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Nightmares Asylum - World First Nightmare Mode Bonethrasher

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Just thought I should point this out.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=108551


1.0.2 Patch Notes



Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


gg (: cant wait for the drama once someone gets post patch kill and starts claiming its THE FIRST LEGIT kill :rolleyes:

Hopefuly exWoW guilds wont disappoint, its been quite a trend in the community.

Edited by Maddoxtor
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You conceded that there are successfull raiders with lives, thereby undermining your previous point that people beating this content within 15 days of release "speaks very clearly about their lives", when, in fact, it does not speak clearly at all, since they could be having all kinds of lives alongside their content clearing :)


In regards to (3), it seems you have fallen into the burden of proof fallacy. I do not need to provide anything of my own in order for your definition to be inadequate. Let me simply ask you this: what are the necessary and sufficient conditions for ascription of "life" to an individual? If you can answer this, then we're on the right track to actually having a discussion.


Also, stop making yourself look like an idiot by saying "everyone knows x". If that was the case it would be impossible to raise the question.


Oh, boy, here we go again. No, I didn't, as clearly stated by Cranberries, she had to top-level in 2 days with only doing the important things. That is not having a life (momentarily or whatever you want, yes, but it is). I mean, when a game consume you too much to keep your head in it without knowing what happens at your side, it is when the afirmation stands for itself. Yes, afterwards, raids can be whatever hours you want, but that is obviously a problem in itself too, when you have to have fixed hours with your guildy friends.


Yes, you have. At least, since you don't seem to like my conditions to having a life. I told you 5 or 6 messages above this one (family, work, friends, and so on), will not repeat myself. I told you before, there's people that don't have all this and can/will do whatever raid they want, but the problem is when the people has all this and a game consume you too much time (momentarily, I repeat), that you don't attend all the other stuff.


Boy, yes, my affirmation stands, everybody know what the hell is a life. You can raise whatever question you want, but the definition of having a successuful life. I will put you a phrase that can help you undertstand what I mean with life:



"I say, if your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life" -Bill Watterson


That being said, yes, a life is also what you can enjoy of it, but a big amount of people had resposibilities that had to be done that might or not be enjoyed.

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Just thought I should point this out.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=108551


1.0.2 Patch Notes


Flashpoints and Operations


Taral V

General Edikar now has the correct loot in Hard Mode and no longer enrages in Normal Mode.



Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


We'll just have to kill him again next week. Also I'm pretty sure one of our members has a picture of him and his health to show that he is in fact in Nightmare Mode.

Edited by Anomorn
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Oh, boy, here we go again. No, I didn't, as clearly stated by Cranberries, she had to top-level in 2 days with only doing the important things. That is not having a life (momentarily or whatever you want, yes, but it is). I mean, when a game consume you too much to keep your head in it without knowing what happens at your side, it is when the afirmation stands for itself. Yes, afterwards, raids can be whatever hours you want, but that is obviously a problem in itself too, when you have to have fixed hours with your guildy friends.


Yes, you have. At least, since you don't seem to like my conditions to having a life. I told you 5 or 6 messages above this one (family, work, friends, and so on), will not repeat myself. I told you before, there's people that don't have all this and can/will do whatever raid they want, but the problem is when the people has all this and a game consume you too much time (momentarily, I repeat), that you don't attend all the other stuff.

This is pointless. You ignore the parts you don't like and selectively repeat things that have been rebutted. Goodbye.

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Meh, realistically speaking, most of my friends play a few hours a day and are not yet 50. I am, because I wanted to get 50 so when my time off finishes and i have to go back to work i cant just play casually with my friends, it owuld have taken me forever to get 50 had i not powered to it and i'd have missed most of the content by the time the next lot is release.

I agree, with what you are saying but it was always going to be the case.

You have dedicated players how dont care how long an encounter takes, they'll stay until its finished, i could give you the hardest possible fight going and you'd still have finished it by now. For most people, these encounters will be hard enough. The only fight that so far has felt truly epic was TFE when you fight Malgus, apart from that... very meh.

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valhim has been posting all day. he should be working or living life.



also, my guild is working on hard modes and probably would have cleared EV on hard if not for the 3rd boss bugging out for 2.5 hours last night, we didn't rush to 50, saw all the quests, etc etc so what now? we start 16 mans this week, as well. i work 9-5 five days a week and have a social life on weekends. i just don't want to go out during the week, i eat, raid a little, watch a little tv and sleep and save my energy for the weekends. i'm not getting any younger!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you guys serious? The content in WoW was cake compared to EQ raid content ... a few months to clear half half a raid zone is laughable when compared to how long it took to do some of the end game content in EQ.


Also, I remember people playing the same sob story that WoW content was too easy compared to EQ content, and we all know that didn't matter.


What I do find funny, though, is that with the new generation of MMO players everyone looks back and goes "remember how hard WoW was?" These are the same people that used to tell the older generation of MMO players to shut up when they said "remember how hard EQ was?"


At any rate, it took longer than RIFT's endgame, so at least there is that ...

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When one of the most prolific guilds in WoW history is getting this sort of response to major raiding issues, you need to step back and take stock of how your GM team is handling the game.


Don't worry though, I'm sure the fanboy collective will chase these high-profile raiding guilds right out of your game and back to WoW, while other raiding-centric players will take one look, say "why bother" and leave you with a player base that will quit the moment they hit 50 on one toon.


Almost choked on my lunch reading this.


I love these forums. They amuse me and are always good for a laugh.

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