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Let's talk romances.


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Hi. What happens to the ones who are in a relationship with a kill-able companion ( Torian, Vette, Kalyio, Jorgan, Koth, Theron) ? Since basically our LIs are never going to talk to us again, what are we? Widows & widowers? Single?


Please share your opinions with me. Thank you.

Edited by bluehufsa
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It's a shame we haven't had any dialogues with LIs for quite a while. That's why romancing killable characters is problematic. Just like the poster above I can only hope they add more content. Based on the Koth romance thread, the devs have been asked about that but did not reply so I have no idea if they're planning to add anything. Not sure if they even care about that. I don't know . :confused:
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Not all of the killable romances are "dead" so to speak. In 6.0 the devs mentioned that there will be more development for those who've romanced Arcann. Of course, you have to choose to not kill him to romance him but now we're getting into semantics. :D


I can see Theron and Lana having more interactions given their popularity, but for the vanilla ones I'll take the path of pre-emptive disappontment.

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In 6.0 the devs mentioned that there will be more development for those who've romanced Arcann.


I can see Theron and Lana having more interactions given their popularity, but for the vanilla ones I'll take the path of pre-emptive disappontment.


Yay.. can't wait to download a huge patch,wait a few more hours because of "extended maintenance" , play the content in 20 minutes ( ofc a gazillion trash mobs from the opposite faction pouring from every corner) and then have nothing to do whatsoever because all that's left is to "head canon" the interaction with "X" or "Y" unpopular companion that of course wasn't part of 6.0 :rolleyes:

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My Sith Assassin got a romantic kiss from Theron as she left to go to Ossus. So while it wasn't a lot, it was something:)


Lucky. I wish there had been something with Arcann... but at least he sent a lovely letter.


There's so many LI's in the game now it's understandable that not all of them can get equal content... personally I'd be okay if they just focused on the "main companions" - the ones who played a big role in KOTFE/KOTET. I don't think trying to bring back every single companion for everyone is all that smart. Though it was so very satisfying to murder knife the Smiling Traitor AKA Quinn and welcome my sweet DS Jaesa back home with open arms... even if she never again gets any kind of content, that was still very cool.

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Yay.. can't wait to download a huge patch,wait a few more hours because of "extended maintenance" , play the content in 20 minutes ( ofc a gazillion trash mobs from the opposite faction pouring from every corner) and then have nothing to do whatsoever because all that's left is to "head canon" the interaction with "X" or "Y" unpopular companion that of course wasn't part of 6.0 :rolleyes:


I've gotten so tired of Lana getting squeezed in at any moment that a character I was considering having romance her, I've completely changed my mind on. I really don't like the short stick 'unpopular' companions get since some that are unpopular with me are popular with others such as Corso. Just because I don't like him doesn't mean the people who do like him should get shafted out of moments with him. Same with Quinn, I like him but I shouldn't be penalized because others can't stand him.

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At this point Lana the only one they can do anything major with as she the only one left thats not predetermined, I mean for example after you chose to save say Vette from being killed that doesn't change the fact that in others story's shes dead so they cant write her in a major role any more as she may not exist and writing all the variables would be to costly and time consuming so if any scenes happen with are love there going to be like little side quests that are not part of the plot they kinda have to be at this point. Even Theron is now this with that last story that happened so all we got left right now is Lana as she been with us no matter what. This is the cost of letting us just be kill happy we no longer have any one left to even kill let alone love.
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Lucky. I wish there had been something with Arcann... but at least he sent a lovely letter.


There's so many LI's in the game now it's understandable that not all of them can get equal content... personally I'd be okay if they just focused on the "main companions" - the ones who played a big role in KOTFE/KOTET. I don't think trying to bring back every single companion for everyone is all that smart. Though it was so very satisfying to murder knife the Smiling Traitor AKA Quinn and welcome my sweet DS Jaesa back home with open arms... even if she never again gets any kind of content, that was still very cool.

But they can all get quality content.


The problem is all the demands about wanting to kill this or that companion - even a decade later people wanted to kill Quinn and they got what they wanted. That would have be fine if it didn't screw me out of content with him, but it does because why waste finite resources on him. I play for the story and companions, but why bother getting attached to the story and characters at all at this point; it's frustrating. Sure I could romance Arcann who will have more content but why bother caring about him and his future story when he's probably going to be killable at some point and never seen again - and take into account he can be dead so any content for will probably be lacking because why waste recourses on a companion that can be dead for a lot of people. Lana (who I'm beginning unfairly resent) is the only companion that everyone is guaranteed to still have which is why she's shoe-horned into everything, even being the go-to for Republic players in JUS which makes little sense because apparently Jonas Balkar and Theron are best friends. So why is Lana the go-to for Republics and not Theron the ex-SIS, well it's because Theron could be dead.


Making LI companions killable is a problem going forward. IMO they need to stop doing it.

Edited by Xenipher
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At this point Lana the only one they can do anything major with as she the only one left thats not predetermined, I mean for example after you chose to save say Vette from being killed that doesn't change the fact that in others story's shes dead so they cant write her in a major role any more as she may not exist and writing all the variables would be to costly and time consuming so if any scenes happen with are love there going to be like little side quests that are not part of the plot they kinda have to be at this point. Even Theron is now this with that last story that happened so all we got left right now is Lana as she been with us no matter what. This is the cost of letting us just be kill happy we no longer have any one left to even kill let alone love.

Yep. It's also put me off caring about any new companions we may get because it's just a matter of time before they are killable and never seen again. At this point it's probably best to view them as crafting tools and not bother getting to know them at all.

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