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Reasons NOT to allow dual specs


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Dual spec means that the content have not to be nerfed, because it can be assumed that people have better builds than (not hybrids). So, dual spec helps to ensure that the game stays challenging, because the hybrid players are the ones who cry that the game is to hard for them.
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*** is the arguement? all duel spec does is allow you to play as a dps/tank/healer etc for pve and if you want to pvp then you just switch specs and gear over and then play pvp. thats what it was intended and does in wow....same here... or if you want to heal then switch to dps you can at free will, just changing gear to match your new talent tree accordingly... none of these arguements make sense.


the only thing im getting is that for some stupid reason you were to dumb to understand how to use duel spec in WoW so you autoatically assumed its like the antichrist of easy gaming and branded it an abomination....


its called youtube/ how to use duel spec in (enter game name here)

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Dual spec means that the content have not to be nerfed, because it can be assumed that people have better builds than (not hybrids). So, dual spec helps to ensure that the game stays challenging, because the hybrid players are the ones who cry that the game is to hard for them.


THANK YOU! **** someone finally blew up the hybrids spot!

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The only healers making this an issue are the ones with no friends, or are to anti-social to group. Trust me, healers have NO problem getting into a group.



I heal, and a good friend of mine heals. So, if we want to group together, we should just have two healers all the time? Or can only one of us group with friends and the other one of us has to find a group of strangers?


I understand that I can just pay to respec. And, I do that just fine. I am just not against convenience. I don't think it ruins the game. If I'm already running around as my healer and my friend logs on, it is easier to just be able to change specs on the fly, instead of having to stop in the middle of what I'm doing and run all the way back to the "trainer" and then back to the quest area just so I can be dps.

Edited by KittyPrawn
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They want to be able to switch roles on demand. Some want roles to be more defined and consider dual specs to water that down considerably.


I think dual specs are OK. But I refuse to think that just cause wow did it that it now NEEDS to be in every MMO.


Chose a role. Stick to it for a while.


Gamer-A.D.D must die.

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What's the difference between allowing changing AC's and changing specs? To me, it's all the same. Yet, so many people think changing specs is ok and even MANDATORY, while changing AC is absolutely unacceptable.


Give my Commando a change in spec option and I can be 2 completely different characters if I wanted to. So, why not let me change my AC if I want to?


I really don't think there needs to be a dual spec option. And I just don't see why/how it would make things better (which is what so many people claim). Of course, maybe I'm biased because I enjoy playing healers and it seems to take away that uniqueness when so many more people can do what I do at the touch of a button. If I spec to heal, I want to heal and want people to know that's what I do. I don't want people saying, why don't you change to DPS since we already have a healer.


No thank you.


I was about to say what you just said here so I'll quote you in the hopes all the pro dual-spec notice.


I'm guessing some will say that it's 2 very different things. it is completely different abilities/trees/items/playstyles that apply to each AC. I'd argue that the same applies to different specs, though. While there is the obvious difference of items available, the boundary is not really well defined. People have already said you might want different items for different specs already.


To me there is no logical middle ground between pro dual-AC+spec and anti dual-AC+spec.

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OP fails. If you want tedium, go play EQ1, I hear they still have a server up.


EQ1 has been here a lot longer than SWTOR and even WoW. It's still running today with a small fan base. You don't need to poke fun at a game that withstood the test of time. I have never played WoW but I still give it credit for the fact that it has become the biggest subscription based MMO of the first decade (in Y2K).

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I want more then dual spec. I want quad spec. 1 spec for PvE healing, 2 for PvP healing, 3 for PvE DPS 4th for PvP DPS spec. I have way outgrown just having 2 specs. Get with modern times BW. Most gamers are not happy with having just one roll in the game. Most gamers have real life and are looking for 1-2 chars to fill most of their gaming needs. Dual spec is not enough today. Give us quad spec and unlock ACs already!
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I was about to say what you just said here so I'll quote you in the hopes all the pro dual-spec notice.


I'm guessing some will say that it's 2 very different things. it is completely different abilities/trees/items/playstyles that apply to each AC. I'd argue that the same applies to different specs, though. While there is the obvious difference of items available, the boundary is not really well defined. People have already said you might want different items for different specs already.


To me there is no logical middle ground between pro dual-AC+spec and anti dual-AC+spec.


You make a valid point, but I'm not against swapping AC either so don't mind me.

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EQ1 has been here a lot longer than SWTOR and even WoW. It's still running today with a small fan base. You don't need to poke fun at a game that withstood the test of time. I have never played WoW but I still give it credit for the fact that it has become the biggest subscription based MMO of the first decade (in Y2K).


EQ1 still has like 9 servers running.


At one point, I though Lineage 2 was eating WoW's lunch, but checking MMOData shows I was wrong, woah! Thanks for giving me the inspiration to look that up, very revealing.

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Coming from CoH ... it can get very expensive to equip 2 good builds on their dual spec option.


So... even the game you used as an example HAS A DUAL SPEC OPTION? And this is an argument that dual spec is bad?


If you want a PVP and PVE build ... then you're just asking for them to make the game easier so you can have one character for part of the game and one character for another part of the game.


So your stated position is that people should not be able to PVP and PVE with the same character. I don't have a source for this, but I'm fairly confident that the devs intend for people to be able to do both of those things with one character.


Just out of curiosity, does the ability to change your crew skills offend you as well? Should I be forced to make a different character if I want to get rid of slicing now?

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Here are some interesting charts plotting subscriptions of MMO's. Notice all the peaks and immediate fall offs:


Under 150K subscriptions:



Up to 1 million subscriptions:



Above 1 million subscriptions:



All, save for a few, were literal flashes in the pan. What does it take to prevent SWTOR from being a flash in the pan? I will say right now: Most the flash in the pan games submitted to the will of the playerbase and gave them what they wanted. They all went back to WoW. Just my experience.

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So your stated position is that people should not be able to PVP and PVE with the same character. I don't have a source for this, but I'm fairly confident that the devs intend for people to be able to do both of those things with one character.


Just out of curiosity, does the ability to change your crew skills offend you as well? Should I be forced to make a different character if I want to get rid of slicing now?


yes, they do intend for them to do both on one character.... with ONE SPEC.


if you want to kill off crew skills, what is required? Dump one skill, pick up the other, then level it. So, by your analogy, respeccing requires starting the character over from level 1, just like crew skills.


I think you should know I am fully on board with your style of respeccing.

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..... these posts are getting old. Dual spec, mods, macro's, and lfd tools. All will be implemented eventually. Stop complaining... its happening..... They are comfort additions. Things that make the game more enjoyable to the user, and the mass majority wants them so. Your going to have to get used to these things or just stop playing modern MMO's.
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I want more then dual spec. I want quad spec. 1 spec for PvE healing, 2 for PvP healing, 3 for PvE DPS 4th for PvP DPS spec. I have way outgrown just having 2 specs.


Have you played RIFT? They offer pretty much this. The speccing and builds are very flexible and interesting. That said,...look at the game,...did it hurt it? I don't see many people here referring to that game as a "hit".




Get with modern times BW. Most gamers are not happy with having just one roll in the game. Most gamers have real life and are looking for 1-2 chars to fill most of their gaming needs. Dual spec is not enough today. Give us quad spec and unlock ACs already!


this , on the other hand,.I totally agree with. The part about having a 'real life'.

I am not greedy though,..I'd be cool with a dual spec within the AC.




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..... these posts are getting old. Dual spec, mods, macro's, and lfd tools. All will be implemented eventually. Stop complaining... its happening..... They are comfort additions. Things that make the game more enjoyable to the user, and the mass majority wants them so. Your going to have to get used to these things or just stop playing modern MMO's.


Look at the links in my post above and you should be able to tell exactly which games gave into the demands fo the player base. They're the ones with the spikes at launch, then sub-100K subscriptions after.

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yes, they do intend for them to do both on one character.... with ONE SPEC.


Oh, so you just think that people shouldn't be able to be GOOD at both PVE and PVP. Yes, I could use one spec to be below average at both parts of the game. This is not a convincing argument.


if you want to kill off crew skills, what is required? Dump one skill, pick up the other, then level it. So, by your analogy, respeccing requires starting the character over from level 1, just like crew skills.


I think you should know I am fully on board with your style of respeccing.


I think there is a fairly obvious inequality between levelling a crew skill to 400 and levelling a character to 50. I think you are fully aware of that as well, but good try.

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Those are reasons? Most un-compelling reasons ever.


Reasons for Dual Spec: Because it makes the game more fun for people. The end.


Pretty much this. Makes the game way more fun for healers/tanks. and does not even affect other players. I am a healer, and I do like to mix things up from time to time. Makes the game last longer.

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Look at the links in my post above and you should be able to tell exactly which games gave into the demands fo the player base. They're the ones with the spikes at launch, then sub-100K subscriptions after.



lol do you really think that these additions are why those games player bases collapsed after a few months. Because that is absurd.

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I believe there is.


It's called "respec" and it's currently available in game.

Sure. I'd like an option to pay for that with a flat one time fee instead of a scaling use dependent fee. Just like I want to pay for my internet as unlimited monthly fee instead of paying by the minute.


oh wait, that's exactly the same thing as adding dual specialization...


How do you reconcile "no one wants to only be able to tank/heal" and the fact that there are those who actually do tank and heal?
Because he's using rhetoric, and actually means "only a small portion of the player base is happy with only being able to heal or tank"


not that you were actually confused about that for even a second.

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can someone explain to me how making a second character of the same AC just to heal/tank or to pvp without going broke makes the game harder(farming cash for respecs is not hard its also not fun).


It doesn't it is really irrational to raaaaage against something as nice as dual spec.

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I like the idea of dual speccing. I play a healer as my main but I DPS for PVP. When I played WoW you wouldn't see me rolling on my dps spec unless nobody wanted it. I think that whatever spec you go into a mission as is what you should roll on. Anybody that tries ganking stuff from people for their "other spec" just doesn't get heals. I'm very up front about it and I don't have an issue watching someone die or get pissed off.


I think being locked into a spec sucks. I've played everything from a ret pally to an affliction warlock in end game content and I find that having to respec between raids to get in a quick game of CTF or whatever is just stupid. My time is far more valuable than this game to me and I don't see why I should spend time farming for credits that I could spend enjoying the game.


Not to mention that I'm more likely to roll Alts if I can experience multiple facets of their game play by dual speccing. I'm sure I'm not the only one to pick a class in an MMO get up to the top and realize that the same class with XY spec is four times as powerful for raids, but nowhere near as much fun to play by yourself.

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Rift allowed for what, quad spec? Rift was proud of their talent system and encouraged players to toy around with it. Not punish them for using a pvp spec, then a healing one, then dps one, etc.


I remember rift quad spec bs so well as I played a Dominator of 3 different varieties and a 4th fire spec.


Join a group:


"Ok... switch to chloro for this boss..."

"sorry, i dont have chloro spec"



"ok we need a purge, switch to necro for this boss"

"sorry i dont have necro spec"



"why dont you have stormcaller for better dps?"

"because i prefer the usefulness of fire"



There was no real choice in that game, people who rolled wanting to play specific specs were forced into a cookie cutter molds. The only choice was "what spec best completes this encounter the easiest and fastest" and you better have that spec as a roll.


Dual roles means people who rolled scoundrels or shadows types will be playing the healing or tanking trinity vs the original dps they may have intended to be.


It does give the full healer/tankers options but at the expense of the other half who has no wish and will be expected to fulfill such roles.

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