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Twitch Livestream - November 14th


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You can buy Star Destroyers for just 15 million? I've paid Twi'leiki call girls more than that.


Holy Frim Batman.


Now that's what I call a good friggen deal. :D


LoL, get a destroyer and you can run you’re own harem or run Twi’leiki slave ring. Then you won’t have to pay them ;)

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Yeah.. being different systems I can see why one would get attention (particularly while they are adding new guild features) and not the other.


Also.. I suspect the load on the server for this is much larger for the ignore lists that every player has, as opposed to a much more limited number of guilds on a server, hence why they are completely different subsystems within the server. I support your desire here, but I also understand that this is apples and oranges on a number of levels.


I remember them answering a question about it in a stream probably 6-9 months ago. They said they were still trying to sort out whatwhy the original coders did. They seemed exasperated by the sistuation and my impression was the original guys made it a bit convoluted and it’s entwined around other systems, which makes it hard to seperate it.

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I don't think anyone's trying to hijack, just that there are many unanswered concerns about the upcoming content and frustration about getting answers. It's understood that this was a short livestream and they clearly wanted to remain on target with the specific topic they'd chosen, but I do hope they will do another livestream and address some of the other questions and concerns that have been raised.


Right now my top two are knowing exactly what *gear* level (not level itself) the Ossus content is being tuned for (since people are still having trouble even in 252 gear as per the PTS posts) and what content will be locked out upon starting 5.10.


Eric said there would some forum posts later going over the gearing and something about some changes that have or will be made and maybe even a livestream. I understand the concern as I have tested Ossus in a variety of gear and there is one that is a problem, can't recall the name specifically, but the first part is pretty easy, gather 4 lightsabers and then you have to go to a relic, and that is where the problem can be when you click on the relic two gold elite sith spawn and in 248 and 252 I died, even when I interrupted them but you have to be paying attention and that can be a problem. In 258 gear there isn't a problem so I believe they are overtuned. I am not really concern for myself as I can run them with my boyfriend and/or guild.

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You can buy Star Destroyers for just 15 million? I've paid Twi'leiki call girls more than that.

You also need several kinds of grind components along with the credits to unlock the rooms and make slots for perks. I wonder if those are bound or how much they'll cost on the GTN.


Does anyone know what will happen to frameworks and encryptions?

Edited by Xina_LA
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What the hell are you talking about..... Wow, am i glad you don't work for Bioware with ur smug attitude and demeaner. First, we have every right to hold these guys accountable for any game we play of theirs. 2nd) We have every right to ask any question about any gameplay feature of this game. 3rd) They should Not have been stupid enough to only focus on 1 area of gameplay, that only half the customers care to use, which is rediculous for them to show favoritism for only 1 section of the gaming customers.


It is suicide to me that would have any job in the gaming industry such as an MMO, to have only 40 minutes dedicated to only Guilds can be a total Slap in the face to the other bigger crowds that want more news, than just guilds. I think it's quite arrogant and rude, as some others think as well to just have a tiny cast just for Guilds, but no one else made no sense.


mis-speeled for trollers.


Of course we deserve answers to our concerns (all of them, except the egregious hyperbolic ones). Nowhere did I say otherwise. ;) I simply pointed out that this particular stream was to cover the guild perks and questions about them raised by players. It is a hot and popular topic right now.. so it's actually nice to see them spend more time on it.... which in no way means they cannot or should not spend time on other focus topics as well.


Re-read Erics initial gold post here, where he made it very clear this was a focus topic livestream, not a free for all Q&A, nor a wide ranging 5.10 stream. :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Time 02:02

Charles: We want to make running a guild easier as well because certainly our guild leaders are a key part of our community

Musco: Yep


I've been running a guild in your game for over 6 years. We've survived multiple server merges and have hundreds of active paying subscribers among our ranks. We run over 150 events each month for our guild members along with several regular server events.


You talk about making things easier for guild leaders and officers to run our guilds but you have ignored any feedback about the actual management aspects. The following are questions that are directly related to improvements for managing guilds that will actually save hours upon hours of time for those of us that voluntarily run guilds in your game.



Please can you make the "top 5 CQ scoring characters" list into a "top 10 CQ legacy scorers" list as a lot of the guilds that give out prizes do so based on legacy and they have to total the scores manually which sucks with 1000 characters. This usually takes me 1-2 hours each Monday night.



Can you remove the delay in sending mails to individual guild members? Each Monday after totaling up all my guild members character scores across 3 guilds I then have to send 20-30 prize mails. There is a 1 minute delay between being able to send each prize mail which drags a simple task out to over 30-40 minutes.



Will you be fixing the guild panel stealing chat focus bug? This is when you are typing in any text field with the guild panel open. As soon as somebody logs in/out or changes instance the guild panel steals the focus and the keypresses you were doing for the next word in chat start firing off hotkeys instead.



Can you add a confirmation box for guild kicks? This will help with accidental large group kicks which still happen due to the group row selection bug still being present. Icing on the cake would be if it can be toggled on and off in preferences so when we hit 1000 characters and have to free up room we can temporarily turn off the confirmation.



Will you be fixing the bug were we can't /w people with foreign characters in their name from the guild panel? Currently the only two ways around this are (1) you wait for them to type in chat and then left click their name or (2) you have to search for your guild name in the /who panel and /w them from that.



Can you make it so we can right click a name in chat and send a guild invite? It would help when people /w to join our guilds. Currently we have to either manually type their name using the Windows Character Map tool or we left click to trigger the "/whisper SomeName" text, then delete the "/whisper" and type "/ginvite" which is frustrating in itself because what tends to happen is as you type /g it switches you to guild chat and deletes part of the name you are trying to invite!



What is the maximum time duration or maximum number of rows displayed in the new guild log? As a busy guild we could generate over 500 lines in less than 2 weeks.



You told us that Reinforcement Components are bind on pickup (and we can see this on PTS) but are Reinforcement Modules also BoP?



Can you add guild logging for who sets the gold star "Set As Primary" on characters? I tested this on PTS and logging does not record this.



Can you fix the custom chat channel permission system with 5.10? (Bug Details). It's been broken since 2013.



Can you post the CQ schedule in advance again like you have in the past so we can plan accordingly?



Will you post the rotating perks schedule in advance so we can plan events around them?



Can you please sort the guild keys panel alphabetically? Currently a guild with several hundred characters has to cycle through 70+ pages to find someone even if their name is AAAAAAAAAAAA :)



Another key panel request...can you remove or move the tooltip for the Next arrow below the names? It covers the bottom name so you have to move the cursor off the arrow each time you move to a new page.



Will you be properly fixing the group select bug on the guild panel with 5.10?



Will you be fixing the guild ships and strongholds vanishing bug with 5.10? (Details)


The next two questions are not really about management so I thought I'd sneak them in at the bottom!



Will you increase the number of strongholds a guild can own?



Can you increase the number of hooks on guild ships? A fully unlocked ship can only have 800 decorations. That sounds like a lot but it's not when you factor in all the rooms. Rishi has 1600.

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The problem with Bioware doing this stream, is that is was a slap in the face to most of us other customers, that wanted to know more about Gearing,Pvp, Pve, and Storyline changes to come in 5.10. Being around the gaming industry a long time, usually gaming company's don't go on the air for 1 single part of Guild play changes, they like to encompass all other aspects that the community is worried about, and has most questions about.
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I wanted to say thank you for taking your time to gather the answers to the questions from my previous reply. As you can imagine, myself and the other guild leaders are eager for the information, is there anything you can share now while you get the rest of the answers? Edited by UlaVii
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