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Darkest of the DS options


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I was amazed to discover an option where you don't turn her in, don't go to Tython at all, and not be romancing her. Through mostly neutral convo choices, I think. Up till then I thought the choice was in how you turned her in, as an enemy in the ranks, or in a perfunctory 'Yes she was a Sith, can we get on with the mission now?' way.


There's lots of these wonky LS for Jedi choices on Tython, of course. Tattle on the two apprentices makking out [or alternatively, for even neutral, lie to the masters, then go back and refuse to accept the crystal, which somehow convinces Spanios that attachment is wrong]. Or tattle on the kid trying to lift the rock. Or convince the Order to let the sharkman who abducted a twi'lek kid join up.


That's what I chose when I got to that scene. I didn't turn her in. My (female) Jedi Knight was of the opinion that the council didn't need to know, and was given a line like "don't worry, I'm looking out for you and I won't tell anyone" IIRC. Kira approved. Up until that point she'd taken friendlier conversation choices with Kira, although they hadn't agreed on everything.


Later in the game one of the Jedi Council members said something about Kira being a former Sith anyway, so I guess the class story is a little bugged.


That's exactly what I mean about a lot of the LS choices being downright cold. I can't remember if you actually get DS points for it, but there's also the one on Taris where they're mad if you save the woman from being burned to death in front of you but sacrifice the holocrons.


ETA: one more LS choice that seems off to me is on the Tatooine Czerka quest, Imperial side. You have to find this mural from the Sand People that shows the way to the Czerka base. You can destroy it or leave it. Leaving it there is the LS choice but considering that the base is above the Rakata lair that turns people into zombies, IMHO it's really questionable. The first time I did the quest I left it alone, but after that I've always burned it.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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ETA: one more LS choice that seems off to me is on the Tatooine Czerka quest, Imperial side. You have to find this mural from the Sand People that shows the way to the Czerka base. You can destroy it or leave it. Leaving it there is the LS choice but considering that the base is above the Rakata lair that turns people into zombies, IMHO it's really questionable. The first time I did the quest I left it alone, but after that I've always burned it.


Ah, I hadn't considered that. I thought the choice there was pretty arbitrary, and that maybe the LS reasoning is that you aren't destroying priceless cultural artwork for no reason. Which is a bit of a silly point to get twisted up on, given that we kill nearly a hundred sand people up to that point in the quest chain.


A lot of the starter world planets have pretty silly LS choices. The man in the iron mask heroic on hutta where your only two choices are to purify the water [DS because it mutates the animals] or do nothing [LS because people get saved] seems off. Why not make the latter a neutral choice, and have the LS be to give them some money to buy chemicals that don't turn the chemlizards into monsters?


Or on ord mantell, there's the cathar who steals the medicine. DS is to return it to the soldiers, LS is to give it back to the thief. I guess that's BW's clumsy take on les mis.


Korriban has some really dumb choices too, but the only one that comes to mind right now is the one where you're helping the brainwashed jedi escape. Try as I might, I can't think of a good rationalization for even the most LS of Sith to deliberately screw up a Sith Intelligence misinformation plot. That's one I wish there were real consequences down the line once they figure out that you told the Jedi he's been brainwashed. Instead, just like nearly all the sidequests, it never comes up again.

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Ah, I hadn't considered that. I thought the choice there was pretty arbitrary, and that maybe the LS reasoning is that you aren't destroying priceless cultural artwork for no reason. Which is a bit of a silly point to get twisted up on, given that we kill nearly a hundred sand people up to that point in the quest chain.


A lot of the starter world planets have pretty silly LS choices. The man in the iron mask heroic on hutta where your only two choices are to purify the water [DS because it mutates the animals] or do nothing [LS because people get saved] seems off. Why not make the latter a neutral choice, and have the LS be to give them some money to buy chemicals that don't turn the chemlizards into monsters?


Or on ord mantell, there's the cathar who steals the medicine. DS is to return it to the soldiers, LS is to give it back to the thief. I guess that's BW's clumsy take on les mis.


Korriban has some really dumb choices too, but the only one that comes to mind right now is the one where you're helping the brainwashed jedi escape. Try as I might, I can't think of a good rationalization for even the most LS of Sith to deliberately screw up a Sith Intelligence misinformation plot. That's one I wish there were real consequences down the line once they figure out that you told the Jedi he's been brainwashed. Instead, just like nearly all the sidequests, it never comes up again.


That was my reasoning when I saw that quest the first time: that destroying it would just be maliciously destroying someone's sacred cultural artifact. But after playing through the entire quest and seeing that it could direct people to the zombie base, it seemed smarter to get rid of it.


The Czerka quest on the Republic side seemed off to me too, in that Czerka is presented as being really evil for wanting you to stay away from the base, but it turns out that despite being an evil corporation, they're kinda right to tell people to stay away because of the zombies and danger. On the Imperial side, you get an extra holo of a Czerka employee pleading with everyone to just stay out of there, and they omit it on the Republic side.


On Ord Mantell, I thought the choice to give the medicine to the civilians was right to be LS because of all the ways you hear about the troopers terrorizing the locals, and the fact that the med is going to treat sick refugee kids.


I never understand that Hutta choice about the water, though. Or the one where the LS choice is to help a factory foreman by bugging or sabotaging the power cores you give to that couple. Sure, the foreman's family won't get hurt but that couple sure will, and they're starving and trying to survive.


Another one, the quest on Coruscant where this controlling man is looking for his wife, and it turns out she ran away from him. It's DS to tell the man that his wife died. I always thought that was the best choice because then he wouldn't be looking for her again.


The one on Korriban with the Jedi never makes sense to me either. With all the surveillance droids around the Sith Academy, there's no way sabotage would have gone unseen, and there should have been consequences for it.

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