always, -always- been content that is outside of the "normal" game that offers a greater challenge, and for many many years completing this content has rewarded the player, usually with a special ending or a second playthrough with full stats or weapons, etc. Raids and end-game gear are just the translation of this concept to MMO's.


If there were no reward other than "pat yourself on the back", not many would care. Sorry, not everyone climbs the mountain just because its there. You don't either, or you wouldn't be posting in a video game forum.


I've played games since the 80's, that's why I can recognize that the gear for work model is overdone and stupid. Additionally, in this case they have lowered the amount of customization from what was available to 3 or 4 choices for the majority of the game. Sorry to break it to you, but raiding is less than 1% of the game.


There is no more reason to make color crystals 'rare' than it is to make pants rare. I don't mean specific pairs, I means pants altogether. You have other clothing, why can't ALL pants be held for raiders so they have something to work for? Your logic follows the exact same series of steps for justifying the removal of pants for all characters until level 50 when they raid.


Instead, they could stop with the crystal BS and use things like titles for raiding instead of limiting customization for 99% of the game to five or less colors for sabers and guns.

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So your "version" of adult thinks a RNG drop from a PVP daily is a reasonable risk/reward to achieve a purple crystal colored saber, if and ONLY IF your on empire?


Hello kiddy island is that way buddy, you've proven your ready for it.


You complaining about RNG in MMORPG?

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