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Protip: Turn on enamy nameplates


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Here is a nice tip in case most of you did not know it already under options there is a section for nameplates you can select turn on enamy nameplates and it will show the names (in red) of enamies this is very helpful in areas where it may be hard to see whats around you also gives you a bit of a tactical advantage when entering a new area (and also sometimes you have non enemy people in areas where they are enamy npcs) so you can cleary see which are which i just have enemy nameplates on and player nameplates on (not companions) which is pretty nice.


many of you already know about this but for newer players is a nice option that allows you to spot the enemy better :-) before they spot you! (for npcs i think opposing pvp nameplates are turned on by default)


(and in case you dont know and say "why do we want to see the names of enemies" because they are all highlighted in red makes it easier to spot)

Edited by Evenios
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Funny story. I decided as a change of pace to give a Jedi Knight a whirl. So I was running through the mean streets of Coruscant defeating street thugs, like only a Jedi can do. Then I realized I'd slaughtered an entire street of completely innocent "yellow" citizens, in my zeal for crushing evil doers. The only thing that could have made the scene complete would have been Darth Malgus walking up casually raising his hand and saying: "Hi five!"
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Funny story. I decided as a change of pace to give a Jedi Knight a whirl. So I was running through the mean streets of Coruscant defeating street thugs, like only a Jedi can do. Then I realized I'd slaughtered an entire street of completely innocent "yellow" citizens, in my zeal for crushing evil doers. The only thing that could have made the scene complete would have been Darth Malgus walking up casually raising his hand and saying: "Hi five!"


Holy crap, thanks for the laugh! A real out loud laugh on the internet... they are too hard to come by in this LOL world.

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