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Playing Through Jedi Consular: KOTFE wisdom and power downgrade


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Finally broke down and made a Sage again entirely because Nadia is coming back and I'm running through the storyline again which makes it very clear very quickly: The Jedi Consular is overpowered as frig with the force, literally rips a blast door to unrecognizable metal trash in one cutscene with ease to reach her objective. "The force is my ally.. I will not fail."


Then in another rips the door off entirely after knocking on it with the force three times earning an immediate "What!? no jedi could..!" From the child of the emperor on the other side


And she is literally called things like "super jedi" throughout the storyarc..


Now.. I'm nearly at Shadow of Revan, and just waiting for the one size fits all storylines to start making my wise and overpowered Jedi less wise and about half as strong in the force going through to KOTFE, where I will be blaming carbonite poisoning for anything that doesn't add up, like being completely overwhelmed by these other force users in the storyline when in her own class story she's essentially at the top tier "stronger in the force at six years old than her master was at fifteen" level of power, (much like I did with my sith warriors reason for being less of an unstoppable machine) the only jedi Nadia's father found who he considered strong and wise enough to teach his daughter.


Being casually ragdolled by Senya so she could steal your fight with Vaylin is not something I look forward to having happen again.. And I can't even imagine the pain of all the inquisitors who have apparently sworn off casual force lightning. (Yet, I'll get there eventually)


So basically is it in agreement that carbonite poisoning is the worst thing to happen to force users? Because I swear it took everything they are capable of down a few notches and weakened everyones connection to the force, their reflexes, and fighting abilities, and decision-making skills for consulars who are suddenly much more uncertain and aggressive because every jedi is a knight now.. I suppose it could also be Valkorion tinkering around in your head too but..


Honestly for as much as Lana hypes you up to Koth as being the best hope for fixing everything other than making decisions it feels more like the PC is just a tool to move everyone elses story along rather than actually being the protagonist, like Lana literally brought us back so they didn't have to do the objectives or run all over the place to get to the next part of their storyline instead of it being yours, and force help you if you screw up the storyline they are trying to have, they will disapproval you to the ends of the galaxy and back then steal your ship.


Mind you this is a lighthearted rant more than anything but I miss being unique in stories the way we started off, it kills the desire to replay the storyline more than a bit knowing that all in all every character is going to have a nearly identical experience.. including my bounty hunter, who would be done with the force nonsense after about five minutes and off looking for Mako as soon as she thawed honestly, the rest of the known galaxy is secondary to everything except Mandalorian business: /that/ she would get involved in.


And I miss being the central protagonist a bit, I actually love kotfe, and I am looking forward to more storylines, but at times it honestly feels like we could have played as Senya and it would have made just as much sense as having our own character, but then there would be no Arcaan-mance and that would be sad for many

Edited by Aryalandi
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I agree. There are several times where I just have to :::hand wave::: 'carbonite poisoning' and :::yada yada::: 'Valkorian in my head' to explain away why my Sage, my main, was suddenly less powerful, less capable, less leaderly, and less force masterly.
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I honestly can't wait to see how I handwave /anything/ on my Mandalorian Hunter.. from literally the moment I'm unfrozen.. I can honestly imagine it..


*in the force dream*

Hunter: The frig is this.. I didn't drink trandoshan ale again did I?

Valky: you're having a force vision..

Hunter: pretty sure that's not how the force works, you know, since I've killed alot of you and never had any creepy sith-dreams before

Valky: just listen to meee...

Hunter: talking to dead people is bad for your mental health, you're not Mandalorian, and this is the opposite of marching far away even if you were.


*gets thawed*

Lana: We woke you because you are I believe the best hope for the galaxy

Hunter: ...Ok so who did you need shot?

Lana: nono.. we want you to lead an alliance between the republic and the empire to overthrow zakuul

Hunter: ..I'm sorry what? How much do I get payed for that? Also where's Mako?

Lana: we don't know where she is.. and our alliance is sadly.. financially bankrupt.. at the mome--wait, where are you going??

Hunter: going to find my ship, and Mako, Torian and Blizz...(in that order) the other two can stay missing, don't really care

Lana: but...!

Hunter: this whole thing isn't really my thing.

Lana: but Arcaan and Vaylin are destroying the empire! The republic! Everything!

Hunter: sounds like a lot of credits to be made taking jobs from everyone then

Valky: but I need you to claim my throne and kill my children!

Hunter: still not talking to voices in my head.

Valky: but...!

Hunter: nope, finding my rust bucket and leaving this nonsense behind.


*finds Mako... with Akaavi*

Hunter: oh... *shy blush* this works out right in so many good ways


*finds Torian*

Hunter: lets kill some people and have a celebration after,

It'll be just like the good old times

Torian: I've got your back.


*finds Blizz*

And now we've reclaimed our team mascot, all is right with the world.


But yeah... currently, the storyline being almost exactly the same for everyone just can't /not/ bother me on some level.

Edited by Aryalandi
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Yeah, I took my Sage through all of FE/ET and when I got to the end I decided there was no way I was taking my Trooper, Bounty Hunter, or Smuggler through that. I did skip FE/ET and go to Iokath with my Trooper just to see what would happen with Elara, but so far only my force users have been taken through the story. Depending on how they handle skipping Fallen Empire, Eternal Throne, Iokath, et al and jumping ahead in the story to Ossus, and depending on the story on Ossus, my Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, and Trooper may just stay where they're at indefinitely.
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