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PvP Player HAS to do PVE for gear


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I Remember a stream where Eric and Charles talked about the " possibility " of a come-back for PvP Gear. It was on a discussion back in april with Vulk on youtube I believe.


I'm looking at the 5.10 and i'm like ... ok, cause I love the game, played for a great deal of time, i'm gonna do the reputaion of ossus and bla bla bla ... But I also see that the new gear is mainly for those you play nightmare last op.


So that's great for those PVE player that actually deal great PVE skill to get that reward. But there is no freaking diffrence with the gear in PVE and PVP since quite too much time for my taste. And now it does get very confusing ...


The ONLY WAY to get gear higher than 248 from the command crait gives you ... is to bang your head on farming Ossus quest, get that reputation where if you do it right, you can be legend within a 5 weeks range. PVP does NOT give you ANYTHING toward that new gear, and oh by the way why bother ... the bolster gives you more that your 248 gear boost.


Imagine someone that actually play PVE content, does nightmare, get the 258 stuff right. and actually, he like pvp too ... well you understand my concern to see that the guys is gonna rekt my *** cause i'm 2 gears lower than he is and that's not OK !


So what ... now all my friends I was playing with left the game , why ? cause they will not get the only time playing by doing PVE content over and over and over again for 5 weeks + so that they can get the same stuff than pve player has just not to get rekt in warzone.


I can't even blame them ! But Eric please, tell me / us that right now you're not just talking about bringing back a pvp Gear but that you KNOW you're bringing it back ... it's great to reward those who can do nightmare last op really it is ... but we're not talking about balance anymore with this gear, it's a true favor to some people.


I never came in here to complain, been playing since beta nov '11, can't stop, i love the game, but this ... oh man i feel it as a pvp player seriously , i feel not ok about what's going on in with that gear choice.


just don't tell me " do daily and get the gear " just don't say that.


Sorry for my english and have a good week end, happy new year


( we need a pvp gear back like it was made at the start of the game ... recrut stuff this was the greatest deal

-recrut gear : gives you the basic pvp stats, let's call it the basic bolster

- from there : 2 higher gears

- Bound the pve mods together so that you can't exchange with pvp mods , like that you can have a hole diffrent gear for the 2 content if that's what's needed. but get something done, no pvp gear at all and having to bash our head on the desk to get gear like that is not ok for pvp player it's just not


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It’s been said over and over to Bioware and they don’t get it or understand or don’t care to listen.


I’m done bothering to try and gear for pvp. Bolster is at 252 at, and it’s not bad. But I have started to come across 258 players in the last few days that are having a big impact on bolstered players. This is causing more rage quits than last week (when everyone had the same stats).


Pvpers need seperate gear they can get fast or they need to make Bolster 258. Until Bioware realise that the majority of pvpers want to play for fun and skill and not grind gear or have gear gods dominate them, pvpers will continue to leave the game or stop playing pvp.


Once more people have 258 gear and start stomping people who hate to grind, it will put more casual players off pvping and drive some more dedicated players like myself from the game because we refuse to participate in Biowares gear grind.


Bioware are ruining pvp and they just don’t get it. That is why the game is diminishing faster than it should.



Edited by TrixxieTriss
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