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Why are 12's matched up against 30's?


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I've been getting into PvP recently and one thing has really bothered me. It seems like your chances of winning are all based on what level players you have on your team. I was just in a team with three 12's, 2 15,s, and a few 20+'s. We were mtahced up against 2 30+'s, a few 20+'s, and only on guy below 20.


IMHO PvP should be broken up based on your level...ie 10-15, 15-20, 20-25, etc... Why it's not like that is beyond me.

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You've only begun to experience the stupid. Wait until you get a team were almost everyone is below 25 and the other side is all above 40. good luck even having fun in that one.


Why are level 12's fighting 50's, let alone 30's? I would have laughed if someone described this mechanic to me before this game.

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Then don't PvP you crybabies my lord.... so much QQ.



If you are level 12-25-32, or whatever you should be leveling. If you want to LEVEL via PvP then you have to play with the 50s. Quit your complaining. If you do not like the 50s in the Warzone, then go kill some monsters.


The level 50s are not hindering your ability to play PVP. YOU ARE BY COMPLAINING.


Also once you level to 50, it will be balanced. Unless wait... ****! They now have better gear than you. Well might as well put brackets for gear levels, don't want them blue geared players going against the people with purples, because that isn't fair.


Clickers shouldn't go against keybinders because well that's not fair.


Also you should bracket it on internet connection too. Why should a player with dial-up be forced to play against someone with highspeed.


My lord... the QQ in this game is insane. >.<

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So what you are saying is that you enjoy griefing lowbies...good to know. All good competitive sports/games have something called balance. It's like playing football where one team has pads and the other is in shorts and t-shirts. Edited by Dubzinator
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So what you are saying is that you enjoy griefing lowbies...good to know. All good competitive sports/games have something called balance. It's like playing football where one team has pads and the other is in shorts and t-shirts.


The Detroit lions play against others teams that don't suck.... ( I heard a football league where a team can go 0-16 is balance LOL)



Null and void arguement is null and void....

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Major issue with this is the advantage gain in rewards a team of 50's get over a team of "12's". Pretty annoying really. I play my lvl 50 trooper and he's no match for a level 50 inquisitor. I hate being the only 50 in a match on the republic side versus a juggernaut and an inquisitor (50's) and absolutely nothing I can do to defend against either one independently (either). All I can say is, too damn annoying to enjoy. All you have to do is cuss a few times and you get kicked, which is far better than waiting it out.


Just saying.

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Then don't PvP you crybabies my lord.... so much QQ.



If you are level 12-25-32, or whatever you should be leveling. If you want to LEVEL via PvP then you have to play with the 50s. Quit your complaining. If you do not like the 50s in the Warzone, then go kill some monsters.


The level 50s are not hindering your ability to play PVP. YOU ARE BY COMPLAINING.


Also once you level to 50, it will be balanced. Unless wait... ****! They now have better gear than you. Well might as well put brackets for gear levels, don't want them blue geared players going against the people with purples, because that isn't fair.


Clickers shouldn't go against keybinders because well that's not fair.


Also you should bracket it on internet connection too. Why should a player with dial-up be forced to play against someone with highspeed.


My lord... the QQ in this game is insane. >.<


You are a fool. Let me guess, you like to camp lowbies because it's easier than fighting someone your level.

Edited by BlackFx
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Can you people seriously not figure out why there are no brackets? Stop thinking instant gratification short term and think long term. Right now level 12s are going up against 50s, but what about a year from now? 5 years from now? If they bracketed PvP a lot of people would never be able to get matches, or have long queue times to get into a fight.


The all inclusive system they have in right now works. It just needs a couple months of ramp up time.


Learn some god damn patience.

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The Detroit lions play against others teams that don't suck.... ( I heard a football league where a team can go 0-16 is balance LOL)



Null and void arguement is null and void....


Your analogy is absolutely horrid...


That being said, this system is in place to make sure there are always games to be played for those that wish to pvp at any time. The problem with bracketed pvp is that eventually the player base lvls up and the lower lvl peeps and newcomers can't pvp because there are no one else in their bracket wanting to.


I'm sure the 50s will eventually get their own bracket once there is enough in the population to warrant one.


Stop the QQ and just play already... jeez.

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Can you people seriously not figure out why there are no brackets? Stop thinking instant gratification short term and think long term. Right now level 12s are going up against 50s, but what about a year from now? 5 years from now? If they bracketed PvP a lot of people would never be able to get matches, or have long queue times to get into a fight.


The all inclusive system they have in right now works. It just needs a couple months of ramp up time.


Learn some gosh darn patience.


Yeah ok, because there wouldn't be a bracket for 50's in the long term. Perhaps you should think before you speak.


There will always be low level players.

Edited by BlackFx
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You are a fool.


It was suppose to be an idiotic post. However since you could not extract that hidden concept perhaps you should review yourself instead of casting judgment upon me?



I know level 15s who can compete fairly with level 50s. Hell this ISNT a single player game. In a Warzone you have many people.


If I am healing a level 50 versus a 15, the 50 will win. If I heal a 15 versus a 50, the 15 will win.


Your team is what makes you win, not what levels you are.


Also people pouting about fairness. Why not have everyone have the exact same gear? I do not understand why you cannot grasp that life isn't fair. Everyone has the CHANCE to win.


You're entitled to PvP that is what your $15 pays for. You however are not entitled to win.

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Then don't PvP you crybabies my lord.... so much QQ.



If you are level 12-25-32, or whatever you should be leveling. If you want to LEVEL via PvP then you have to play with the 50s. Quit your complaining. If you do not like the 50s in the Warzone, then go kill some monsters.


The level 50s are not hindering your ability to play PVP. YOU ARE BY COMPLAINING.


Also once you level to 50, it will be balanced. Unless wait... ****! They now have better gear than you. Well might as well put brackets for gear levels, don't want them blue geared players going against the people with purples, because that isn't fair.


Clickers shouldn't go against keybinders because well that's not fair.


Also you should bracket it on internet connection too. Why should a player with dial-up be forced to play against someone with highspeed.


My lord... the QQ in this game is insane. >.<




I fail to see the logic in this....

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It was suppose to be an idiotic post. However since you could not extract that hidden concept perhaps you should review yourself instead of casting judgment upon me?



I know level 15s who can compete fairly with level 50s. Hell this ISNT a single player game. In a Warzone you have many people.


If I am healing a level 50 versus a 15, the 50 will win. If I heal a 15 versus a 50, the 15 will win.


Your team is what makes you win, not what levels you are.


Also people pouting about fairness. Why not have everyone have the exact same gear? I do not understand why you cannot grasp that life isn't fair. Everyone has the CHANCE to win.


You're entitled to PvP that is what your $15 pays for. You however are not entitled to win.



Life isn't fair? Are you kidding me. They can make precision instruments but they can't make precision gameplay? I'm sorry they don't have top 1% engineers working on this game but don't tell me they can't make this game 99.9% fair. Just because the skill isn't there doesn't mean it can't happen. Sure manpower needed to do it is lacking, due to the insane constraints to even construct this battlestation, I know they are the 'ultimate power in the universe' but don't give me 'life isn't fair' ********. That's your answer!?


Idiotic post it WAS. I agree, team makes a HUGE difference in the outcome of the win. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that I can own anyone of lesser level than me. If my team of 50's are winning at this level, the advantages they gain over the course of weeks is going to leave a lot of people bragging about **** they didn't honestly earn.

Edited by BlackFx
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Life isn't fair? Are you kidding me. They can make precision instruments but they can't make precision gameplay? I'm sorry they don't have top 1% engineers working on this game but don't tell me they can't make this game 99.9% fair. Just because the skill isn't there doesn't mean it can't happen. Sure manpower needed to do it is lacking, due to the insane constraints to even construct this battlestation, I know they are the 'ultimate power in the universe' but don't give me 'life isn't fair' ********. That's your answer!?


Idiotic post it WAS. I agree, team makes a HUGE difference in the outcome of the win. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that I can own anyone of lesser level than me. If my team of 50's are winning at this level, the advantages they gain over the course of weeks is going to leave a lot of people bragging about **** they didn't honestly earn.



Screw it, I'm going to upgrade my computer and play four commandos. (I multiboxed in WoW up to 2.2k arena) So why not do it in SWTOR? That way I can kill a level 50 because clearly it is impossible to kill a level 50 in a warzone.


Four grav rounds going off at the exact same time doing 1k each. He'll be dead in a few seconds. :)

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Screw it, I'm going to upgrade my computer and play four commandos. (I multiboxed in WoW up to 2.2k arena) So why not do it in SWTOR? That way I can kill a level 50 because clearly it is impossible to kill a level 50 in a warzone.


Four grav rounds going off at the exact same time doing 1k each. He'll be dead in a few seconds. :)


Err, wrong fool. That only works on those without the 'uber' gear they've earned killing lowbies at no cost to themselves. I know, I do it all the time.


This isn't about team work either. A 50, like myself, can kill 3(~+6) to 1, if not more, dependent on the opposing teams lvl. I prefer equitable combat, not this sham of lowbie farming.

Edited by BlackFx
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See i have to agree with a few others in here. The system itself is not bad. People are talking about level 12 vs. 50 and 20 something vs 40 something. What your all really overlooking and on my server it just as bad, is that Warzones are a cooperative pvp situation. So if your soloing someone and not with a few other people your doing something wrong.


With the added advantage of things like guard, people should have understood by now that if you run in a group ever a smaller one, at any level you will do so much better. If you work as a group and do basic things like focus fire on a single target and guard your healers you can be a lower level and with the stat adjustment still be a valuable member of your team and do well in pvp. People are failing because they are all running off alone and not working together. Focus fire, guard your healers and communicate with each other and your level difference issues will go away.


Warzones are not one on ones. your in a group the fight is going to come down to what group works better together then what level someone is.

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See i have to agree with a few others in here. The system itself is not bad. People are talking about level 12 vs. 50 and 20 something vs 40 something. What your all really overlooking and on my server it just as bad, is that Warzones are a cooperative pvp situation. So if your soloing someone and not with a few other people your doing something wrong.


With the added advantage of things like guard, people should have understood by now that if you run in a group ever a smaller one, at any level you will do so much better. If you work as a group and do basic things like focus fire on a single target and guard your healers you can be a lower level and with the stat adjustment still be a valuable member of your team and do well in pvp. People are failing because they are all running off alone and not working together. Focus fire, guard your healers and communicate with each other and your level difference issues will go away.


Warzones are not one on ones. your in a group the fight is going to come down to what group works better together then what level someone is.


This is true of course, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there is a majority of players NOT doing exactly that. You can't justify grouping when the majority doesn't .. GROUP.

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This is true of course, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there is a majority of players NOT doing exactly that. You can't justify grouping when the majority doesn't .. GROUP.


Very true they give us the means and if we fail because we choose to not do something then we can't blame the system. We have to blame ourselves.

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Err, wrong fool. That only works on those without the 'uber' gear they've earned killing lowbies at no cost to themselves. I know, I do it all the time.


What level are you, I'm just wondering?


If you are not level 50, why are you even PvPing in the first place?


Answer: It is fun or I want to PvP.


It's fun.


When PvP stops being fun that is when you should stop doing it. If you are engaging in something that causes you discomfort (clearly it is since you are ranting) you should cease from doing it.


With doing PvP for fun, it shouldn't be about winning or losing it should be about you trying to enjoy the game. If you are not enjoying the game, as I said before, just dont do it.


If you are sub-level 50, I'm not going to tell you to stop PvPing. But I am going to tell you that you are able to compete with the 50s with the bolster system. The bolster system increases your stats as you know. You are able to compete with a player who has nearly the same health as you.


Never once does the bolster system claim that it will help you WIN against a level 50. A level 50 player should have an advantage on a sub-level player. Why? Because they are level 50. They have put more effort into their character than you have at this point. Therefore they are rewarded with gear/ abilities.


The game isn't stopping you from getting abilities. You have the power to get the same abilities and gear. (Gasp, madness I know) Therefore the notion of 50s having "better gear and powers than me" holds no water seeing as you have access to the same gear and abilities. Do you have them right this second? No. You have to work for them.


As a poster has stated before, the system is in place to keep queues steady. If you are level 25 and want to PvP, you now have the access to a fairly short queue timer. (Mine is always around a minute). However if teirs were to be implemented the queue timer for lower levels could be hindered.


So why should the lower levels of the future be punished because of players of today?

Edited by Deffin
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