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The Secret to Fewer Public Forum Complaints


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Get people playing again.


That's it. Simple, right? If we're playing the game, we're not here griping about why we're not playing the game. Until 5.10.1, I was playing this game like it's my job. Then I found out you broke companions so badly that I don't even want to log in and find out if I'm going to get hit by this issue. Now I've got hours every single day to come here and pile on to whatever grievances with which I agree.


Every player has a red line. You cross it, and that person stops playing. That person will probably still have some subscription time left, so there's nothing better than to come here and tell you how you're losing their business and generally sowing a bit of discord for anyone that feels even remotely the same way.


Want to get people playing? Here are some tips:



  • Produce a list of consistent design principles -- a philosophy around which the game will be designed -- and don't deviate from them.
  • Create an environment in which players of all content types are respected.
  • Test your patches before releasing them! Seriously, this one is killing you guys. Lately, every patch creates more problems than it solves.
  • Communicate more. There should be a daily briefing addressing players' concerns.


It's really not that hard. Fundamentals, people. Fundamentals.


I could be playing right now. If I get some assurance that the companion garbage won't affect me, I'll be playing tomorrow. Until then, I'll be here on the forums, piling on with every disgruntled player where I share even the slightest common concern.

Edited by MorseGod
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Day 4

Still no concrete information from the devs as to who is affected by the companion glitches introduced in 5.10.1 or when we can expect a fix.


My main has 9 Rank 50 companions. My other 7 characters have 2-6 Rank 50 companions each. I will not abide even one of them vanishing or being reduced to 0 influence. That means I can't log in until I know it won't affect me.


The lack of communication on this issue is starting to piss me off to the point that I'm going to share my negative experience with gamers outside of the SWTOR forums. I usually tell people about SWTOR's positive points and encourage them to give it a try, but from what I've seen as I'm stuck with nothing to do but roam these forums for the past several days, the team at EA / Bioware doesn't deserve any positive word of mouth.


You have no consistent design objectives other than herding everyone into content that only one segment of the population wants to play. You break more than you fix with every patch lately. You don't communicate frequently or effectively.

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I don't even keep track of my companion influence levels. if one of them lost influence, I probably would not know.


I keep track of how many are at Rank 50. I will only craft with Rank 50 comps, and I only travel with a Rank 50 comp. The ideal number is 9 per character so that you can conceivably have 8 crafting / missioning while you travel with 1.

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