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Forget FE, 4.0 had simple gear mechanics, it didn't have RNG crates, freeium players could buy passes for WZ and OPS. Okay it was stale because it was the same content all the time, but it was at its most stable before it all hit the fan with 5.0.


I don't care what i or you think opinion wise, all i'm aiming to make a point of was that 4.0 was a heck of a lot better than 5.0 ever produced.


I consider 3.2 to be the golden age. 4.0 ruined way too many things I enjoyed for me to think of it as anything but wretched. However, I do grant that 4.0 was better than 5.0. Pretty low bar there :rolleyes:

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I would've preferred taking my alliance and go in force and take over wherever I wanted to be, which in the case of most of my characters, it would be the Empire (and full defection would be allowed). All would become the Empire (in my case/choice) and then we'd go after and crush that smarmy band of rebels and chase them to the ends of the galaxy.


I liked the vanilla stories, and I liked SoR. I'm not a fan of KotFEET, though I do enjoy having the choice of companions, even though I stick to my favorites like Quinn, Theron, Doc, Andronikos as much as I can, so I don't have to deal with Lana Banana. :rolleyes:


In this way, the Alliance would be 'gone' for those who want it gone, but still, sort of exist for others as a 'power base'.


I would much rather return to being called 'My Lord' or 'Darth' etc than Commander. I would be very happy to put Zakuul and even Odessen back into a distant memory. I want to go where I want to call home, but still have my power base (the alliance). I just wouldn't be calling it 'the alliance' anymore.


But unlike the OP, I want nothing rolled back or erased. And I sure as heck wouldn't be paying for the privilege in any amount. Especially not a ridiculous 12000 CC or whatever it was.

Edited by Lunafox
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Given how the pubs and imps were portrayed in kotfeet, it's hard to conceive why anyone would still be supporting the republic, let alone defect to them, unless they skipped kotfeet altogether [understandable].


Even going back to the class stories, there's a fair amount of stuff the Republic's doing that I'd've expected as Imperial actions. Off the top of my head there's most of the quests happening on Ord Mantell, and General Garza wanting you to do war crimes. There's more if I really think hard on it. When I eventually get to the content where I have to pick a side, most of my Republic roster's going to side Imperial. Only ones I might keep Republic loyal's a Consular romancing Iresso and a Trooper with Elara because I think siding Imperial would end the relationships.

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Each to their own is the correct answer and every reply is its own opinion piece. So here's mine:


I agree with the OP: KOTFE and KOTET did not feel like Star Wars nor did it feel like good storytelling. I personally don't like Super Hero movies, a genre that has been very popular for many years now and I kinda see its influence spread into gaming. World of Warcraft has the same problem now that every character has a power level over 9000. I don't find it to be a compelling story if it revolves around an abstract concept of "power". What is lightnings, anyways? Veylin's screeching on Nathema was not epic, it was cringing. Veylin was not an interesting character. That whole Nathema chapter was as if taken from Jack's follower mission in Mass Effect 2 except it was bad. It was torture-p*rn with no depth.


Zakuul and its mythos and its droid gods was stupid as well. It's like... everyone who works with Star Wars these days is creatively bankrupt. The Death Star wasn't bad enough, let's make it bigger and have it shoot beamz across the galaxy! And then have the beamz split and destroy multiple planets -- yes, I'm going off on a tangent here by talking about Episode 7, but we see a similar pattern in KOTET. The Star Forge was amazing in the original Knights of the Old Republic, and Iokath kind of undermines its legacy by being even bigger and more potent. And, ironically, A LOT LESS relevant to the overarching plot. It's like they're trying to paint a Picasso with a sledgehammer.


I don't want to be condescending to those who actually enjoy KOTFE and KOTET, nor do I want to be condescending to those who like Super Hero movies. But it is really not my cup of tea. The cinematic nature of KOTFE and KOTET has its benefits, but it can't be all benefits. When the game plays more like a movie it becomes less of your story. As such, KOTFE and KOTET did not feel like an RPG despite the touted "your choices matter". The choices did matter. But they were almost exclusively black and white. The only time I felt like I picked a gray choice was in the chapter "Mandalore's Revenge". My Operative shared the data with the Mandalorians, despite Lana's warning. And after the mission was accomplished she made a deal with the Mandalorians, urging them to attack the Republic once the war with Zakuul was said and done. That felt like a morally gray choice. But that was it. The majority of the story was incredibly black and white. And that doesn't just go against the legacy of SWTOR, it goes against the legacy of Knights of the Old Republic; the sub-franchise that challenged the morality of Star Wars with interesting characters such as Jolee Bindo and Kreia.


Jedi under Siege is a good step in the right direction. However, I was furious when my character "&"!&%!"%¤!& giggled when she got recognition from some starry eyed fanboy soldier. Too many times does the game take the control away from you and every time it feels less and less of my story. At this point, a silent protagonist would almost be preferable. You can infer whatever you want on a silent protagonist but it takes hard willpower to pretend and act as though that giggle never happened.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Love the reference to KOTOR 1 and 2 also. Oh, if only they had gone for the voiceless protagonist for all 8 classes and allowed for far more grey area. Kreia's dialogues are legend. I would gladly give away player voices for conversations half as deep as the previous games.

For me, either have everyone be silent or voice everyone (though i'd rather go for the everyone is voiced route).

The KOTFE AA style of conversations deeply irritated me as it sounded like the NPCs were having some kind of monologue, which completely broke my immersion in these dialogues.


I'd love more neutral choices in convo though as the L & D only is a bit annoying at times. Example being Dramath, why not a neutral option to ask for his help and say that you'll free him once Valko is defeated ? Even if you can't keep your word afterwards because he's detroyed, but your character is not supposed to know that, so the L/D choice only doesn't fully make sense.

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I just hope that with 6.0 we can leave this alliance nonsense behind. If given the chance, I'd gladly roll back to the moment before I damn clicked the start button on KOTET. Please lets go back to the 2.0 mentality, before all this convoluted hybrid of catching pokémon-companions and nonsense alliances.


Sadly, it's too late I believe, they really have gone all in with this thing. Some people just don't want to be this stupid alliance commander, BioWare. It is not Star Wars anymore.


I'm curious, if there was a token on the CM that let you roll back to the galaxy status before 3.0, how many people would buy it? Do it, charge 12,000 CC if you want; I'd still buy it. I'd really pay whatever to go back to 5, unique, meaningful companions and a cohesive character status in a cohesive world.


That may be your opinion, but dont write in a manner to sugest it's common sense, bacause ist not.


I don't want that stupid rep vs. Imp back, I want to see a revival of the alliance as a third fraction - thats my opinion.

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I don't want that stupid rep vs. Imp back, I want to see a revival of the alliance as a third fraction - thats my opinion.

That's mine as well.


I really wish we could've had the option to really become a third neutral faction.

So i hope the game will let us at least have the option to stay as independant as possible and just be an ally of one of the bigger factions if we want to, and not force everyone back to their original factions, that would be the end of the road for all my imps, and even less so force everyone back to their original position, as that would leave me with at best 1 character to play who is far from being my favourite character on my least favourite class story.

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That's mine as well.


I really wish we could've had the option to really become a third neutral faction.

So i hope the game will let us at least have the option to stay as independant as possible and just be an ally of one of the bigger factions if we want to, and not force everyone back to their original factions, that would be the end of the road for all my imps, and even less so force everyone back to their original position, as that would leave me with at best 1 character to play who is far from being my favourite character on my least favourite class story.


Only reason I can't see the Alliance as a third neutral faction is the devs originally planned on having an Underworld third faction for Smugglers and Bounty Hunters but even with the staff and funding they had back then they weren't able to produce enough content compared to what they had for Imperial/Republic and with the state of things now, it's just not going to happen.

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Doubt swtor will get any development resources back from anthem, from the vip demo last weekend you can clearly see its being pushed out as a half finished game just to get profits up before the end of the financial year. Guessing it’s going to take at least a year to actually finish that game properly and get all the missing features put into it.


Personaly I would love to see the old gearing system back 2 tiers of pvp gear for warzone comms and ranked warzone comms


3 tiers of gear for pve comming from sm hm and nim, gold / yellow armouring mod enh


Cxp gear only giving the purples between the raiding tiers


Back at the end of 2.0 you knew someone could play thier role if they were in full 186 gear as they had to earn it doing nim in 180 gear.


It’s embarrassing seeing people in full 248 gear that can’t even meet the dps requirements for hm, throwing more gear at ppl with cxp system and Ossus gear does not make them any better, if anything it makes them even lazier


Oh and bring absorb mods back for tanks, I’m sick of seeing morons with 120k hp and 4k+ defense rating on tanks

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That may be your opinion, but dont write in a manner to sugest it's common sense, bacause ist not.


I don't want that stupid rep vs. Imp back, I want to see a revival of the alliance as a third fraction - thats my opinion.



Alliance all the way for me as well, which is why I haven't activated 5.10 on any of my girls.

Those who are destined to become Alliance Commanders (Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter) I'll take through to Odessen and complete the traitor arc and they will go no further.

Both my Imperial Agent and Jedi Consular will finish their stories just before KotFE so that they don't lose their love interests.

My Alliance Commanders will continue their stories if and when the Alliance becomes a third faction.

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That's mine as well.


I really wish we could've had the option to really become a third neutral faction.

So i hope the game will let us at least have the option to stay as independant as possible and just be an ally of one of the bigger factions if we want to, and not force everyone back to their original factions, that would be the end of the road for all my imps, and even less so force everyone back to their original position, as that would leave me with at best 1 character to play who is far from being my favourite character on my least favourite class story.


Same. My characters (and I) like being outside of their old factions and having the flexibility to work with many people. I'd much rather have seen them going up against different enemies and supporting the faction of their choice openly than going back to some endless, mindless Imps vs. Pubs hamster wheel. Especially since we know now that in the game's galaxy, all the wars did was feed Vititae's immortality, it seems pointless to keep it up.


Going back to the original position on my characters would mean that some of them are in a faction they don't want to be in anymore (Republic) with crews that they don't totally like and in some cases have already sent away or killed off. It would also mean that every single one of my characters would lose their favorite companion and LI, since she is in KOTFE (Lana). My Jedi no longer consider themselves part of the Jedi Order and would airlock themselves before being forced back to it or getting back onto a ship with nothing more than their original companions for instance.


I've brought some alts through Ossus, but everyone else, including my mains, is pausing after Nathema. Any future characters are also stopping there.

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I have stopped at Nathema with my Commander bh and my Empress sw. My bh is in love with Theron, sided Empire on Iokath, which resulted in Jace's death. She carries that guilt with her every day. After Nathema she decided to try a different way. She chose to work with the Republic.


My sw also sided Empire on Iokath because Quinn. Also, for my hc they both have to make the same choices. Her motivation for siding with the Republic on Nathema is her hatred for Acina. Acina knew who Quinn was, who he belonged to, and she wanted to keep him as her pet. There is no way my sw would willingly work for or with her.


I would prefer to not side with either faction. Both girls have worked in the Empire, they know what the people there are capable of. What they have been asked to do for the Empire. But they also see the hypocrisy of the Republic. My bh resents Satele and how Theron was raised. My sw was raised by a fallen Jedi. Neither option is really palatable for them.


My hc jc is not an adult during kotfeet so the story doesn't really concern her. But when I play the story through she will side Empire, just because of Felix. She will not force him back into the Republic that betrayed him.

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I would skip KotFEET with most of my chars and make up a reason why everyone calls me commander, if I would not be forced to have two dozen random companions I'll never use, and either be stuck with open alliance alerts or get even more random companions, and "get back" inferior clones of my char's orignal crew.


I was fine with how Iokath worked, but Ossus again messes up my companion list, so no Ossus for me until I decide I want to play one of the few chars I did KotFE with. (And there is a reason why I more or less stopped playing these)


For 6.0 either allow us to get rid of unwanted companions, or let us sort the companion list, select favorites and hide the other muppets in a tab on the bottom) Also, give us the option to retain our original companions that approve of our decisions in pre 4.0 flashpoints, have things to say on the original planets, and use their original weapon-types.

Edited by Mubrak
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3.0 was actually my favorite time period, although some of the quality of life changes in 4.0 I'd keep as well.


I would give anything to be able to truly skip the Knights of- content, skip it in the same way that we always used to be able to skip things. You can skip Oricon, or ROTHC or SOR or Ilum or whatever, and you character still retains all their current mechanics, their companions, etc. I'm grateful for the ability to skip straight ahead to Ossus, but it still has So. Many. Bugs. My companions get messed up, story flags don't work properly, I'm still forced to take on the "new" version of my companions, I'm forced to take on all these alliance alerts, whether I want them or not, I'm forced to take on companions of other classes, who I may have nothing in common with, etc.


I don't like who my character became in KOTFE. She ceased to be a witty, wisecracking underdog smuggler and became some Jedi wannabe, all serious, messing with Force powers she had no interest in. <sigh> Don't get me wrong...I didn't HATE it per se, but even for the characters it "worked" for, it still felt forced and awkward, like the game forgot who my character was, what they cared about and what their history had been.


I just want to be able to pretend that it never happened at ALL on my characters. No "autocomplete" acting like I did go through it, no having the game pretend I was the commander...how about the game letting me actually NOT have that story as part of my character's history at all? As in, she'd never been the Commander, never even SEEN Zakuul. We used to be able to do that! Why did the game mechanics have to take on this new format that we can't escape from now?


And, while I'm at it, I want my HK to have his assassinate ability back. I haven't forgotten that BW. :(

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I've brought some alts through Ossus, but everyone else, including my mains, is pausing after Nathema. Any future characters are also stopping there.


For me, just the opposite. I took a 2 year vacation from SWTOR because none of my characters would have been interested in becoming an Emperor/"Commander" - they had different life/career goals, ESPECIALLY the non-Force users who were totally out of place in KotFEET.


Now at least I can head canon past that nonsense, especially since (thankfully) the God Mode Fleet has been destroyed. I wanted political intrigue, underworld connections, and different stories between factions, not a cookie-cutter, one-style-(doesn't)-fit-all approach that meant it was boring and repetitious to run all of my characters through the SAME plot that they wouldn't have been part of.


So Bioware is in a jam, and they're doing the only thing possible - downplaying the Alliance and getting back to Star Wars: Imp vs. Pub. I understand why some might not want to see that happen, but for me it's a long overdue, welcome return (or at least change in the right direction) towards what I enjoyed about the game. My smugglers are ITCHING to smuggle! (This is something that almost no SW game EVER has done properly) - don't know if that'll ever happen, but they sure wouldn't be leading some kind of Alliance.


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Now at least I can head canon past that nonsense, especially since (thankfully) the God Mode Fleet has been destroyed. I wanted political intrigue, underworld connections, and different stories between factions, not a cookie-cutter, one-style-(doesn't)-fit-all approach that meant it was boring and repetitious to run all of my characters through the SAME plot that they wouldn't have been part of.


So Bioware is in a jam, and they're doing the only thing possible - downplaying the Alliance and getting back to Star Wars: Imp vs. Pub. I understand why some might not want to see that happen, but for me it's a long overdue, welcome return (or at least change in the right direction) towards what I enjoyed about the game. My smugglers are ITCHING to smuggle! (This is something that almost no SW game EVER has done properly) - don't know if that'll ever happen, but they sure wouldn't be leading some kind of Alliance.

Except they won't go back to 8 class stories, at best 1 Imp, 1 Pub, that won't necessarily fit any non FU character anyways, so you won't get what you want and people who liked the Alliance may loose it in the process, people who want their character to actually switch sides may not be able to do so, and so everybody will be unhappy, enjoy !


TBH, i have absolutely no idea what to do with my non FU, if the saboteur thing was good, i could at least take my IA who joined the SIS at the end of her class story through that as a saboteur, but my other imperials, not that much, they'd rather slash of shoot imperials in the face than backstab them...

My trooper, i really don't see her wanting to go back considering the Republic gave up on her, and Jorgan is pretty much a deserter.

And smuggler, well he hates the Empire, but doesn't have that much more respect for the Republic, why would he want to do anything in that new conflict ? Why would the Republic call a smuggler to openly fight on a planet surface against Sith on a Jedi colony ?

Seriously NFU don't fit on Ossus any better than they did during KOTFEET :rolleyes:

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TBH I don't feel like the stories are necessarily a good match for non-Force users from Ilum onward. I can't see the Empire deciding there isn't a single Sith available who could take on Malgus and sending a Bounty Hunter instead. Or Darth Marr or Saresh deciding that the smuggler or bounty hunter were clearly the ones to save Makeb.


I *can* see an Imperial Agent or Bounty Hunter helping Lana and Theron find information during SoR, but I can't see anyone other than the Force users and the Trooper leading attacks on Tython and Korriban. I can't really picture Satele Shan, Darth Marr and Lana all sitting back and saying, "yeah, this non-Force-using smuggler or BH is clearly the only one who can beat Revan" and letting them lead the fight at the end of SoR.


Even with the current storylines, if you strip out KOTFE/ET, I can't imagine why my bounty hunter would care less about raiding a Jedi library on Ossus, unless she'd been given a contract to assassinate Gnost-Dural, or why my smuggler would care at all about helping Jedi.


IMHO I'd much rather them do a Force user and a non-Force user set of storylines with various DS/LS choices that could help either the Republic or Empire, than to do Republic and Imperial storylines. I think it would fit better if they gave the non-Force users something that would suit them better. Send my smuggler to strip all the tech and crops from Ossus and sell it on the black market. That she might care about.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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IMHO I'd much rather them do a Force user and a non-Force user set of storylines with various DS/LS choices that could help either the Republic or Empire, than to do Republic and Imperial storylines. I think it would fit better if they gave the non-Force users something that would suit them better. Send my smuggler to strip all the tech and crops from Ossus and sell it on the black market. That she might care about.


I've been hoping for a while that they would do this. It would be something different, yet still allow people to feel like they were getting a more tailored story.

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IMHO I'd much rather them do a Force user and a non-Force user set of storylines with various DS/LS choices that could help either the Republic or Empire, than to do Republic and Imperial storylines. I think it would fit better if they gave the non-Force users something that would suit them better. Send my smuggler to strip all the tech and crops from Ossus and sell it on the black market. That she might care about.

I too think i'd be much better, and would at least give something for NFU to do while not feeling like they should not be there.


I replayed a BH, and i'm now at the start of Ilum, and watching the first cutscene it felt so off .

Makeb, i don't even know why they'd call her, same for SoR actually.

And after KOTET, she's a Mandalorian, she should technically follow Shae Vizla and the other Mandalorians, not go on a Jedi colony on her own to do some stuff that she doesn't fit in, she's not even an imperial to begin with, and could not care less about the Empire, especially considering how many imperials treat aliens... She even spared Janarus and killed Tormen at the end of her chapter 3


I tried SoR with a smuggler, it felt so ridiculous that they'd call a pilot to lead troops on land to attack a Sith academy that i just stopped there. So it's not a KOTFEET thing, it was older than that.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I tried SoR with a smuggler, it felt so ridiculous that they'd call a pilot to lead troops on land to attack a Sith academy that i just stopped there. So it's not a KOTFEET thing, it was older than that.


Some of the decisions that the non-FUers make in SoR and some of the other expacs before KOTFE are so strange to me because they should not have the authority to do so. In the case of all of the non-FU, the NPCs technically outrank them by quite a bit. Why would they possibly have the final word on how Ivan was questioned on Yavin, over Marr and Satele? Or with Master Surro treated on Ziost, they get to make the final call above an SIS agent or the Minister of Sith Intelligence? How is it that my non-FU can withstand direct interaction with the Dread Masters on Oricon easy-peasy while everyone else is going mad just from being on the planet (in the Belsavis story, the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor are both able to resist the DMs, but the other six aren't shown having that ability)?


It's a bit frustrating because the one-size-fits-all storylines really don't fit every class.

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Some of the decisions that the non-FUers make in SoR and some of the other expacs before KOTFE are so strange to me because they should not have the authority to do so. In the case of all of the non-FU, the NPCs technically outrank them by quite a bit. Why would they possibly have the final word on how Ivan was questioned on Yavin, over Marr and Satele? Or with Master Surro treated on Ziost, they get to make the final call above an SIS agent or the Minister of Sith Intelligence? How is it that my non-FU can withstand direct interaction with the Dread Masters on Oricon easy-peasy while everyone else is going mad just from being on the planet (in the Belsavis story, the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor are both able to resist the DMs, but the other six aren't shown having that ability)?


It's a bit frustrating because the one-size-fits-all storylines really don't fit every class.


That's mainly why i don't really bother doing post chapter 3 content with my NFU, and none of them really fit in the JUS storyline, except, maybe my IA, but even her, i'm not really sure about that.

I'll play KOTFEET with some of them, especially if they have nice reunions (like with Aric and Torian) just to have these nice cutscenes, and try to HC something about how they disapeared while my JK was frozen, and how they may have joined her Alliance, to get to the point where they'll reunite with their husbands, same with my SW, i think she'll be part of the rescue team who got my JK out of carbonite and then became her bodyguard, but that's pretty much it

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That's mainly why i don't really bother doing post chapter 3 content with my NFU, and none of them really fint in the JUS storyline, except, maybe my IA, but even her, i'm not really sure about that.

I'll play KOTFEET with some of them, especially if they have nice reunions (like with Aric and Torian) just to have these nice cutscenes, and try to HC something about how they disapeared while my JK was frozen, and how they may have joined her Alliance, to get to the point where they'll reunite with their husbands, same with my SW, i think she'll be part of the rescue team who got my JK out of carbonite and then became her bodyguard, but that's pretty much it


I can understand that completely.


I've taken to skipping Ilum and Oricon with the non-FU except for the Agent, because it just makes no sense, and my Republic characters skip the SoR Prelude too. But I'll play through SoR because of the individualized quests on Rishi, Lana's romance and because I just rather like questing on Rishi and Yavin 4.


In KOTFE/ET I've taken some of my non-FU through, and the reunions are really what makes that worthwhile. As much as I dislike Kaliyo I thought her chapter interactions with the Agent were top-notch, and I've enjoyed both the other in-chapter and AA reunions (the ones from KOTFE, not the two-minute wonders) for some of the non-FU. I also liked getting both Mako and Akaavi on my BH.


All the same I'm laughing in my head as I play at the idea of them being the Alliance Commander and the One and Only who can take down Valkorion, and making weapons in the Odessen wilderness and all the rest.

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I can understand that completely.


I've taken to skipping Ilum and Oricon with the non-FU except for the Agent, because it just makes no sense, and my Republic characters skip the SoR Prelude too. But I'll play through SoR because of the individualized quests on Rishi, Lana's romance and because I just rather like questing on Rishi and Yavin 4.


In KOTFE/ET I've taken some of my non-FU through, and the reunions are really what makes that worthwhile. As much as I dislike Kaliyo I thought her chapter interactions with the Agent were top-notch, and I've enjoyed both the other in-chapter and AA reunions (the ones from KOTFE, not the two-minute wonders) for some of the non-FU. I also liked getting both Mako and Akaavi on my BH.


All the same I'm laughing in my head as I play at the idea of them being the Alliance Commander and the One and Only who can take down Valkorion, and making weapons in the Odessen wilderness and all the rest.

I've been to Oricon once, and i'll never go ther again, the planet is awfull and the small story part doesn't even make sense as you can't play the whole thing unless you play in a group.

Ilum, i mainly play it with my JK, as it always makes me giggle how many Emperors/Emperess she takes down along the way when you play everything with the JK (Vitiate then Valkorion, Malgus, Arcann, Vaylin, and indirectly Acina as well on Iokath), i'm starting to wonder if she'll be responsible for Vowrawn's downfall as well.


I usually play SoR, even on characters who don't fully make sense there, because i quite like that storyline. And i always play it with any clone of my JK, just because of Theron :p


I liked getting Mako and Akaavi too, but i'm always wondering why Akaavi did not come back alongside Torian instead of Mako. She's supposed to still ba a Mandalorian, so she should've answered Mandalore's call as well, and should've been on Darvanis with the other Mandalorians, instead of bounty hunting with Mako :confused:


Yeah the dialogues with Valkorion, and other NPCs as well are quite priceless when playing a smuggler for instance. Obviously that's the best choice out there as Valko's new vessel and only hope for the galaxy :rolleyes:

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I've been to Oricon once, and i'll never go ther again, the planet is awfull and the small story part doesn't even make sense as you can't play the whole thing unless you play in a group.

Ilum, i mainly play it with my JK, as it always makes me giggle how many Emperors/Emperess she takes down along the way when you play everything with the JK (Vitiate then Valkorion, Malgus, Arcann, Vaylin, and indirectly Acina as well on Iokath), i'm starting to wonder if she'll be responsible for Vowrawn's downfall as well.


I usually play SoR, even on characters who don't fully make sense there, because i quite like that storyline. And i always play it with any clone of my JK, just because of Theron :p


I liked getting Mako and Akaavi too, but i'm always wondering why Akaavi did not come back alongside Torian instead of Mako. She's supposed to still ba a Mandalorian, so she should've answered Mandalore's call as well, and should've been on Darvanis with the other Mandalorians, instead of bounty hunting with Mako :confused:


Yeah the dialogues with Valkorion, and other NPCs as well are quite priceless when playing a smuggler for instance. Obviously that's the best choice out there as Valko's new vessel and only hope for the galaxy :rolleyes:


Oricon's fun on a Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor because the DMs try to recruit you, and on the Empire side, there's a really nice cut scene where your PC can share their greatest fear. The planet's spooky and I hate that the story ends so abruptly for me because I will not do the Ops, though.


I agree that it makes zero sense that Akaavi wouldn't have shown up in the Mandalorian chapter. She's Mandalorian and she would have supported Shae. They could have put her in there and then they'd have had another romance reunion. They could have done like Chapter 6 and let the PC decide who they want to run the missions with, Torian or Akaavi. Or had them alternate or run together, like Vette and Gault in their chapter. I do think that Mako and Akaavi are cute together though.


The only way I can possibly head canon Valkorion taking over a non-FU is that he thought they'd be easier to possess when the time came. But even that doesn't make sense because your non-FU has proven, by that point, that they can resist and kill Force users and they've sailed through Oricon, the Voss Nightmare Lands, the Dread Seed quest and Ziost without getting possessed or going mad, canonically.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Some of the decisions that the non-FUers make in SoR and some of the other expacs before KOTFE are so strange to me because they should not have the authority to do so. In the case of all of the non-FU, the NPCs technically outrank them by quite a bit. Why would they possibly have the final word on how Ivan was questioned on Yavin, over Marr and Satele? Or with Master Surro treated on Ziost, they get to make the final call above an SIS agent or the Minister of Sith Intelligence? How is it that my non-FU can withstand direct interaction with the Dread Masters on Oricon easy-peasy while everyone else is going mad just from being on the planet (in the Belsavis story, the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor are both able to resist the DMs, but the other six aren't shown having that ability)?


It's a bit frustrating because the one-size-fits-all storylines really don't fit every class.


Excellent posts. What made the Imperial Agent storyline so amazing was that you were subordinate to all the super humans around you and you couldn't really challenge them directly (because they'd zap you). You felt weak and trapped. The greatest sense of katharsis I experienced in this game was at the end of chapter 2. Haven't really had the same experience since.


A problem right now is that our individual characters are no longer at a lower rank than the other NPCs. We are equal or higher than most. And we have so much say in the overarching story that every player ends up with their own version of the same universe, despite sharing the same space. They've kinda dropped the ball.

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