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i wana know how many devs went to anthem from swtor


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I would like to think most of the SWTOR dev team are "pulled out" for making the 6.0. It's supposed to be expansion right, not just one planet patch?


They have said that:

"In the meantime, our Star Wars: The Old Republic team is hard at work on some amazing plans for the coming year, with new features and surprises that I think makes it the game’s most exciting year yet." (source: http://blog.bioware.com/2018/08/02/mid-summer-update/ )




"And even as we gear up for new projects, our Star Wars: The Old Republic team is hard at work delivering ongoing entertainment – envisioning new worlds and storylines that are some of the most ambitious and exciting that I’ve seen yet from that game." (source: http://blog.bioware.com/2018/11/29/november-update/ )


First one sounds like there is actually something bigger coming up, latter is maybe less assuring in that sense (talking about ongoing and not about the future) but still is using plural for new worlds and storylines.


We will see. Hey and before everyone stones me, i am not naive, i am just on the extreme end of optimist by nature :D.

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Those announcements about 6.0 are what make me feel like I'll quit SWTOR when it comes out.


I don't want a bunch of new BUGGY systems. Things have been getting worse and worse when it comes to bugs for the last couple of years.


It's hard to believe they'll fix the old bugs when they move forward to new systems.

It's also hard to imagine they'll fix the old bugs on the list after making that list even longer.


A buggy 6.0 would kill my last hopes that eventually they'll make decorating and my other favorite activities fun again, because right now they are not. I can't decorate for 5 minutes without hitting a bug.

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A buggy 6.0 would kill my last hopes that eventually they'll make decorating and my other favorite activities fun again, because right now they are not. I can't decorate for 5 minutes without hitting a bug.


What bugs occur when you decorate? Just curious I didn't know they even made decorating buggy. Seems every facet of the game has regressed. It's sad when simple decorating activities are even effected by bugs. :(

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What bugs occur when you decorate? Just curious I didn't know they even made decorating buggy. Seems every facet of the game has regressed. It's sad when simple decorating activities are even effected by bugs. :(


There's one where when you place an item, most notably with a cargo hold of any type (but has happened to me with other items as well), and if you happen to click off and then later want to make adjustments to the placement, you get an error message saying that you cannot interact with items while in customization mode (or something like that) when you click on the tile, and it'll show a random item in the preview pane (like the galactic map holo in place of the legacy storage). Your only alternative is to change the layout, then change it back, and then place the item that you had originally placed back down and adjust from scratch.

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Is it bad that I find myself feeling the same?


I'd say no. The only other dev I ever really despised was John Smedley. It's actually pretty ironic that they both worked (and I use the term loosely) on a Star Wars IP and are both despised for the direction they took in each game. Go figure.

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Is it bad that I find myself feeling the same?


I don't know. Maybe we just have to accept that we can be petty. Pardon my choice of words, but that man was a cancer. Also a reason why I took pause for almost a year. I came back because I noticed Keith was different. No one is perfect, and he is not running this game alone, but he has done many changes I absolutely love, and tried to fix the disaster that was left for him.

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