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Is an Imperial-Trooper Class "possible"?


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I will hear your opinions about an Imperial Trooper/Soldier Class? Would it be "possible" to make such a Mirror Class work - as a Hero-Class? - Bioware has already said they dont make any new Classes from 1-50 (To much work with the Little Team) But an Hero-Class could be Possible, if they make a new Class (What i really hope they do in the future):cool:


Would be nice to play an Imperial Trooper, get Orders from Sith (no matter if there is not so many free space with the Dialogs to disobey Orders like on Rep - but would be awesome^^


Sorry, I really like Clones so... Im damaged with this Class :D

Edited by Kampflerk
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I will hear your opinions about an Imperial Trooper/Soldier Class? Would it be "possible" to make such a Mirror Class work - as a Hero-Class? - Bioware has already said they dont make any new Classes from 1-50 (To much work with the Little Team) But an Hero-Class could be Possible, if they make a new Class (What i really hope they do in the future):cool:


Would be nice to play an Imperial Trooper, get Orders from Sith (no matter if there is not so many free space with the Dialogs to disobey Orders like on Rep - but would be awesome^^


Sorry, I really like Clones so... Im damaged with this Class :D


i heard the devs have kick the idea of hero class. my thought give two to each side one non force and force. with a story like wow does with it hero classes. maybe a unique ship and couple companion. just my idea

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Of course it's possible, but that's not the question you should be asking. The more interesting question, and one whose answer is probably, "No," is whether it is feasible.


"Feasible" means "possible and at a reasonable cost", and I think it would fail hard on the "at a reasonable cost" part.


It's not just the absence of 1-50 class stories that's a problem. What would NPCs in other content say in contexts where there is class-specific dialogue? (Can this Hero class, for example, run the Shadow of Revan story, and if so, what does Darth Marr / Satele Shan say at the end of Yavin?)


A new class like this, but with a restriction that locks it out of 90+% of the existing story content, would fail, badly, and it would be badly received if all existing content treated it to the same dialogues as an existing class on the same faction. Imagine if your Imp Trooper was constantly addressed as "Agent" or "Hunter"?

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With Hero-Class i mean a Class thats Start at (for example) Level 60 or 65. In World of Warcraft its a Hero-Class like an Dead Knight or an Demon Hunter. Death Knights start at Level 55 (in the past the Levelcap was 80) and Demon Hunters Star at Level 90 (Today the Levelcap from WoW is 120 with BfA) Edited by Kampflerk
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With Hero-Class i mean a Class thats Start at (for example) Level 60 or 65. In World of Warcraft its a Hero-Class like an Dead Knight or an Demon Hunter. Death Knights start at Level 55 (in the past the Levelcap was 80) and Demon Hunters Star at Level 90 (Today the Levelcap from WoW is 120 with BfA)

Yes, I know what you meant by "Hero Class", but how would it fit into the existing content? There are already glitches in low-level content when you go there with high-level characters, such as the NPC who offers the "The Face Merchants" H2 on Coruscant. If you take a full-class-story Trooper and talk to him while wearing the Major (or, if past KotFE-XI, Colonel) title, he still addresses you as "Lieutenant" because that was what you would have been when that mission was added to the game.


What would happen if you go there with a *class* that didn't exist back then???

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Yes, I know what you meant by "Hero Class", but how would it fit into the existing content? There are already glitches in low-level content when you go there with high-level characters, such as the NPC who offers the "The Face Merchants" H2 on Coruscant. If you take a full-class-story Trooper and talk to him while wearing the Major (or, if past KotFE-XI, Colonel) title, he still addresses you as "Lieutenant" because that was what you would have been when that mission was added to the game.


What would happen if you go there with a *class* that didn't exist back then???


... Where is the Problem? You cant make the older Storys with such a Class. The Dialogs you can make are Neutral and every Class can make such as Dailys and normal Side Quests. And for Knights of the Eternal Empire/Throne: Where is the Problem to DONT give a "Helo-Class" access to the Content what came befor him? Sroywise it woulnt make sense for such a Class. But beside that, perhaps Bioware sould fix the Game first before they make such a Class, when they have such a Issue with the Content



Only for an example:

I dont belive that we get a new Class with 6.0, but I and many other would love the see a Imperial Trooper Class - No Matter: The Imperial Trooper Starts at Level 67 (The New Expack push the Max. Level to 80) but you cant play then until you have earn them through Story Content/Faction Quests. We have already seen on Ossus thats the Empire has Changed - Major Anri is a Twi'lek and was a Slave in the Empire but got the Chance to become a Imperial Major. In the time from "Classic" with Malgus and his Military Coup it was unthinkable that a "Alien" and certainly not a Slave has the Chance to get into a Military Position or some like that. After Zakuul the whole Empire has Change as the Republic.


He was never frozen into Carbonite or fight against Valkorion and take the Eternal Throne, Build the Alliance etc. So the first Stone would set for such a Class



And to give the Republic also a new Class the Imperial Agent could Mirrort into the Republic as an SIS with the same principle:)

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Steve already settled it. It's entirely possible, but probable? Nope. SWTOR is too story-focused to merely add a new class like that, especially one that starts on midgame or near endgame, the playerbase playing those classes would rage how they don't have a class story. Possibly not having their own crew like the other classes do, all of that jaaz. I think they missed the mark on a new class during KOTFE/KOTET, an Zakuul Knight Class to be specific, on purpose because if you were to make a new class you'd have to rework the vanilla game, not to mention getting the budget for that is impossible by now, get writers get devs to make the fights, get the VAs and re-work everything with proper class references... if we were to follow your plan, it wouldn't make sense within the context of SWTOR since said class wouldn't even have its own class story. At best we may ask for a new advanced class, but even then. Why fix what is not broken? Or rather, not break what's already broken even further.
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Steve already settled it. It's entirely possible, but probable? Nope. SWTOR is too story-focused to merely add a new class like that, especially one that starts on midgame or near endgame, the playerbase playing those classes would rage how they don't have a class story. Possibly not having their own crew like the other classes do, all of that jaaz. I think they missed the mark on a new class during KOTFE/KOTET, an Zakuul Knight Class to be specific, on purpose because if you were to make a new class you'd have to rework the vanilla game, not to mention getting the budget for that is impossible by now, get writers get devs to make the fights, get the VAs and re-work everything with proper class references... if we were to follow your plan, it wouldn't make sense within the context of SWTOR since said class wouldn't even have its own class story. At best we may ask for a new advanced class, but even then. Why fix what is not broken? Or rather, not break what's already broken even further.


***? ... Sorry, IF such a Class, no matter if Imp. Trooper os Zakuul Knight - if such a Class Start at (example) 65 its has its own story.. I wasnt thinking is must say that in swtor ö____ö Ofc its a Story Game. But the Class-Story would not Start at Level 1 rather at Level 65 and you can after you little "Star Zone" go on in the Content of the new Expack:rolleyes: So you cont need to Level a whole Class and make a whole Story of over 7 hours of Cutscenes only for 1 or 2 Classes they Start at Level 1.


And Voice Actors: I think it would be Possible to take some Bioware Workers for that - so long they have the Voice for that^^ Chris Matzen, the former Story Writer, is the Voice of Thrall in World of Warcraft. I think the costs could be kept very low. So, Possible would it be but if BW will make it, its a other Question - if they make a new class in the future (what they sould do)

Edited by Kampflerk
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SWTOR is too story-focused to merely add a new class like that.


This has nothing to do with why in reality they won't do this imperial trooper idea. It's all about lack of resources which will not allow for his idea to happen. That's the sad truth.


If they were willing to allot resources to this game, they could easily create other classes, more stories, more FPs, more OPs, more everything.


OP, if you want to try to make a difference, I hope you signed the petition Yll started that's in their signature as well as in mine, just click the link and you can be part of a revolution that is going to make EA/BW aware of just how much we love this game and want it to succeed!


Our love for SWTOR will force the suits of this monster to admit their disrespect and longtime disdain for this epic game, they will be forced to pour more resources into it. For love. For us.

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something i was going to add to my post but since there more post. i think lana may exlude to that in saying there was a rumor Satele Shan was training her own students.


Why did they choose Lana as the name for this companion? Rumor is that spelled backwards her name has a hidden meaning. I can't see it though.

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***? ... Sorry, IF such a Class, no matter if Imp. Trooper os Zakuul Knight - if such a Class Start at (example) 65 its has its own story.. I wasnt thinking is must say that in swtor ö____ö Ofc its a Story Game. But the Class-Story would not Start at Level 1 rather at Level 65 and you can after you little "Star Zone" go on in the Content of the new Expack:rolleyes: So you cont need to Level a whole Class and make a whole Story of over 7 hours of Cutscenes only for 1 or 2 Classes they Start at Level 1.


I don't think you realize how complicated that would be. So would that class that starts at level 65 be restricted from doing any previous content? How would it work if the player wanted to do dailies on The Black Hole or Oricon as opposed to Iokath and Ossus? Not to mention they'd also have to consider yet another new class for development going forward and that means 2 extra VAs just for the English version alone.


And Voice Actors: I think it would be Possible to take some Bioware Workers for that - so long they have the Voice for that^^ Chris Matzen, the former Story Writer, is the Voice of Thrall in World of Warcraft. I think the costs could be kept very low. So, Possible would it be but if BW will make it, its a other Question - if they make a new class in the future (what they sould do)

Maybe this could help as far as costs go. I doubt they would do it but it's a good idea if they can properly voice act their characters.

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OP, if you want to try to make a difference, I hope you signed the petition Yll started that's in their signature as well as in mine, just click the link and you can be part of a revolution that is going to make EA/BW aware of just how much we love this game and want it to succeed!


Our love for SWTOR will force the suits of this monster to admit their disrespect and longtime disdain for this epic game, they will be forced to pour more resources into it. For love. For us.



Just wanted to second this. I signed this, was one of the first that did and at last count I heard [and it may be more now] they had already hit 3000 signatures and that was like 5 days or so ago.


Yill and Lhance have been doin a great job keepen this thing going and I just wanted to thank them for all their time and effort. They been hardcore on this and it just shows how many people, who even if a bit disillusioned some of the things we have seen in some changes, it just shows that there is still a lot of heart, love and loyalty to this game and I for one, going in the 7 year stretch in the next few months still have a great deal of care and comradire with this game and so many great players I have been fortunate enough to have know and got to play with, and who helped me in the early years. Some really great people in this game.


The only things that would ever make me quit this game, and I would hate to even than would be if the added more cross-faction crap or grey jedi crap.


Other than that, for good or ill, I'm here til the lights go out, I'm all about the 'Dark' Side anyways!


I urge anyone who still holds out hope for the game and is a Star Wars fan to sign this petition. 1000s of people can make a difference, at least I can't see how they could not have some effect and at least give some consideration to the powers that be.


Star Wars is forever.


P.S. Lhance thanks for all your effort brother. You're a true Star Wars fan and one hellllllllllllllll of a healer! ;)

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I don't think you realize how complicated that would be. So would that class that starts at level 65 be restricted from doing any previous content? How would it work if the player wanted to do dailies on The Black Hole or Oricon as opposed to Iokath and Ossus? Not to mention they'd also have to consider yet another new class for development going forward and that means 2 extra VAs just for the English version alone.



Maybe this could help as far as costs go. I doubt they would do it but it's a good idea if they can properly voice act their characters.


OK I think I must edit the Thread Name. I know it would be difficult. And don't take everything for full when I say, imp. Troopers would not make old content. This is only an IDEA and I don't say it its a good one or something like that. I don't care about how much money it would cost and if the work would payd off for BW. The possibility of such a class could get realized, I ask for lorewise and gameplay^^ Not Cory Biowares budget and if it would be possible for them right know. Sorry I'm very "undersleeped":rak_01:

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This has nothing to do with why in reality they won't do this imperial trooper idea. It's all about lack of resources which will not allow for his idea to happen. That's the sad truth.


If they were willing to allot resources to this game, they could easily create other classes, more stories, more FPs, more OPs, more everything.


OP, if you want to try to make a difference, I hope you signed the petition Yll started that's in their signature as well as in mine, just click the link and you can be part of a revolution that is going to make EA/BW aware of just how much we love this game and want it to succeed!


Our love for SWTOR will force the suits of this monster to admit their disrespect and longtime disdain for this epic game, they will be forced to pour more resources into it. For love. For us.


I already singed. But so sad it is, ES or Disney wound make anything :s I give the game a chance for this expansion (maybe also the next after that, depending da how good the content will be and if it's more beside story *cough*MMO*cough*)

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I've heard nothing in this thread that persuades me that the story would be remotely interesting. You're a trooper taking orders? We've got that. Most players stick it near the bottom of the class stories. You're a trooper taking orders from Sith? Sounds like an IA, and iirc, they actually did this for the last part of the IA story, shortly before the PC literally fakes his own death to escape that fate. Except instead of being a cool imperial agent, your archetype for this would be Pierce. A story patterned on someone like Pierce's exploits? Set for SoR or later? Yawn.


To say nothing of the mechanics and how they'd be different from the trooper's.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I've heard nothing in this thread that persuades me that the story would be remotely interesting. You're a trooper taking orders? We've got that. Most players stick it near the bottom of the class stories. You're a trooper taking orders from Sith? Sounds like an IA, and iirc, they actually did this for the last part of the IA story, shortly before the PC literally fakes his own death to escape that fate. Except instead of being a cool imperial agent, your archetype for this would be Pierce. A story patterned on someone like Pierce's exploits? Set for SoR or later? Yawn.


To say nothing of the mechanics and how they'd be different from the trooper's.


I think Hutt Slave Dancer should be a playable class. Imagine all the interesting plots and experiences they could create for that class?

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