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After skipping to Ossus, I cant access the Iokath Daily missions.

I tested this on 2 Chars, both Level 70 and both did not do the Iokath story to this point or acceppted the mission.

From my understanding skipping to Ossus should complete all previous story lines (including Iokath)...obviously it doesnt :confused:


I also dont have access to the Iokath mission from the mission terminal on my ship, so I cant even redo the Iokath mission if I wanted to to unlock the Iokath daily.

I can travel to Iokath but I cannot side with imp or rep and dont get any daily missions displayed on the mission board.


Is this supposed to be like this or is this a bug?

If this is supposed to be it would be not cool to lose a whole daily area for chars that skip to Ossus.


+ + + tried on 3 character also same thing please fix the problem

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Except that a set of 248 with a 6 piece set bonus is better than a mix of 248/252 without. Furthermore, the enhancements appear to be bound to armor slot, a bug or intended design change which was reported on PTS and never confirmed if intended. This limits the ability to min/max the stats, and may mean that one has to keep some 248 enhancements to properly redistribute stats. This will be especially true for tanks because who knows if high-endurance mods and enhancements will even be available at 252 and 258 tier. So, you're still going to want to get those crates, especially for alts, or alternative gear sets, since Masterwork Data Crystals being bound to character doesn't play well for alts.


Both the enhancements AND the mods in each piece of new gear is bound to an armor slot. It's ridiculous. EA apparently thinks our toons are still TOO EFFECTIVE after the dozen nerf bats they've beaten most specs with, so now we're not allowed to optimize our gear. That 252 tank set piece has an unlettered mod and a low endurance enhancement? Sucks to be you! Your 252 piece is in effect a downgrade from your optimized 248 gear, AND the set bonus doesn't even stack!


Apparently this was reported repeatedly on the PTS and Musco/the devs never clarified whether this was intended or not. This probably means it was intended and EA didn't want to own up to it, like their many, many other stealth nerfs they add to the game that they never mention in patch notes or dev posts.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Lol can we have both versions fused and get a jaesa reborn...Anyway I got lightside jaesa and from influence 50 she's back to lvl 1 not happy about that as i spent a lot of credits earned through farming to get her up there. Also After facing malora The game froze and i had to reboot the game on my sage and my jedi knight. A glitch happens when malora crawls away.
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Did the Ossus storyline on my Guardian, don't want to use any others now especially after reading some of the bugs that are happening, For some reason my character had asked Theron to marry them even though I don't think I ever started a relationship with Theron. Reunited with Doc and was able to continue the relationship with him so I got the break up mission with Theron. I got the double companion bug with C2-N2 and Rusk, I have Quinn listed as having reunited with, which is weird since I am a Jedi, and that he doesn't want to join me since I went back to the Republic.
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The game keeps crashing for me after I beat Gnost-Dural during the Imperial storyline. The cut scene plays as it should, but when it pans up and fades to black everything freezes. I've tried playing through it about a dozen times now and tried lowering my graphics settings, but no luck. This basically means I can't finish the main story.


Has anyone encountered this or have a workaround?

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I lost my vanilla companion romance with Quinn and Andronikos by skipping all the other expansions and going straight to Ossus. I recruited Andronikos back immediately before I even ported to Ossus and there wasn't a flirt or a romance lock in option during his reunion.

On Quinns interaction details all I have is he joined me as a member of the Eternal Alliance. Nothing about resuming our relationship.

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Several decorations have lost their graphics and sound effects.

Some trophy wall picture frames have lost their graphic (like Monolith HM),

some wall picture frames displaying old republic official art have lost their art (some of 5th anniversary stuff),

some fountains have lost their water graphic and sound effect (like jedi temple fountain)

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The game keeps crashing for me after I beat Gnost-Dural during the Imperial storyline. The cut scene plays as it should, but when it pans up and fades to black everything freezes. I've tried playing through it about a dozen times now and tried lowering my graphics settings, but no luck. This basically means I can't finish the main story.


Has anyone encountered this or have a workaround?


I had the same crash, it even froze my i7 laptop which is 20 days old lol, so new windows and new swtor instalation, it cant be anything else.


I had it only once tho. I logged in again, beated him and was able to finish the story without crashes.


When I had a 2nd run on my 2nd toon, swtor didnt crash after I beated him, so I have no clue whats triggering the crash in that fight.

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How do i even play it when the trooper companion Imp side after you arrive wont summon/spawn? Doesn't matter what i do to try and fix it on my end i just can't do the content.


Thanks for nothing i guess, though you think i'd be used to it by now.



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Except that a set of 248 with a 6 piece set bonus is better than a mix of 248/252 without. Furthermore, the enhancements appear to be bound to armor slot, a bug or intended design change which was reported on PTS and never confirmed if intended. This limits the ability to min/max the stats, and may mean that one has to keep some 248 enhancements to properly redistribute stats. This will be especially true for tanks because who knows if high-endurance mods and enhancements will even be available at 252 and 258 tier. So, you're still going to want to get those crates, especially for alts, or alternative gear sets, since Masterwork Data Crystals being bound to character doesn't play well for alts.


thanks for summarizing this thread so far. i´m aware of this. it was sarcasm.


allthought s.o. starting from scretch should indeed farm ossus bevor going for CXP.

atleast heal and DDs can kinda optimize their stats and reach GCD tier 2.

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I had the same crash, it even froze my i7 laptop which is 20 days old lol, so new windows and new swtor instalation, it cant be anything else.


I had it only once tho. I logged in again, beated him and was able to finish the story without crashes.


When I had a 2nd run on my 2nd toon, swtor didnt crash after I beated him, so I have no clue whats triggering the crash in that fight.


Same issues happening on both Imp and Rep sides. After numerous tries on both toons last night I gave up and went to bed. Tried again this morning, was able to get through all the final cutscenes with my Imp but not Rep, still freezing. Any suggestions? Laptop is less than a year old, drivers are all updated and graphics are on lowest possible.

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Same issues happening on both Imp and Rep sides. After numerous tries on both toons last night I gave up and went to bed. Tried again this morning, was able to get through all the final cutscenes with my Imp but not Rep, still freezing. Any suggestions? Laptop is less than a year old, drivers are all updated and graphics are on lowest possible.


I think its game related, it has nothing to do with HW/SW you have. I can run PVE on ultra just fine without any loss of fps or lags, settings does no affect the crash, something in the game does, thats my opinion. Something can trigger it, I just dont know what since it happened only once, the first time I played Ossus story. If I manage to recreate the crash and pinpoint whats causing it, I'll post here.


So far, when it comes to the Rep side, I didnt finish the story, but if you had it on the Rep side also, coukd you tell me when does it happen?

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Good news, starting the Ossus story gave me back T7, as he had gotten eaten by the bug where he disappeared for JKs who reran the second chapter of KotFE and that toon never got him back (until now) even though that bug was supposedly fixed.


Bad news, Rusk is back in the 'fallen out of contact' section even though I recruited him and still have Skadge. Hopefully, Rusk will come back soon when you're done trying to figure this stuff out..


EDIT: And now Rusk's back where he should be. So that bit can be disregarded.

Edited by IzumiCurtis
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Not really sure if this is 5.10 related but probably it is:


Two autocompleted stories and the issues with companions:


1, Bounty Hunter/Powertech: The companion terminal in the Alliance headquarter shows me Scoripio as recoverable but it never happens when I choose the option. All other companions, story or class, worked. Scorpio won't show up although the dialogue in the terminal says so after choosing "get Scorpio back". Scorpio is also missing in the contacts window.


2. Consular/Shadow: Nadia Grell totally gone and NOT recoverable via the terminal. Missing in the contacts window as well. Oyzen Fess not recoverable but he IS in the contactzs window under "unknown whereabouts".


Love for this game aside guys, I have a hard time to understand how ANY of the countless issues released with 5.10, especially the companion issues, couldn't be discovered by simply testing it beforehand, just by really playintg a autocompleted char through this procedure... as well as the issues with the World bosses achievements and missions and like 1001 other things. HOW in hell did any of this not pop up if you've tested it even only very superficially?!

Well, at least please fix this mess now. :-)

Edited by Khaleg
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thanks for summarizing this thread so far. i´m aware of this. it was sarcasm.


allthought s.o. starting from scretch should indeed farm ossus bevor going for CXP.

atleast heal and DDs can kinda optimize their stats and reach GCD tier 2.


I'm Watchman and yeah it's a very new character on a newer account.

Edited by diamondbook
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I had the same crash, it even froze my i7 laptop which is 20 days old lol, so new windows and new swtor instalation, it cant be anything else.


I had it only once tho. I logged in again, beated him and was able to finish the story without crashes.


When I had a 2nd run on my 2nd toon, swtor didnt crash after I beated him, so I have no clue whats triggering the crash in that fight.


Mine locks up on the end of final quest on light side. Go thru the whole cut scene to the end and it locks up.

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Honestly the enhancements being bound to gear slots doesn't bother me as much as the set bonuses not carrying over between 248 and 252/258 gear. To me that's just asinine. Being bound to gear slots simply means you might have to farm a few more crystals, whereas not having set bonuses as you upgrade your gear results in people stubbornly refusing to upgrade from 248 armorings until they have the full set, or at least 6/7. That's a substantial stat differential of something like 30 endurance and 36 mastery for versatiles...
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Honestly the enhancements being bound to gear slots doesn't bother me as much as the set bonuses not carrying over between 248 and 252/258 gear. To me that's just asinine. Being bound to gear slots simply means you might have to farm a few more crystals, whereas not having set bonuses as you upgrade your gear results in people stubbornly refusing to upgrade from 248 armorings until they have the full set, or at least 6/7. That's a substantial stat differential of something like 30 endurance and 36 mastery for versatiles...


Both thing are unaceptable.

Item being bound to gear slot make it impossible for a tank to have proper 258 item... ridiculous.


Also - like 2 poeple already said : Lot of OP are buggy right now - special mention to SnV city ....

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I mentioned a few things:


1. With my Sage and my Guardian: all fine here. They chose Republic on Iokath, after Nathema and for Ossus. Nothing messed up.


Oooh. I tried to play another Republic Char. Same choices in the past, but after the first cutscenes there is no companion, and I can't summon her (or any other companion, ok, storybound).

Tried to reset the story a few times, but every time the cutscene ends, I'm alone.

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Something things I noticed.


The second weekly mission (sorry cant remember the name) that gives 1 crystal for killing both world bosses on Ossus isnt showing up. I see the one on the "limited time missions" for the ranked pvp, but not the other one. I was able to pick it up on my first toon i took through on Tuesday, but none of the others can get it.


Companions seem to be doing a LOT less dmg and not generating much threat while in DPS spec. I've had to switch them to tank spec in order to survive trash pulls.


Not sure if the armor drop rates in the weekly mission armor packs are bugged. I've done it on 6 toons so far and have gotten 5 implants, 1 relic (which is a junk one and personally should be able to trade ANY 252 relic + crystals to get ANY other relic we wanted), and only 1 piece of actual armor (pair of bracers). Seems like the actual armor is a very rare drop from these packs. Not sure if that's a bug or if "it's working as intended" which seems to be the response most of the time.


A suggestion. While I understand you guys wanting people to run MM gods, not all of us are in progression type guilds and therefor not able to do that op. I think the crafting mats should drop from ANY Vet or MM op which would allow those of us without the ability to do gods MM to be able to also craft items. I know you will be able to buy them on GTN, but come on, the prices will be way too high for most to afford.

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On the quest "the lost colony", in republic side, my new companion Tau does not appear in my companion list.

I tried everything : disconnect, reset, tried to continue without her.

All has been a failure.


I hope you will repare this problem quickly because I would be disappointed if I cannot play this story before everyone quit Ossus.

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After beating Darth Malora and starting a conversation with her, the cut scene freezes. Tried everything I could think of graphics wise but no luck. So I cannot progress the story. Hope there is a fix soon because it doesn't feel right being subbed and unable to enjoy the content.
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Already posted it in the general discussion, but also posting it here just in case:


So I wanted to check how long I haven't been online with characters in a guild when I realized I couldn't find them back the way I usually do: looking at the legacy name. But when I did, I couldn't see my characters. So I used the character name filter and found this:


Character I was logged in with at the time: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/512004350567251978/523169817776226317/Screenshot_2018-12-14_17_07_47_021112.jpg


Other characters in that guild: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/512004350567251978/523169934172225550/Screenshot_2018-12-14_16_48_12_791233.jpg[/url]


A third example from another guild (Ashmore should be Antilles too): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/512004350567251978/523170308027580438/Screenshot_2018-12-14_14_28_35_445952.jpg


Is there anyone else who has/had this problem? If so, were you able to solve it? Or is it one of the bugs that came along with patch 5.10?

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