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What happened to the Sith Emperor?


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Not Palpatine, but the Emperor during the time in which this game and the Kotor games take place. From the Wookiepedia I believe it's Tenebrae or Lord Vitiate. It simply says that he disappears after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and then from what I can tell by reading through the history of the Star Wars universe he's never mentioned again. I didn't search extensively or anything so I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me if there is anything else ever mentioned about this guy? Thanks.
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I don't know if this should have spoiler tags around it but I've never used them so I now will. Yay!



Now, I may be wrong about this, but it's not as simple as 'old Emperor, new Emperor'.


He's the same Emperor, as I understand it. He's been jumping bodies, from what I can gather. When he's about to expire he sends his life force to inhabit an appropriate host (clone, ideal being, whatever). In that sense Palpatine actually IS the same guy. Very, very keen on not dying.


Edited by Kioma
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I was wondering if that might be the case. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere though and Palpatine has an entire backstory including where he was born and grew up. But that doesn't mean your scenario isn't what happened. Just curious if he was the same or if there was any definitive info on it.
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The Sith Emperor withdrew into seclusion following the Treaty of Coruscant, allowing the Dark Council to manage most affairs of the Empire. This is presumably due to a combination of factors: 1) focusing his attention on Force-related concerns, and 2) his ongoing mental war with the imprisoned Revan.


The main reason that Emperor Vitiate appears to never be mentioned again is because he dies in this game, which obviously is a very new story. He is killed at the end of the Jedi Knight class story.


While Vitiate and Palpatine shared an obsession with Dark Side power in order to live forever, there is no reason at all to assume that they were the same individual. It's more likely that Vitiate was an early practitioner of some of the rituals that Palpatine would later use to extend his own life, such as transferring his consciousness to clone bodies.

Edited by psychogobstopper
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The main reason that Emperor Vitiate appears to never be mentioned again is because he dies in this game, which obviously is a very new story. He is killed at the end of the Jedi Knight class story.







That actually surprises me quite a bit, actually. I figured Bioware was saving the Emperor as the final boss in a Operation down the line, not offing him in a single class story arc. Especially given all the attention that Malgus is disfranchised with the Empire, thus giving Imperials a gateway to said Operation as well...


That's actually rather ballsy of Bioware, and I applaud them for it.

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As a follow-up based on SPOILERS that I just read in another thread...




Apparently the Jedi Knight kills the Emperor's body, but his consciousness had time to transfer to a new body. Supposedly the Jedi Consular is responsible for the ultimate "banishment" of the Emperor's spirit / consciousness / whatever term you prefer.


Some people might say that that opens the door to Vitiate later being Palpatine, but I still think that's highly unlikely based on what is currently known about Palpatine's youth.





GCRust, based on what I just said above, it's possible that BioWare is keeping the door open to Vitiate returning in a later content update - a la Palpatine returning in "Dark Empire" after his death in Return of the Jedi.

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Not to mention, it would create a inconsistency within the franchise if Palpatine was this Sith Emperor.


For starters, why bother with the Death Star when the Emperor of TOR knows of various other objects of immense power, like the Infinity Engine?

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Awesome, I was wondering if perhaps this game addressed the situation at all. Thanks for the info and for being willing to provide it (I don't mind spoilers but I know some do). It did seem rather far fetched that Palpatine was the same, but I wasn't sure.


Youre to gullible, that has not been confirmed. I do know that the jedi knights "kill" him at the end of their story line.

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That actually surprises me quite a bit, actually. I figured Bioware was saving the Emperor as the final boss in a Operation down the line, not offing him in a single class story arc. Especially given all the attention that Malgus is disfranchised with the Empire, thus giving Imperials a gateway to said Operation as well...


That's actually rather ballsy of Bioware, and I applaud them for it.



you fight and kill malgus in a raid called "the false emp




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The emperor doesn't actually die. SW gets a mail telling that a Jedi knight tried the impossible, to kill the emperor. The mail says that the emperor's recovery is in progress and the emperor's wrath is now needed more than ever.


TLDR: Jedi Knight doesn't really kill the emperor, neither does the consular.

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I'd recommend getting the books based around the Old Republic, they set up a lot of the events that take place in this game. I've just listened to the audio books The Old Republic: Revan and The Old Republic: Deceived. Revan explains lot's of the gaps in his story around the koToR games and where he went afterwards. Did you see the video called Deceived where Malgus destroys the Jedi temple? Well that's a chapter of the book Deceived and that whole thing and the repercussions are explained, there's a lot of information about Malgus and i'm glad I read it with Malgus being prominent int his game.


I'm just about to start the last one, The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance, and i've now idea what its about but cant wait to read it.


If your interested in the lore of this game and wander about the Emperor/Malgus/Revan etc i'd highly recommend going through them. The audio books are great as they're done with music and sound effects, makes the drive to and from work much better :-)

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