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Is 6.0 make or break for you (I'm not talking about bugs)


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Is 6.0 make or break for you or SWTOR?


  • No, I will continue to play because no other MMO has held my interest. It even made WoW seem lame for me. Despite the issues it has, I will play as long as it exists.


Is 6.0 even a thing?


  • Yes, they already said they are working on a 6.0. There just may be more updates like 5.11, 5.12, etc before then but 6.0 is happening.


Or will it die the horrible death we all have been waiting for.


  • I just play while I can, and enjoy it for while I can. Everything dies at some point and even WoW will eventually reach it so I just don't bother to worry about what ifs.


I guess APATHY is DEATH.


  • I guess so lol

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Is 6.0 make or break for you or SWTOR?


  • No, I will continue to play because no other MMO has held my interest. It even made WoW seem lame for me. Despite the issues it has, I will play as long as it exists.


Is 6.0 even a thing?


  • Yes, they already said they are working on a 6.0. There just may be more updates like 5.11, 5.12, etc before then but 6.0 is happening.


Or will it die the horrible death we all have been waiting for.


  • I just play while I can, and enjoy it for while I can. Everything dies at some point and even WoW will eventually reach it so I just don't bother to worry about what ifs.


I guess APATHY is DEATH.


  • I guess so lol


What if I told you... Wait I'm not allowed.

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No, it is not. I follow this strange formula for my leisure activities, particularly ones I pay for:


Am I having fun at the moment? If yes, continue to play. If not, stop playing and wait until the gaming company releases content I find enjoyable. If I take a break in between content releases, so what? If they never release content that I'm interested in, I simply move on.


Never understood the penchant for the dramatic stark ultimatums that permeate this forum (and others).





Edited by Jdast
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Is 6.0 make or break for you or SWTOR?


  • No, I will continue to play because no other MMO has held my interest. It even made WoW seem lame for me. Despite the issues it has, I will play as long as it exists.


Is 6.0 even a thing?


  • Yes, they already said they are working on a 6.0. There just may be more updates like 5.11, 5.12, etc before then but 6.0 is happening.


Or will it die the horrible death we all have been waiting for.


  • I just play while I can, and enjoy it for while I can. Everything dies at some point and even WoW will eventually reach it so I just don't bother to worry about what ifs.


I guess APATHY is DEATH.


  • I guess so lol


coudnt have said it better myself

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I think the game will end after 6.0. And I am optimistic. Up to 6.0, it simply lingers too long. Why should they do it like this? But I still hope they secretly work on a SWTOR 2 and do it right this time. Okay, a very weak hope.
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I think the game will end after 6.0. And I am optimistic. Up to 6.0, it simply lingers too long. Why should they do it like this? But I still hope they secretly work on a SWTOR 2 and do it right this time. Okay, a very weak hope.


My sources have told me 6.0. will introduce an engine update. The reason patch updates have been minimal, they also claimed Hero and Bioware relationship turned sour causing Hero to remove SWTOR from their site however in recent times SWTOR has been put back on Hero site and that they're now communicating.


The possibility of this update could introduce 64bit as well as keeping 86x with some further graphic improvements, Casey stated there is some big things in store for SWTOR next year 2019.

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