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implying that there are other gods.


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I am asking if there is a way to remove that word from the game or hinting towards that. maybe its just me that it bothers, really i don't know. if that is possible. games have a censor function, could there be one for this as well. i played this game for a year after game come out and i very much like the fact that its very chill the language between npc's and players choices to pick. anyway thanks for reading the concern.
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I get an impression from the OP's post that the OP wishes to censor, limit, or restrict SWTOR content based on personal religious views held by the OP.


If that's the case, I must disagree. Almost all MMOs have pantheons of Gods. Skyrim has 8 divines, 9 if you count Talos, I long ago lost count of Everquest's superpowerful-otherworldly beings that are worshiped, Vanguard had a ton... and the list goes on.


NO one participating in this online game or any other should feel so religiously entitled as to believe there is anything at all appropriate about foisting one's singular religious views on the rest of the player base by campaigning to limit a game's content to exist only within the strictures of a given religious framework.


It's a game.


No one (that I know of) is standing on a street corner proselyting to anyone that they suddenly drop their real-world religiously held beliefs to become followers of Zildrog or anything else in the game.


If the game content bothers the OP that much that the OP feels motivated to post such a plea, which amounts to a Holy Inquisition on the game, the OP needs to reconsider engagement with the game.


I would urge the OP to consider switching from playing ANY online multi-player game to Parcheesi. I understand there's no implication of other gods in that.

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We must take into consideration that if the OP has been playing this game for a year, how is that only the suggestion of other gods bothers the OP, but mass murder, constant killing required by the player to advance in level, references to alcohol (alderaanian wine), murder-for-hire plots by jealous husbands (guy on Balmorra), and a host of other atrocities committed or suggested don't raise the same issue?


Equivocation is a perfectly good means to demonstrate how the OP's original suggestion falls flat. If the suggestion of other gods is a problem, the murder and mayhem throughout the game that the OP surely had to have encountered in a year or more of playing the game must also, one would think, have raised concerns.


The suggestion by the OP is therefore very ill-thought out. Far more moral wrinkles crop up in the game that the one the OP is concerned about that would undoubtedly have, during that time, tested the OP's religious sensibility.


I am strongly against EA/Bioware attempting to establish any religious filter based on any player campaign, as ardent or subtle as that campaign may be.


As soon as there's a filter established, there will be a default setting for that filter, and then those who campaigned for the filter's introduction would then further campaign for their particular desired setting as the default.


It's worse than a slippery slope. It's a cliff.


This is one suggestion that I'd be completely behind any decision by the devs to ignore.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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From Merriam Webster:


1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: such as

a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe

b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind

2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship

specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality

Greek gods of love and war

3 : a person or thing of supreme value

had photos of baseball's gods pinned to his bedroom wall

4 : a powerful ruler

Hollywood gods that control our movies' fates


There are many beings that fit one or more of the above criteria in SWTOR. I see no reason why any reference to "god" should be removed.

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NO one participating in this online game or any other should feel so religiously entitled as to believe there is anything at all appropriate about foisting one's singular religious views on the rest of the player base by campaigning to limit a game's content to exist only within the strictures of a given religious framework.

You say that, and for sure it is, indeed, a game, but the version of Runes of Magic that was published in the Middle East was renamed "Runes of Might" because of Islamic religious sensibilities.


That said, the OP's request is based on ... well ... not much sense at all, sorry to say. So what if there are "other gods" than Yahweh / Allah / etc. in a fictional universe? The references to Zildrog and the others, and to the Trandoshan Scorekeeper, are saying nothing about the real world and any religious states of affairs.


There is also a subtle distinction that appears to have escaped the OP. The game is not saying that these gods exist, not even in the SWTOR universe. It says, rather, that these people (the Heralds of Zildrog, the Trandoshans, etc.) *believe* that these gods exist.


Disclaimer: My own attitude toward religion is more or less summed up in the word "indifference".

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It's already been said, its just a game. Personally, I have never got the impression that game characters were trying to "convert me" or my toon lol! To suggest anything otherwise would be silly lol.


In today's world, there are many different religious beliefs and to be offended by the preaching, conversation or mentioning of these is completely unfair and unjustified. As previously stated if it bothers you to subject yourself to "in-game so-called gods or beliefs" (which are part of the story btw) then it might be best to find another MMO that is more suitable to your conscience.


However, there are very few games if any that don't have some kind of in-game beliefs. In Swtor, there are many planets and many different types of humanoids, a galaxy full of them. That said, can you really not expect to find religious in-game characters /storylines? They have their place in the game and by that, it makes the game more relatable.

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Ok, this may be throwing gasoline on a fire here, but...


Jedi is a legally recognized religion in New Zealand and has been for years (probably other countries as well, at this point). And yes, it is based entirely on Star Wars Jedi. It started as a prank with college kids standing on street corners preaching “the ways of the force”. :)


Someone made a short documentary about them a while back. I think it was sometime around when the original trilogy special edition came out, or else the prequels. Good stuff. :)

Edited by VelvetSanity
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*shrug* as others have said here, out in the real world you're going to encounter people with different religious and spiritual beliefs. In works of fiction you're also going to encounter characters, cultures and worlds with religious and spiritual beliefs that might differ from your own. There's no reason to censor any of that.


If it's a matter of someone's religion being subjected to derogatory comments in gen chat that is a different issue, but that is already disallowed under the ToS as hate speech, and it's true for all religions.

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