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Unable to see guild and party chat


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It's a known issue, there's a huge thread on it in the Customer Support forum. My character also has that problem.


One of the "workarounds" is apparently to leave your guild and get reinvited. Otherwise you're out of luck until a patch fixes the issue.

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Happened to me a few nights ago with guild chat and logging out to character select screen and back in reset it. Happened again last night with party chat and did the same. It worked but, tossed me into different instance of planet so when I zoned into heroic, I was out of sync with group. Had to exit zone, reset instance and then could accept party invite.


Couple of guild mates have run into the issue as well over the past few days.

Ctrl-U 2x definitely does not fix it.


Ctrl-U does work though for resetting the guild panel when it's not displaying all online members.

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