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Where Can I FInd Rules For Naming Toons and Legacy Names?


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Specifically I'm looking for info about the character limit and the words that cannot be used in Legacy names. Things I have gleaned so far:


- Every part of a name must contain at least 3 characters in it.

- You may have one space and several punctuation marks in toon names (to a reasonable degree).

- Certain names and words are blacklisted for various reasons (vulgar, copyrighted, name of developers, etc.).


Specifically I'm wanting to know if I can change my legacy name to The [NOUN], or if the word 'the' is disallowed in legacy names.

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Specifically I'm wanting to know if I can change my legacy name to The [NOUN], or if the word 'the' is disallowed in legacy names.

My view of it:

* I've tried to create *character* names with The'[demonym](1) as a second word, and that was classed "Invalid", but The[demonym] without the apostrophe was allowed.

* I *think* (not certain) that legacy names must be mononyms,(2) so you'll have to set it up as The'[noun] or The-[noun], and you may then fall foul of a rule about The as a separator-tied element.


(1) Demonym: a word that indicates a person who is from/resident in a particular place or country: Briton, Dane, American, etc. Distinct from "adjective of nationality".


(2) Mononym: a name consisting of a single word. Rare and normally viewed as arty-farty pretentious in the West, but in some countries in South-east Asia, it's normal.

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My view of it:

* I've tried to create *character* names with The'[demonym](1) as a second word, and that was classed "Invalid", but The[demonym] without the apostrophe was allowed.

* I *think* (not certain) that legacy names must be mononyms,(2) so you'll have to set it up as The'[noun] or The-[noun], and you may then fall foul of a rule about The as a separator-tied element.


(1) Demonym: a word that indicates a person who is from/resident in a particular place or country: Briton, Dane, American, etc. Distinct from "adjective of nationality".


(2) Mononym: a name consisting of a single word. Rare and normally viewed as arty-farty pretentious in the West, but in some countries in South-east Asia, it's normal.


You are overthinking this. This game simply has a ton of words that are restricted and THE is one of them. As such you can not use it in either your name nor legacy.


Character names are an insane hobby of mine, so here are the basic rules:


1) Must be more than 2 characters.


2) Must only contain certain characters. Most special characters and numbers are restricted, but with a few weird exceptions such as â, ä, à, ï, î, ì, Ç, ß.


3) If you get "Invalid name" the word is restricted.


4) If you get "Name unavailable" then the name is not restricted, but someone else has it.


These are the basic rules. The servers used to glitch and during those times people were able to snatch many cool names, but also curse words and derogatory words.


The naming procedure in this game is in sore need of a completely rework:



  • Many restricted names should not be restricted (Bob, Mary, Jane, etc)
  • Dead accounts should not be allowed to occupy character names
  • The random name generator should not suggest names that are taken
  • Curse words should be allowed in a game with torture and murder
  • Lower letter on surnames in chat should be uppercase


And there is probably more...

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Thanks! It's very helpful even though it doesn't mention anything about character limit. I guess I'll just have to experiment a bit. :rak_03:

I believe the length limit for *character* names is 19. Legacy names are different, and I think they have to be one-word names, as mentioned above. (It's supposed to be able to function as a surname.)

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Lundorff's post is spot on.


The only thing I would add is that the "invalid" name aspect of naming is constantly evolving. Why? because it is table based and they are continually adding to the table as new naming violations are reported, reviewed, and determined to be a violation. Note: there have been some reported cases of a character with a name that the player decides to delete and then reuse on a new character.. but when they try to do so.. they get "invalid" which means the table was updated at some point... but they do not retroactively force a purge of said name if it already existed before being added to the table.


The only thing I would love to see the studio do is add a name check utility on the web site here so that you can check the "invalid" list before logging in. That would give players the ability to do name checks for "invalid" at their leisure without being in game. A name might show valid, but actually "unavalialbe" on your server.. but that is only because it is already taken.


Personally, I use this approach --> first_name<space>Legacy_name and then just turn off display of Legacy name in game. This makes it virtually impossible that I bump up against an "unavailable". My naming convention also rarely bumps up on "invalid" because my Legacy name is clearly valid and I use simple and common names for the "first name" in my naming convention. [i absolutely love that they added the ability to put a space in your name a couple years back].

Edited by Andryah
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Personally, I use this approach --> first_name<space>Legacy_name and then just turn off display of Legacy name in game. This makes it virtually impossible that I bump up against an "unavailable". My naming convention also rarely bumps up on "invalid" because my Legacy name is clearly valid and I use simple and common names for the "first name" in my naming convention. [i absolutely love that they added the ability to put a space in your name a couple years back].


I don't follow what you are saying here. If you create a new character with the name John Doe then you can not remove Doe when in-game. Legacy name != surname. You would still be "burdened" with the awful lowcase "John doe" in chat. Unless I am missing what you are saying?


Example: My legacy name is Sneaky and I have it turned off in-game. When I make a character called Peter Petersen it will say Peter Petersen in-game. If I enable legacy name it will say Peter Petersen Sneaky.

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I have found that the names of political candidates of one U.S. party are protected from being used as parts of names, but their opposition is not.


So you can't make "Candidate from party A stinks".


But you can make "candidate from party B stinks".


Not sure about the difference, but I tested several names and found party A protected, but not party B.


It could be the lawyarrs of party A got in contact and said no?

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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I don't follow what you are saying here. If you create a new character with the name John Doe then you can not remove Doe when in-game. Legacy name != surname. You would still be "burdened" with the awful lowcase "John doe" in chat. Unless I am missing what you are saying?

No, you're not missing it. The idea is that (following my names):

* My legacy is "Argentis".

* My new character is, say, Jobsworth Argentis, which initially looks (on the nameplate): Jobsworth Argentis Argentis.

* I turn off the display of the legacy surname, so the nameplate is Jobsworth Argentis

* Yes, I have to put up with this character appearing as Jobsworth argentis in chat. Life is hard. (Can't get to Heaven on rollerskates.) Frankly, though, I don't care how my name looks in chat.

* Nothing on God's Green Earth could persuade me to actually call a character Jobsworth.

* EDIT: the idea is that not many people will give their characters my legacy name as an explicit surname.

* EDIT: the weakness of that idea is that legacy names are not constrained to be unique.


I don't subscribe to this method myself. My two greatest name inspiration failures gave me Be-bop'alula and (from the random button giving me Flopialis) Floppy Alyce.(1)


(1) "Alice" is evidently an invalid element in SWTOR character names.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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I don't follow what you are saying here. If you create a new character with the name John Doe then you can not remove Doe when in-game. Legacy name != surname. You would still be "burdened" with the awful lowcase "John doe" in chat. Unless I am missing what you are saying?


Example: My legacy name is Sneaky and I have it turned off in-game. When I make a character called Peter Petersen it will say Peter Petersen in-game. If I enable legacy name it will say Peter Petersen Sneaky.


I agree that you have to deal with a lower case letter in the name after the space but only in chat channels .. but that is a small compromise in my view. On my actual character... it displays correctly.


Let me expand on my method, using fictitious names (since I never allow forums to know my actual in game names, because of the random troll with a grudge):


Say my Legacy Name is Jones.


When I want to roll a new character, particularly when I want a common first name...in this case let's say it's Janet..... I follow the First_name<space>Legacy_name. Here is the example:


What I do is create the name Janet Jones. If I left my legacy name turned on in game I would be Janet Jones Jones... which is silly.. so I turn off legacy name display. That leaves me with Janet Jones... and yes.. it will render in game chat channels as Janet jones (no biggie to me) ... but in game, in face to face with my character.... it will still be Janet Jones.


Now.. if I chose to name my character Jupiter.... then I would most likely get an "invalid" if I tried Jupiter Jones (name of a key character in a movie) ... but of course I do not actually use Jones. And I personally have never been a fan of Legacy Name in the first place... so I'm glad to repurpose it here. :)


My approach to MMO play is to determine limitations given to me as the player, then see if I can effectively get my personal needs met within those constraints... rather then complain and demand the studio do things specifically for me. This particular naming convention works really well and is very close to the freedom in naming over in GW2 (which I view as the best in the industry right now).

Edited by Andryah
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You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker."



What if I use as a legacy name the family name of a character from TFA/TLJ, for roleplaying purposes? For example :

character name : Merydeth, legacy name Holdo, resulting Merydeth Holdo. Is this against the rules ? PLS tell me before I spend my CC on a legacy name change .

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You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker."



What if I use as a legacy name the family name of a character from TFA/TLJ, for roleplaying purposes? For example :

character name : Merydeth, legacy name Holdo, resulting Merydeth Holdo. Is this against the rules ? PLS tell me before I spend my CC on a legacy name change .


They could in theory come after you, but the chances are very remote. And both Merydeth and Holdo are none-restricted words. so at the most you will have to rename -- but I highly doubt that will ever happen.

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They could in theory come after you, but the chances are very remote. And both Merydeth and Holdo are none-restricted words. so at the most you will have to rename -- but I highly doubt that will ever happen.


This is confusing. I've seen a lot of people with legacy names like Fett, Ren, Hux, Tano, Willsaam ,Cadera, Viszla ( well there's this dude from Hungary , his real name is Ferenc Viszla, so I don't really know why would he have to rename since that's his legal name..)


Anyway thank you for the answer :)

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This is confusing. I've seen a lot of people with legacy names like Fett, Ren, Hux, Tano, Willsaam ,Cadera, Viszla ( well there's this dude from Hungary , his real name is Ferenc Viszla, so I don't really know why would he have to rename since that's his legal name..)

That just means that nobody has reported them for it. BioWare does not employ staff to dig through the player-name and legacy-name databases looking for names that are against policy.


I think the mere fact that they are showing themselves to be lame and unoriginal could be interpreted as sufficient punishment.

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