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How many want the Alliance gone?


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The whole "Alliance" story line was a way for them to accommodate the fact that there weren't enough players for the traditional Empire vs Republic (Rebels) story lines that we usually see in Star Wars. It was a clever way to deal with a quickly dwindling player base and I really liked the story but after it was over I was left feeling regretful.


I would rather see the Empire and the Republic. If they want to inject another faction or common enemy here and there that's cool but overall it doesn't feel like Star Wars anymore.

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I don't because I know there are people who enjoyed that story and the alliance. Why does it have to be one way or the other? Some of my characters will return to their factions, there are at least two on the empire side that would rather officially join the Republic so they will act as saboteurs (though not sure how that will work). I have read forum posts that some people would rather have the alliance, so why take it away from them? Why upset more people and therefore take the chance of losing more subs when they could keep the alliance.


I don't see a problem with doing it that way and it really would benefit the game in the long run.

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I don't because I know there are people who enjoyed that story and the alliance. Why does it have to be one way or the other? Some of my characters will return to their factions, there are at least two on the empire side that would rather officially join the Republic so they will act as saboteurs (though not sure how that will work). I have read forum posts that some people would rather have the alliance, so why take it away from them? Why upset more people and therefore take the chance of losing more subs when they could keep the alliance.


I don't see a problem with doing it that way and it really would benefit the game in the long run.


I can respect where you're coming from. I was at launch, with my troopers. Only to see a whole of a lot of abilities taken away from my commando and vanguard in the name of the stat monkeys, because they deemed them not efficient enough for those advanced classes. Despite the fact that I have used those same abilities to kill more players then I care to count. So I get the why upset a portion of the population argument. My pure guess at this point is they do not have enough resources to do all that you propose. Hence the one way or other way arguments. Although if I could paint imperial symbols on my battlemaster armor for my troopers, and join the Empire completely. I would do that in a heartbeat.

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I don't care for the alliance. I do think it should be dissolved and merged with your faction. I'd also like to get rid off all those 50+ companions and alerts to go get even more. I'd like to see an option where you get your old crew back and maybe be able to choose couple more to join you and then end the whole thing.

The big thing here is, after KotXX, what IS your faction?


I'm a Sith Inquisitor who chose every lightside option from Korriban through the end of Nathema Conspiracy. I rejected Sith teachings in chapter 12 of Fallen Empire and picked the Republic and even Zakuul ahead of the Empire at every possible choice point (The Imp admiral fried in chapter 15 and I didn't even feel bad about it... Empress Acina frying in her arrogance was a fitting end to a psychopath... a charismatic psychopath, but a psychopath all the same).


So... am I to be merged with the Empire, even though it makes zero sense given all the choices this character has made, simply because I was once an Inquisitor -or- with the Republic because it better represents their ideals?


If the game engine cannot handle true faction swapping in the future content, then it had better keep the Alliance around so that characters like this can at least ally with the faction that best favors their worldview like they did with Iokath.

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I don't because I know there are people who enjoyed that story and the alliance. Why does it have to be one way or the other? Some of my characters will return to their factions, there are at least two on the empire side that would rather officially join the Republic so they will act as saboteurs (though not sure how that will work). I have read forum posts that some people would rather have the alliance, so why take it away from them? Why upset more people and therefore take the chance of losing more subs when they could keep the alliance.


I don't see a problem with doing it that way and it really would benefit the game in the long run.


Why not give the players an option to dissolve or keep the Alliance? In case it is dissolved, people will be upset and leave. In case it is forced upon some of us, people will be upset and leave. What we need are more choices - dissolve or keep the Alliance, dismiss or keep the legion of companions and so on. At some point, we all felt a bit disappointed about our choices being meaningless, this was often discussed and debated in a lot of threads.

Edited by AdornedBlood
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Why not give the players an option to dissolve or keep the Alliance? In case it is dissolved, people will be upset and leave. In case it is forced upon some of us, people will be upset and leave. What we need are more choices - dissolve or keep the Alliance, dismiss or keep the legion of companions and so on. At some point, we all felt a bit disappointed about our choices being meaningless, this was often discussed and debated in a lot of threads.


Because it costs money and extra work. If you dissolve the alliance optionally, you have another story branch that needs to be worked on. It would be great if they wanted to do so, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.

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Because it costs money and extra work. If you dissolve the alliance optionally, you have another story branch that needs to be worked on. It would be great if they wanted to do so, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.



I agree with you, since this game lacks proper funding it is highly improbable to have the choice to dissolve the Alliance.

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I don't care for the alliance. I do think it should be dissolved and merged with your faction. I'd also like to get rid off all those 50+ companions and alerts to go get even more. I'd like to see an option where you get your old crew back and maybe be able to choose couple more to join you and then end the whole thing.


Prime example of someone who doesn’t want the alliance. How to make you and others happy is to give the choice to disband the alliance. And also to keep those like myself that want to keep it the choice to do so. It won’t effect you or me to do whatever we want with it. That’s what makes a 3rd faction option a great idea

I kinda like running around with t7 with my Sith. And I do have a Sith that just wants the galaxy to burn so I’d probably dissolve the alliance with this toon but I have a few that would keep it. So many possibilities if the option is here to keep the alliance or not.

Edited by darthjody
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. And I do have a Sith that just wants the galaxy to burn so I’d probably dissolve the alliance with this toon but I have a few that would keep it. .


My smuggler will probably keep the Alliance too, even if I don't understand how will this work since we have to return to our factions. Will the Imperial & Sith members of "my" Alliance feel comfortable to work for the Republic or they will still be under "my" command? I have a lot of questions right now! ( and a headache)

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People like playing the bad guy :)



Playing the bad guy is in the past, friend. Now we are all gray, the gray Commander of the Alliance, kissing and making up with the opposite faction and singing " in the jungleeee the mighty jungleee the wampa sleeps toniiiiiiiiight" at a cozy campfire on Odessen.

Meanwhile, on Tython & Korriban, at the gifts shops, there are free chocolates with our faces stamped on them - mine should be blood red and very very bitter.

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IMO - the Alliance was a necessary evil borne of the necessity to deliver content for both Factions with limited resources. Story wise....I think "We Have A Common Enemy so we all have the same story" was the best they could come up with and practically implement. Gave them some breathing space/rationale to implement overall game fixes that let them bring both factions together for more content in the face of dwindling populations.


So, did I like it....no. Did I think it was needed/helped. Yes. Do I want it gone? Absolutely. Thanks to server merges I have 35 toons on one server.....getting tired of the 'Outlander' concept. And if everyone is 'The One', nothing is special.

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And if everyone is 'The One', nothing is special.


That's my problem with the Alliance : oh wow, Major Nobody of Havoc Squad is the most special dude in the Galaxy and the Chosen One ! Cypher Agent Random Guy too! Grand Champ of Mandalorian Apple Pie eating contest too!


Nope. Nope & nope. I want my " Master Random-Twilek Dudette" to be herself. Big bad sinister merciless ugly Dark Lord of the SIth - same thing. Not the " Commander", not "Empress", not "Outlander", just their true identities.

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Can we go back to our past titles now that all eight classes are the Outlander? Can we even reference the other seven classes in the story at this point? (minus the one we're on.)


The other seven classes do not exist for "our" Outlander. By the way.. where are they? This bothers me a lot, why is the story so solo in a MMO?

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The other seven classes do not exist for "our" Outlander. By the way.. where are they? This bothers me a lot, why is the story so solo in a MMO?


At this point I think they're dead. My characters would have sought out the Commander to fight Arcann, so unless their frozen in carbonite too I'm going to assume they're dead.

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I would like to send a few on my Companions off on their way. Depending on my toons attitude, they may want to kill them just for the jolly of it all. Others probably a Hand Shake and and Thank you for helping and now Buh & Bye...


So how about that, Let us pick and choose those none story line companions and send them packing?

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Urhm what? Assuming you're not talking class stories, what is there to drag down? Botched Revan storyline? Barebones, banal and uninspired Dread Masters saga? Ilum? I mean Malgus was decent but that's it. Makeb was nice but it barely has any relevance outside its expansion.


All of the content available at launch was better written than everything that came afterwards.


Launch content > 2.0 to 3.x content > 4.0 to 5.9 era


however, I have substantial hope that 6.0 content will exceed the 4.0 to 5.9 content. Ossus looks substantially better than anything in recent years.

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I would like to send a few on my Companions off on their way. Depending on my toons attitude, they may want to kill them just for the jolly of it all. Others probably a Hand Shake and and Thank you for helping and now Buh & Bye...


So how about that, Let us pick and choose those none story line companions and send them packing?


Let us pick who stays and who goes home would be ideal, but as our friend Eshvara said that would require additional resources this game does not have.

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Not just you, about half of us want the Alliance in, for those of us that like story.



When was the Alliance actually useful during KOTFE/ET, besides Voss & Darvannis? What exactly did Admiral Aygo for you? When did Sana-Rae ever earned her keep? You did almost everything alone, accompanied by Lana & Theron. You fought Vaylin & her soldiers helped by the comps mentioned above or by Senya & Arcann.


I don't see any use for the Alliance anymore, sorry.

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