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How many did not Hate KOTFE or KOTET...


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All videos boil down to the same thing - V is an overpowered Evil Sue. Anyone can write that.


SWTOR 6.0 - Darth Meanus appears, he's very powerful, can consume whole universe and became the ruler of his planet at the age of 4.


There, I just wrote an 'excellent villain'.


Yeah no....

Edited by Pietrastor
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All videos boil down to the same thing - V is an overpowered Evil Sue. Anyone can write that.


SWTOR 6.0 - Darth Meanus appears, he's very powerful, can consume whole universe and became the ruler of his planet at the age of 4.


There, I just wrote an 'excellent villain'.


Yeah no....


You suffer from what is called confirmation bias, i.e. you skip over everything to the contrary (Vitiate's biography) of your belief.

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You suffer from what is called confirmation bias, i.e. you skip over everything to the contrary (Vitiate's biography) of your belief.


I suffer from experiencing bad/lazy writing, can't blame me. Bio =/= personality or character. Bio may reflect in personality/character, but in V's case it doesn't at all. He's just evil and overpowered just 'cause.

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You cant return to the Jedi or the Sith tho, that is a violation of Star Wars cannon. Let me explain.

The Jedi do not allow members to use any darkside powers at all. The Sith do not allow any force users to use the light side powers or they hunt and kill you. Before as you first leveled your character if you chose to use the opposite faction powers you hid it. You cannot hide what you are as the outlander, it is known you use both sides of the force just like Reven. Reven could no longer be a Jedi or a Sith he was much more than them and neither faction would accept him because he used both. Those factions in turn would never accept the Outlander back into their ranks. They maybe would use you and turn on you but you would never be Sith or jedi again.


Frankly they had another option for a story. They could have you as the emperor of Zakkul and the Alliance attack the Empire and the Republic for betraying you and trying to steal weapons from you on Iokath. Then conquer them both for a time. That would more likely be what would happen in that story than you running back to beg your former faction to save you.


Anything in a spoiler is optional reading, just more in-depth to make the points so as to spare some a lot of reading if they don't want to.


I do understand what you are saying and I agree with you on several points.



* If you were oppositely force aligned your side, you had to hide the fact that you were on the otherside of the force because you are not allowed to serve as a Jedi Knight if you are on the darkside and the sith will kill you out of hand of they find you are lightside, they won't even try to turn you back to the Darkside.


*Jedi will not allow uses of Darkside powers among Jedi. Sith don't allow 'Lightside Sith' users to exist, because there is another word for Lightside Sith, and it's called Jedi.



Here's where you lose me. When were we ever trained by anyone in the Force in the Eternal Empire expansions? Players are level 70 when they start that storyline, you are already full trained. You are, as you said, one of the most powerful force users in the galaxy. No one trained me to so much as knit in that storyline.


I never even one time was able to use both the light and darkside at the same time. I have no idea where you are getting the idea that we have been corrupted and didn't have the option to stay true to what we were before that storyline. - I never stopped being an Imperial, I never stopped being a Dark Lord of the Sith, I never stopped only using the Darkside of the Force. I never stopped hating the Republic, I never stopped hating the Jedi.


Remember something, we weren't given a choice as to whether or not we wanted to be the leader of that Alliance crap. Furthermore, I don't see anyone as a traitor for making a temporary Alliance with a former enemy out of necessity. Everyone of those soldiers that joined up and I might add myself included were there and fighting the EE in the Alliance because their home factions had already been conquered and were in the thrall of the EE. [Much like France, the low coutries, Poland and a host of other countries during WW2 that were under the bootheels of the Nazis]. Their home factions had no choice but to capitulate to the EE because they were defeated and as part of the terms of the ending the War with EE, they had to remain a non beligerent and pay a tax to the EE. Those soldiers came to the Alliance because their home factions already were done for and in order to not break the terms of surrender provisions to the EE they had to work interdependently and incognito of their home factions.

They were parisans and a resistance movements [like the russian partisans and the French Resistance in WW2 against the Nazis after thier countries had already been forced to either surrender or had lost a ton of their former territory] and they were fighting to free their home factions from the EE.



No one taught me one thing, I never one time used the Lightside. When Marr and Sattele were talking THIER force heresy, I laughed in their faces and told them to kiss by blue ***, as I was a true Dark Lord of the Sith. I didn't even use that stupid lightsaber to beat Arcaan, I got rid of it immediately because the stats totally blew and my sabers were better.


I did use the power Valkorian offered me at certain seens, but those were Darkside choices, and he didn't teach me one thing, he simply put a power inside me. Where you are getting that that was 'Lightside" from Valkorian I have no idea.


I killed Koth, I killed Arcaan, I killed Vaylin, I killed Senya. Every last one of them, and loved doing so and you know why? They were my enemy, all of them, right along with all Zakuulains and the Eternal Empire. They were all Zakuulians and most of the time, I kill everything I see.


Here's my take on things with regard to my own Character, if interested -




I didn't liberate the Zakuulians, I conquored them. We had no choice but to choose to be a peacekeeper or an oppressor. I am not the leader of the Zakuulians, I am their subgugator. I am not their to serve them, those still their are an occupation force just like every single military in the world does when they beat an enemy at War so as to make sure they will not rebuild and come back one day and war again. That's why you take control of the food supply first thing when you defeat an enemy at war. You don't let them build a military, you don't let them have a government, if it is an unconditional surrender, you don't even let them be a sovereign nation. When Germany surrendered in May, 1945 WW2 it ceased to be a country until 1952. Even than it wasn't a whole Germany, it was a West and an East Germany, each being it's own country, Germany wasn't reunified until the 1990s.


If it is up to me, the Alliance is over, and I am killing half the population of Zakuulains out of hand immediately after they surrender. I am than annexing 95% of all former EE space into the Empire [That's what Imperialism is all about], I am totally subgugating the remaining population, those that can will serve as forced labor to the Empire and this that can't work, I'll let live on the condition that their relatives that can work do so and serve the Empire's needs. I am further going to exploit them, their resources, their riches, all of it now belongs to the Empire. I am kicking all former Republic allies of the Alliance out of Imperial space, and will allow them safe passage back to Republic territory, as they were soldiers and they were allies of necessity for a time, that time is over. Furthermore, I am sending a message with them to give to the leaders of the Republic when they arrive back in the Republic at the Senate Tower in thier capital. This is the message -


"Ready yourself. We are coming". - Grim'alkun, Former Alliance leader, Destroyer of the Eternal Empire, Wrath of the Empire, Dark Lord of the Sith.


Having secured the newly annexed former Zakuulian territory, culled half the population and totally subjugated the rest to serve the Empires needs, leaving an occupation force, I am returning to the Empires Capital [DK] to begin preparations of full scale war on the Republic and to eradicate the Jedi Order to a man. There isn't enough room on the Galaxy for the Empire and the Republic. Hell, there isn't enough room for the Empire and anyone else who isn't in service to the Empire. It all belongs to the Sith Empire, by rights. But just before I leave to go back to DK I am first turning the Zakuul Capital world and Odessan into asteroid fields along with everyone who had the misfortune to be on either one of them at the Time.



No one tells me what my character is or isn't or how he thinks or who he is. He is as Darkside as Darkside gets [full darkside points 100,000, Dark V, I don't have 1 Lightside point]. - https://ibb.co/fKTyMV


There is no "grey", there is no neutral, there is no one force. There is a Lightside and there is a Darkside, and you are on one side or the other. [after character creation].


I am, always was, and always will be Sith and woe to he who might even suggest otherwise, as their regret will be exceedingly short lived. Darth Vader got the idea from me :D Zakuul and the Eternal Empire no longer exist [us Sithlords are such meanies :mad: ]. I have totally erased and eradicated it from existence, and did so all for the Glory of the only Empire that ever mattered, all for the Glory of the Sith Empire, Long may she Reign . - Ain't that right, Ylliarus? ;)

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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As I was first playing it through on my Sith Inquisitor I didn't have to much of an issue with it, other than my Inquisitor would of let Zakuul pretty much do whatever they want until she found her Pirate, once she found him than sure she would of dealt with everything else but not without him. However, if I played it through on say my Imperial Agent, or Bounty Hunter I think my general mind set would be...


"Explain to me how this millennia old living God believes he can some how achieve greater strength in the force by stealing the body of a completely non-force user and explain to me how my Agent with a Sniper rifle is going to take this guy down."


Simply put outside of the 2 force users, on either side, the story makes no sense. There really shouldn't be a chosen one story in an MMO and you really shouldn't make the player character anything more than perhaps the leader of his own small team, IE the original game. It really breaks the immersion when you want to tell me that my character can stand on the same level as characters like Revan, Meetra, Valkoreon, etc etc. We are not that character, we should require entire armies at our back to even have a prayer of taking on those characters. Let us be the cog in the wheel who need each other to beat these epic and powerful beings. It lets you tell much better stories in the long run when you don't have to shoe horn in our character as some grand being who is the only one capable of saving the galaxy.


Hell imo the best story in this game is the Imperial Agent story and you are very much just a cog in the wheel so to speak even if you become The Hand. The fact I was just a lackey or servant meant I could go under cover, I could be a double agent, I could be whatever I wanted to and response to the other characters around me. I can't do what when I am shoe horned into being the Alliance leader.

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I definitely didn't hate it. It was really enjoyable the first time through, bar a couple of slowwww chapters (KOTFE chapter 13.....). The problems are a bit more obvious during replays, but the fact that I can replay them whenever I want is a nice change of pace from other story content.
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There has been much bashing of the KOTFE and KOTET story lines. I for one did not hate KOTFE or KOTET though the story was murdered by Charles to pacify the complainers, which was a huge disservice to Charles and the KOTFE / KOTET story as a whole.


I enjoyed the story and the entire premises of the alliance. I have seen others state that they also enjoyed playing the KOTFE / KOTET story line.


For those that did please post your thoughts and likes about the alliance and the whole KOTFE / KOTET series.


Story haters you have your own threads please no flames or bashing.


It was, in essence, a good idea very badly implemented. And it is wrong to argue that bad implementation happened because Charles was forced to pacify the complainers; much of the initial complaints were about how badly a good idea had been implemented.


I liked the idea of it; but shoe-horning every class into a mono-story with no real meaningful choices was always going to be the disappointment it turned out to be. Then add in the "3 mobs - corridor - 3 mobs - corridor - 3 mobs - boss; 3 mobs - corridor - 3 mobs - corridor - 3 mobs - boss" nature of the level design and things pretty soon went from disappointment to full on disaster.



- The premise of the story arc - could (should) have been a genuinely brilliant SWTOR story-arc

- The premise of The Alliance

- Some of the NPCs

- Some of the Companion mini-arcs: Jorgen's was really good even though I don't like him as an NPC, Yuun's was nice and in keeping with the character, Vette's and Gault's was really well done IMO, Guss Tuno's was a welcome comedic interlude, Tanno Vik's was appropriate for his storyline, Kaliyo's and Torian's were very well done and integral to the story-arc progression. In fact even though many of them were too short, the Companion were returns were - on the whole - better than the expansion story.



- Mono-story that made no sense from a Non-Force User point of view, and only actually made any sense at all from the Jedi Knight perspective

- Horrible rinse-repeat level design and mob placement.


Even now I still have toons running through it, but I have to do it bit-by-bit - the monotony of most most of burns me out far too quickly.



All The Best

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"Explain to me how this millennia old living God believes he can some how achieve greater strength in the force by stealing the body of a completely non-force user and explain to me how my Agent with a Sniper rifle is going to take this guy down.".


I've asked myself and others the same thing, still couldn't find a good answer. Rolling a second agent now, after I managed to mess up the first one. He is a tough guy, sure, kicked Eagle's, Hunter's & GrayStar's behinds, defeated and recruited Ki Sazen, but that kinda all, he is not as extraordinary as a.. for example Sith Inquisitor. Non-force users should have never be Outlanders because it makes no sense, as you pointed out. And this actually funny from a certain point of view : meet " emperor" Cipher Nine, some random spy dude from Dromund Kaas. LOL.

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I loved the production quality of both expansions. I also loved the dialogue and the overall flow of how it was put together. The story itself is pretty awesome as well.


I think the problem I have is that once this story is over... it's over. This should have been like the "conclusion" to the game.

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I very much enjoyed KotFE and KotET.


That said, I think it would have been MUCH better received with a few tweaks.


The first and biggest change would be that ONLY Chapter 1-9 of Fallen Empire would have been "Solo Only."


Further, rather than make you Alliance Commander, have it established from the start that Lana and Theron were leading the Alliance and had broken you out because after all you'd done you would make an excellent asset against the Eternal Empire.


Thirdly, all of your companions were already located by Lana and/or Theron and are waiting to rejoin you when you arrive at Odessan. Thus, you were only missing your classic companions during the one Solo Only section (and therefore don't need to recruit a ton of new ones).


Fourth, once unlocked by one character, all of the other characters in your Legacy can travel to Odessan to join the Alliance without having to go through 1-9 first (they CAN do it, but they don't HAVE to). They were just straight out recruited by Lana and/or Theron to join up.


Finally, Chapters 10-11 and 13-16 of Fallen Empire and 1-8 of Eternal Throne would have been redesigned as Flashpoints (i.e. repeatable group content with the two "Battles of Odessan" scaled up to Operations) with a solo story-mode option. The Companion recruits would instead be new characters who join the Alliance without joining your team.


Thus, you'd have a "Sabotage the Spire" flashpoint, a "Wiretap the Eternal Empire/Recruit the locals" flashpoint, a "Raid the Eternal Empire's Treasury" flashpoint, "Aid the Mandalorian Campaign" flashpoint and "Raid an Eternal Fleet Ship" flashpoint and a "Raid Arcann's Flagship" Operation for Fallen Empire.


Chapter 12 of Fallen Empire with Valkorian, Satele and Marr would be a solo-only interlude for characters who went through Chap 1-9 and Chapter 9 of ET would also be a solo-only to wrap up the "Emperor in your head" arc after you've completed all the flashpoints (in solo or group mode).


You could probably still keep the Alliance Alerts if you wanted to in order to poach other people's comps for your own. Just tweak most of them a bit so they're already IN the Alliance and you're just trying to convince them to be part of your particular Alliance team by helping them out with their current mission.


Throw in the Alliance Proving Ground PVP area and you'd then have a solid mix of new Solo content (main arc, story-mode flashpoints and Alliance Alert side quests), repeatable solo content (story-mode flashpoint replays, revamped heroics), small group content (flashpoints in veteran+ mode), large group content (Battle of Odessan Operation) and PVP (new proving ground map) for the completed Fallen Empire Expansion with no complaints over missing companions/love interests to boot.


My lasting love of the KotFE/ET era though is the Alliance. Honestly, rag-tag underdog operating from a hidden base against an overwhelming Empire felt much more like Star Wars to me than Republic vs. Empire ever did.


I also appreciate that it allows my Light-side Imp characters to step out from under the Imperial storylines that increasingly did NOT fit them. I'd probably be less disheartened by the likely demise of the Alliance if I had better assurances that my lightside bounty hunter, my Agent who became a Republic double-agent and my Sith Inquisitor whose cult helped the poor and needy, who redeemed the Sith ghosts and who's been as heroic as any Jedi throughout FE/ET (and picked the Republic on Iokath) if I knew for certain that they wouldn't have to return to the Empire when 6.0 rolls around.

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I loved it. Well, I loved the story. Unfortunately beside that there was much to dislike... I've only played through it once with my main so far (warrior). Really enjoyed the story. However, I hated the recruitment missions and "old" cutscenes. They're awful and have no place in a game like this. I wish we had more new companions... instead of bringing back all the old ones. That was boring. Sometimes I felt like the available dialogue options didn't properly reflect my Warriors past and character, and I truly missed class specific content and missions.


So to put it short: loved the story, but other than that there's much to improve.

Edited by ruffolofi
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I've asked myself and others the same thing, still couldn't find a good answer. Rolling a second agent now, after I managed to mess up the first one. He is a tough guy, sure, kicked Eagle's, Hunter's & GrayStar's behinds, defeated and recruited Ki Sazen, but that kinda all, he is not as extraordinary as a.. for example Sith Inquisitor. Non-force users should have never be Outlanders because it makes no sense, as you pointed out. And this actually funny from a certain point of view : meet " emperor" Cipher Nine, some random spy dude from Dromund Kaas. LOL.





It would really irk me if my Agent play through it. My Agent loves the spy game, loves being in the shadows, hates being recognized and went the path that effectively left you a shadow working, for the empire sure, but on your own terms without a boss, or record of her existence. She loves that freedom, anonymity, and independence, lives for it, and yet is going to come out from the shadows to announce her presence and existence to the entire galaxy and be some grand leader of the alliance...yeah I'm thinking I'll just keep her out of max level until I can advance her without doing the FOTET story line.


Honestly I could say the same thing for my Bounty Hunter. She lives for the hunt, takes her jobs and no matter what will fulfill her task as long as she is paid. She doesn't give a damn about politics, light side/dark side, empire/republic or hell even Mandalorians for that matter. Give her money and your target dies is all she cares about. No way in hell she's going to sit on a Throne or lead anything beyond her small crew.


My Sith Warrior? Sure she loves combat and getting to test herself against strong opponents she would jump at the chance to face Valkorian, and if she has to lead an alliance to do so no problem.


My Inquisitor also didn't have a problem with her. Being a slave herself she grew to hate slavery, her one soft spot, but in the end seeks power and ancient knowledge, which the eternal fleet and it's origins has an abundance of. Being able to control it and study it would be a wet dream for her, and she would pretty much destroy anyone in her way to get it.


I guess both my Jedi would as well, both are mostly goody goods, although my Knight does get a little blood thirsty and short tempered. Can't say for my smuggler or trooper as neither have really been leveled.


Sigh I really miss when games just let me carve out my own story as an individual living in the world as oppose to making me some grand hero who is the only one that can save every body even if it makes no sense. If I want that I'll play Dragonage, Mass Effect, the original KOTOR games and the like. I don't play an MMO style game for that feeling though so stop doing it. It really shrinks the world and limits the story.

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Honestly I could say the same thing for my Bounty Hunter. She lives for the hunt, takes her jobs and no matter what will fulfill her task as long as she is paid. She doesn't give a damn about politics, light side/dark side, empire/republic or hell even Mandalorians for that matter. Give her money and your target dies is all she cares about. No way in hell she's going to sit on a Throne or lead anything beyond her small crew.


If you remember, during "The Foundry" flashpoint, the BH tells Revan something like " I'm a bounty hunter, mysticism is not my concern".

In the "Black Talon" flashpoint, the BH tells Satele Shan ( sorry I don't remember the exact words) " I'm not Imperial, so take your politics elsewhere".


This is SWTOR canon and confirms what you and many others before you have said : BH should have never been the Outlander, The Alliance Commander or the Emperor of Zakuul, since he/she obviously doesn't care about LS/DS, Treaty of Coruscant and other stuff not BH profession related.

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If you remember, during "The Foundry" flashpoint, the BH tells Revan something like " I'm a bounty hunter, mysticism is not my concern".

In the "Black Talon" flashpoint, the BH tells Satele Shan ( sorry I don't remember the exact words) " I'm not Imperial, so take your politics elsewhere".


This is SWTOR canon and confirms what you and many others before you have said : BH should have never been the Outlander, The Alliance Commander or the Emperor of Zakuul, since he/she obviously doesn't care about LS/DS, Treaty of Coruscant and other stuff not BH profession related.



Been a while since I did those on my BH so thanks for refreshing my memory. I guess I can see why they did it the way they did, pretty sure they didn't have the budget at that point but honestly I still think they should of kept Shan and Marr as the main two fighting and leading the alliance while the PC was like their 2nd or something. That way they could leave themselves room for the alliance to fracture alone ideological difference between Shan and Marr resulting in us going back into Emp vs Rep like they are trying to do.


That and frankly I just didn't want to see Marr die.

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Been a while since I did those on my BH so thanks for refreshing my memory. I guess I can see why they did it the way they did, pretty sure they didn't have the budget at that point but honestly I still think they should of kept Shan and Marr as the main two fighting and leading the alliance while the PC was like their 2nd or something. That way they could leave themselves room for the alliance to fracture alone ideological difference between Shan and Marr resulting in us going back into Emp vs Rep like they are trying to do.


That and frankly I just didn't want to see Marr die.


Maybe Satele Shan & Darth Marr should have been the Outlander? ( Shan for Reps, Marr for Imps). Our characters could have helped Lana free the Outlander, escape from Zakuul and play the rest of the story?


I didn't wanted to see Marr dying either, I don't know why was he even killed or not given a bigger role.

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Maybe Satele Shan & Darth Marr should have been the Outlander? ( Shan for Reps, Marr for Imps). Our characters could have helped Lana free the Outlander, escape from Zakuul and play the rest of the story?


I didn't wanted to see Marr dying either, I don't know why was he even killed or not given a bigger role.





Eh would of had them both be the "Outlanders." I think they whole you get frozen thing could of worked fine and the two of them form the alliance and arrange a rescue for you because either Repub or Empire you have worked for them, been a very powerful agent of theirs and they would want/need you back if they are going to over come Zakuul.


They could work out the whole Valkorian thing, although tbh that was the weakest part of the whole thing. I think it would of just been better to let the Emperor just die by the Jedi Knight's hands and now we are dealing with the children of one of his persona's coming back for revenge, against the Repubs for the Jedi that killed him, and the Empire that failed to defend him.


Idk I'm not a writer I just feel like this whole thing could of been done much better for an MMO in a way that doesn't elevate the player to NPC God level which should be reserved only for big time lore characters like, Satele Shan, Darth Marr, and the like. I don't think anyone has ever played an MMO to be the big time powerful lore character, so much as they do to be a part of the world with those lore characters and to experience the event with those characters. I mean would you want to be Luke Skywalker or go on an adventure with Luke Skywalker, to learn from him, fight by him, and become friends with him? idk maybe that's just me.

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I think KotFE and KotET together (including the claimed cut content) would have worked great as a stand-alone single player Star Wars RPG happening elsewhere in the Old Republic (or even the New Republic/movie era) timeline. You could have had the choice at character creation to be a Jedi or a Sith, to have your conflict and eventual victory against Valkorion and his spawn--as well as navigating the Republic vs. Empire politics in the aftermath--make the most sense. Valkorion was a fine villain/foil, and the other NPCs were interesting in visual design and fairly well-written on average. Zakuul has some fun lore and history that could have been explored more.


Shoving the storyline into the existing TOR canon was a TERRIBLE idea. Vitiate being Valkorion does not work for characterization and plot reasons. Nor does a bounty hunter, a smuggler, a soldier, or a spy being able to defeat a near immortal demigod-like Force entity--to say nothing of them becoming (or even wanting to become) the Alliance Commander/Empress in the first place. Playing through the Zakuul storyline on more than one character to begin with feels futile considering the story progresses exactly the same way regardless of what class story you came from or what choices you make, save for a few minor tweaks on a few companions living or dying.


The biggest issue of all? Creating a new overpowered faction capable of ruling over the Republic and Empire both in the existing TOR setting was kriffing stupid and nonsensical. Why? Because it painted the game's storyline into a corner it couldn't escape from without retconning or destroying everything "Keeping Up With the Valkorions" had built up to.


Even Boyd and the other writers seem to have admitted that to themselves at this point, considering how quickly they nuked the Alliance down to nothing again with the traitor arc after so many big speeches in KotFE/KotET about how you were creating something your children would be proud of, blah blah. Unfortunately, doing so makes me and a lot of other players feel like we (and our toons) have completely wasted our time (and money) over the past 3 years.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I enjoyed them in and of themselves, but I am not happy about the effects it had on my toons' prior histories, and I'm DEFINITELY not happy that I have to take all toons through KOTFE/KOTET to access Ossus - hopefully I have that piece wrong.


I've kept certain toons out of KOTFE/KOTET to preserve their respective universes, now it sounds like I'll have to sacrifice those universes to take them to Ossus - which would totally fit in their pre-KOTFE/KOTET universe!

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