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Indeed there is, but it costs so many credits that you'd be broke before getting all companions on one character. It's about 250m credits per character. And since they keep forcing companions, the nightmare never ends... LOL


That’s ridiculous. Go to fleet, find the companion gifts vendor, buy 470 of the companion’s favorite, costs less than 5mil credits.


470 of them will take the companion’s influence from 1 all the way to 50.

Edited by VelvetSanity
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It also only costs just under 5 million credits plus 3 Dark Project MK-1's for the thing that auto-levels a comp to 50. The Dark Projects are time consuming but not overly difficult to make. Of course, you could just buy the mats for the Dark Project and craft it yourself, which would cost you approx. 10.1 million (as of current GTN prices). Or you could buy Dark Project MK-1's directly, which, at 2 million per, would cost you 6 million. So, approx. 15 million or 11 million to buy one of the auto-level thingies and save yourself the time of giving your comp 470 gifts. Either way, that's far from the 250 million you claimed. Edited by ceryxp
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The term Completionist has been used way too often as an excuse to make things easier to come by or added back into the game. Many achievements have been archived or just flat removed and will never be achieved. So using completionist as an arguing point is not valid.


Example: Those who didn't qualify for HK-55 will never get those achievements available from Arma Rasa.


There's more but I'm sure my point was made.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Dude you are mental. I get it,if you would like to lvl out all companions to 50 on your main toon. Even that is overkill,but I'd get it. You want to have ALL companions on ALL of your alts lvl 50.....it doesn't even give anything, when you lvl 1 companion to 50.....not that achivments are important or titles.


While I'd like easier way to raise influence companion's affection through crafting and just killing npc's ,but you are mental. Pick a certain companion you like for certain alt...and raise that companion's affection to lvl 50. And if you need some for craft, do that for idk how many..6...8?....


This is funny as that post,where some guy complains, how he crafts all the time,because guildmaster has beef with other guildmaster so both guilds craft non stop to prove, who has bigger dick....stupidity reaches even to galaxy far far away......

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I guess you've never met a completionist before. If anything we agree on things. But I'm not mental, the system they impremented is.


a) Why increase companion cap from 10 (before 4.0) to 50? They simply screwed all the work that had been done on our companions up to that point.

b) If every companion is in practice the same, there is no point outside story reasons to have so many, what's more they are forced on us.

c) Achievements are optional, yes, but meant to be compleated if one desires. People should be able to accomplish their goals within the game's system, and by reasonable means. Spending 200m to max up most companions isn't reasonable.


I guess I should reiterate:


Make companion affection bound to legacy.


Anyway, your logic is: ''I don't care. I don't like that you want something, that you reflect on pointless, grindy game mechanics on a suggestion box thread; therefore it is irrelevant''.


My logic isn't that I don't care. I have maybe around 10 lvl 50 companions across idk...5-6 alts? And those are mainly my alts that I most play and do some crafting with them. Sure I want more LEGACY stuff as well instead of CHARACTER PERK...I also made posts about this. But completionist or not...having/planing to lvl all companions on all alts to 50 is mental.


And of course they gonna raise their lvl...it's what they do. PVP ain't gonna be like,where gear isn't important and you just play pvp...it should be,but it won't be. It's all about grind grind grind and BW buying themselves time to next patch,update or expansion. Because people burn through content they create like in a week or let's say even month and then have nothing to do,get bored and leave game.

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