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Taking a cue from City of Heroes


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Couple CoH suggestions if possible for WAY down the road.


The first would be to add background people walking through the game. CoH cities felt alive because of all the NPC traffic walking around. This game has a handful of random people standing around in the same places and feels empty. I know it is somewhat frivolous but it really would help the game world feel more vibrant.


Second suggestion, get more decorative slotted armor sets. I don't need more powerful armor (wouldn't complain if I found some) but one of the greatest things about the CoH was how customizable it was. A large percentage of the population could sit in their designer and build their costume for hours. Now I know that is a critical role of a super hero game but IMO some high level toon design is important in any MMO. Again helps with the immersion.


Don't expect these to be done and even if they make a list somewhere completely understand them being very low priority but just wanted to throw some wall dressing suggestions out there.

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In addition to those, there are a few things i'd also like to be taken from city of heroes.


An apprentice system. You're level 50, you have a friend who just started and got to level 10. You should be able to group with them and do dungeons at the very least, without "running" them through them. This system is already implemented more or less in PVP where everyones on even ground. Just make it so, if you're grouped with someone, you can enter any dungeon and you're temporarily boosted to their level.


"flashbacks" I LOVED this about COH. I could go back and relive missions i've done before. I'd love this in star wars, just make it a "reflection on your past deeds" kind of thing.


BETTER, CUSTOMER, SUPPORT. One thing i loved about COH was their outstanding customer support. If a mission was bugged, you could contact support, in just a few minutes they would have a customer service rep IN THE INSTANCE WITH YOU to see where the bug/glitch is. and then fix it then and there for you! You have no idea how many times i've had missions bugged, MOBs stuck in walls or floors, not all the items spawning properly. and i always got it fixed. It showed great care, and even more respect for their customers.

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COH pretty much set the standard for character customization.


It's nice you can change the color of your weapons output but to be able to custom color your armor would really add to the personalization of your character and keep everyone from looking so cookie cutter.


Also, a minor quibble - it would be nice if lightsaber color wasn't light and dark restricted. I have a Jedi named Jayhawk and as part of his look, I wanted him to be able to carry dual lightsabers in the school colors - red and blue. Only, as soon as I reached Light 1, I was no longer able to do that.

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An apprentice system.



Great suggestions... I agree.



BETTER, CUSTOMER, SUPPORT. One thing i loved about COH was their outstanding customer support.
It wasn't always that way. When CoH launched it had a lot of problems and the devs were swamped. I do hope SWToR does grow to the level of CS that CoH and Asheron's Call had. ACs monthly updates and fearlessness for changing its game world are still amoung the best I have ever seen. Blowing up a town on the main hub, shadow invasion and all part of the monthly updates... still incredible.
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My two top wishes to bring from CoH are:


1. The awesome sidekicking/explaring system. Makes it SO much better as you can team with your buddies no matter what level you all are, and everyone gets XP.

2. The chat system. OMG that game SO has the best chat system EVER in an MMO. Reid used to work for CoH, he knows the score there!

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The first would be to add background people walking through the game. CoH cities felt alive because of all the NPC traffic walking around. This game has a handful of random people standing around in the same places and feels empty. I know it is somewhat frivolous but it really would help the game world feel more vibrant.




I know this seems like a good idea, but Champions Online, which is the intellectual sprog of CoH in many ways, has a terrible problem with npcs jostling players around, dropping out of the sky to tell this or that hero how great they are, then running off...


Not saying "never do this" but if BW does implement this idea at any point, I strongly encourage moderation. Personally, I feel that there's already a decent number of non-interactable npcs in the game.

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Outstanding suggestions!! And agreed....the character customization here is the one thing thats keeping my wife from completely loving the game. Please keep in mind that a huge number of female players (and a decent amount of male ones) see character appearance and ability to customize as one of the most important features in a game.
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If there is one thing cryptic studios did right its character customization. It's no apb or eve, but its fantastic for what it is. A shame to see the star trek mmo has better character creation than the $300 million wow clone. Even dcuo has better options in way of unlocking the appearance and switch when you want.


As for the other stuff all too true. I have a friend that only plays with his girl friend, so they're already almost 50. I have friends that haven't started yet, so when they get on it would be nice to get on and play with them with out rerolling or killing the whole team before they even get to the first enemy.

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CoH definitely has great character customization. Will have to see what the replacement system is for the match chestpiece color system they had during beta. No ETA on it but hopefully we'll have at least a few color options on our gear like a dye capability or something.


Love CoH's chat set-up too. While they aren't permitted to flat-out copy it, agreed that they could definitely use some inspiration from it.


I suspect we'll see more background NPCs as time passes. Gotta believe though with a significant number of people have FPS issues and lag problems, etc., that they'll wait until they have better optimization and server stability before they introduce something like that. But would definitely like to see it in the future.


I like the flashbacks from CoH although not sure how they would fit here. In CoH, you had time-traveling storylines so a time-traveling system for flashback missions made sense. Wouldn't want to see time-traveling introduced into a SW game...but maybe if they just made it a re-play system you could access from your ship and didn't try to fit into the story at all.


The sidekick system from CoH would definitely be a nice addition. This game is good for duoing with the companions and 4 person groups and it would be nice to be able to duo without having to constantly be on at the same time as someone else to keep characters at similar levels.

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As an old COH vet (Drunk IrishMan on Victory server here!), I love this thread.


In fact, I have an idea to add:



With the exception of unique mobs, mobs shouldn't be able to spawn in on top of you. It's both annoying and immersion breaking have badguys materialize out of nothingness and proceed to be beating your arse.

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As long as it doesn't cause Lag would be good to see some more people in the cities. Having everyone in Kass City being a sith apprentice followed by the hulk (Khelm Val) is not the same as seeing normal people going about their business.
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