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Buf/debuf pedia


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Add ingame something convenient to fast read short tips, and bigger for long reads like codex, but showing monsters skills/casts/bufs/debufs.

Because ...well, I don't like to read guides / watch videos etc. I wana to get things meself. However, it is often when ppl expect you "to know". From other side, if you tank something - u don't have time to mouse over small icons, wait while tool-tip pop (and closes, because line of buff/debuf is living, like buf expired) so it is just inconvenient.


Also above applies for 1st time kills, when no guides exists.


Witcher 3 has great "on pause" readings with hints what it do, but we could have something like big slider from right screen border with big icon & big font - "auto tooltip" when you met something 1st time. (and later can read more)

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