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New Species?


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Kinda curious if anyone else has thought of this. There are so many species in the game that we don't have access to. But I feel it certainly would be a way to reinvigorate some level of play (Not to mention the TORfashion lol).

For me I'd even be fine if certain species were legacy unlocks or character level unlocks (similar to WoW). Like you get to Voss then are able to play as a Voss. I think that'd be darn cool! Species like Kel Dor or whatever that new blue dude with the horn on the loading screen is. (Excuse my lack of knowledge).


But what does everyone think? Is this something that has been discussed in the past that I missed? Thoughts on species we'd like to see?

Edited by MarcoFirewall
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These three, IMO, are the most likely


Less likely but still amusing and/or interesting to see/play as:








Mon Calamari



Tusken raiders

Dathomir Nightsisters



Droids of various types




Killiks (joiners or otherwise)



And yes, I know that some of them you can dress up as, but that’s not the same

Edited by VelvetSanity
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New species wouldn't be too bad, but I'd almost be happy enough if they 'fleshed out' the current races a bit more. You know, better dialogue options and NPC reactions for the different species - especially those that are Cartel Market purchases (Cathar and Torguta) or otherwise unlocked rather than 'innate' to a class - rather than simply having 'human' and 'generic alien' dialogue and reactions even when they don't fit. (Seriously, a Sith Pureblood Jedi Warrior and no one ever reacts in disbelief or anything, and he even gets referred to as 'human' at least once when he's quite clearly not...)


I don't know, maybe it's just me. As much as I'd love seeing some new races (Mon Calamari, Nautolan, Nikto all come to mind), I can't help but think that even if we did get them, it would just be a visual thing with simple 'generic alien' dialogue...

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I remember many years back reading that at one point during development some species like Wookies and Ilthorians were being considered as options but due to the graphics and coding, they weren't able to get them to mesh with the romancing cutscene graphics and rather than deal with the resulting outrage if they made them available but unable to do the romances, they just didn't go through with them.
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If they do add new specifies they have stated in the past any playable species has to meet the following:



  1. Must work with all existing romances (a.k.a must have a human like face)
  2. Must work in all existing cutscenes (can't be too short or too tall)
  3. Must work with all existing armor sets
  4. Must speak basic



So in a nut shell they have to be humanoid in nature. More then likely the humans are used as a default model and then the style of the species is layered on top. It makes it easier as they don't have to go back and redo every cutscene, armor set and romance to change how the characters interact.

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Yoda spiece :D

Regardless of the others, their IP license contract does not allow them to make playable TTYITNKWIICs, so we won't ever see Yoda's species(1) as playable.


Er. Thing That Yoda Is That Nobody Knows What It Is Called(2). But that wouldn't fit on the tool tip when you mouse over the button on the species selection windows.


(1) "Species" is an anomaly, like "sheep", where it is the same in singular and plural. "Specie" *is* a word, but means something else entirely (physical cash money, especially in the form of coins).


(2) I'm not kidding. Well. Perhaps one person knows, but he isn't saying, so it might as well be nobody. (Or would you prefer TTYITOGLAMNEHKWIIC = Thing That Yoda Is That Only George Lucas And Maybe Not Even Him Knows What It Is Called?)

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Regardless of the others, their IP license contract does not allow them to make playable TTYITNKWIICs, so we won't ever see Yoda's species(1) as playable.


Er. Thing That Yoda Is That Nobody Knows What It Is Called(2). But that wouldn't fit on the tool tip when you mouse over the button on the species selection windows.


(1) "Species" is an anomaly, like "sheep", where it is the same in singular and plural. "Specie" *is* a word, but means something else entirely (physical cash money, especially in the form of coins).


(2) I'm not kidding. Well. Perhaps one person knows, but he isn't saying, so it might as well be nobody. (Or would you prefer TTYITOGLAMNEHKWIIC = Thing That Yoda Is That Only George Lucas And Maybe Not Even Him Knows What It Is Called?)


I don't care. It could be called "gremlin" "goblin" or "unknown" :D

Edited by tummiswtor
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If they do add new specifies they have stated in the past any playable species has to meet the following:



  1. Must work with all existing romances (a.k.a must have a human like face)
  2. Must work in all existing cutscenes (can't be too short or too tall)
  3. Must work with all existing armor sets
  4. Must speak basic




5. Must fit on a Human Size Skeleton....

Edited by denavin
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What no love for Voss?

The amount of class-story (EDIT: for the Voss segment) and <Story Arc: Voss> dialogue that would become complete gibberish for a Voss player character is a bit scary. Like, you know, almost all of it. (The number of people who tell you that you can't do something because only Voss are allowed to do that is ... large.)


And they are tall and skinny compared to humans.


And they have weird voice effects.


But yeah, apart from all those things, I'd love to be able to play one of those red and blue Voss women, especially with the slightly metallic look of the head healer in the Shrine of Healing in KotET Chapter I.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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