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Kill Quinn


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Haha - genius! :D I need to do this once I level up my Quinn clones. Also, if anyone saw the naked (and enhanced) Quinn Jennyflynn sneakily posted a while back, you would not be killing him ;)


I put Quinn in cyborg armor indicating what happened to him from my character punishing him. I also did that with Kira once cause she ticked me off on my female Jedi with her snarky comments and hiding her Sith upbringing. And I did that to Ashara on my Sith Inquisitor cause she doesn't consider Ashara her equal :D. yeah role playing can be fun at times! ;)


Oh and I gave them ugly customizations. Quinn got the thin mustache one. Kira got the girl with the Moe hairdo. Ashara got that purple one. :p

Edited by Swingkittie
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I put Quinn in cyborg armor indicating what happened to him from my character punishing him. I also did that with Kira once cause she ticked me off on my female Jedi with her snarky comments and hiding her Sith upbringing. And I did that to Ashara on my Sith Inquisitor cause she doesn't consider Ashara her equal :D. yeah role playing can be fun at times! ;)


Oh and I gave them ugly customizations. Quinn got the thin mustache one. Kira got the girl with the Moe hairdo. Ashara got that purple one. :p


LOL yes, Quinn is always in cyborg armor and a full-face mask on my characters. At first I just did that after the Quinncident because my head canon is that Quinn never gets back on the SW's ship. I pretend that there's a cyborg or droid on the bridge and it's not Quinn. But now he gets the armor immediately as soon as he joins as a companion because I can't stand looking at him, both on my Warriors and on the other class characters who are stuck with him after Iokath.


I've also stuck ridiculous masks on Senya, and when I was very angry with some of Theron's fans I had him in a horrible mask and outfit, without shoes, on every character. Now I just leave him in the post-Nathema getup on the characters that didn't send him away.

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LOL yes, Quinn is always in cyborg armor and a full-face mask on my characters. At first I just did that after the Quinncident because my head canon is that Quinn never gets back on the SW's ship. I pretend that there's a cyborg or droid on the bridge and it's not Quinn. But now he gets the armor immediately as soon as he joins as a companion because I can't stand looking at him, both on my Warriors and on the other class characters who are stuck with him after Iokath.


I've also stuck ridiculous masks on Senya, and when I was very angry with some of Theron's fans I had him in a horrible mask and outfit, without shoes, on every character. Now I just leave him in the post-Nathema getup on the characters that didn't send him away.


I did something similar to Theron. I was really mad at him when Umbara came out and there was a glitch where my sorcerer could still summon him even though he betrayed her. I put his mother's clothes on him and dyed it pink just to punish him for hurting my character's feelings. :D He's back in normal clothes now that I've forgiven him. ;)

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So, I'm feeling like I'm approaching the end of my Sith Warrior story (really awesome, like all the previous stories I've experienced), but I REALLY need to find a way to kill this Quinn traitor ... is there any way to do that ?

Thanks !


Quite honestly, if you listen to all the dialogue, you see Quinn's betrayal coming from a mile away. Tremel tells you, that everything Baras every says or does is carefully calculated. On Balmorra you hear Barras tell Quinn that his debt is donw with... I knew at that point that Barras wanted my warrior to hear that bit, and with Quinns overdone entrance to the crew at the spaceport, I had no doubt he was Barras' spy. There also is a change in him after the warrior starts working with the hand, subtle, but it is there. The only option I ever wished for, was to tell Quinn: "I knew all along."

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I did something similar to Theron. I was really mad at him when Umbara came out and there was a glitch where my sorcerer could still summon him even though he betrayed her. I put his mother's clothes on him and dyed it pink just to punish him for hurting my character's feelings. :D He's back in normal clothes now that I've forgiven him. ;)


Oh God, now I'm thinking Theron = Norman Bates in his mom's clothes. I need to unthink this thought. It's not right.


That's a hilarious punishment, though!


Where did you find pink dye if you don't mind my asking? I've looked for a vendor with it or a recipe for it, since it would be nice to dye armor pink for cancer awareness and for LGBT month, but I've not really found any dyes other than one that is matched with blue.


I have a funny one: I can't stand Senya so I always have these awful masks on her for my own amusement. This one time I forgot I'd put an especially horrible mask on her, and when she popped up in the final battle with Valkorion it made me jump. I actually thought there was some new enemy to fight, even though I'd done that scene so many times. But it was just Senya in her mask. Since I always kill her off, I hadn't seen her since KOTET chapter 1 and I had completely forgotten that she had it on.

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Oh God, now I'm thinking Theron = Norman Bates in his mom's clothes. I need to unthink this thought. It's not right.


That's a hilarious punishment, though!


Where did you find pink dye if you don't mind my asking? I've looked for a vendor with it or a recipe for it, since it would be nice to dye armor pink for cancer awareness and for LGBT month, but I've not really found any dyes other than one that is matched with blue.


I have a funny one: I can't stand Senya so I always have these awful masks on her for my own amusement. This one time I forgot I'd put an especially horrible mask on her, and when she popped up in the final battle with Valkorion it made me jump. I actually thought there was some new enemy to fight, even though I'd done that scene so many times. But it was just Senya in her mask. Since I always kill her off, I hadn't seen her since KOTET chapter 1 and I had completely forgotten that she had it on.


That is funny. I keep picturing HK-55 mask or that one you get from Alliance crates that looked like the Green Goblin mask. Hey there's a thought...


I used the deep pink / white dye. I had it sitting in my bank for a while. Someone gave it to me. I know you can buy the dye with cartel coins though. Or maybe get lucky on the GTN.


Edit: I just checked and it looks like there is a primary deep pink dye on the cartel market for 165 coins. So there is that option than paying 600 for the other dye.

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That is funny. I keep picturing HK-55 mask or that one you get from Alliance crates that looked like the Green Goblin mask. Hey there's a thought...


I used the deep pink / white dye. I had it sitting in my bank for a while. Someone gave it to me. I know you can buy the dye with cartel coins though. Or maybe get lucky on the GTN.


Edit: I just checked and it looks like there is a primary deep pink dye on the cartel market for 165 coins. So there is that option than paying 600 for the other dye.


It had these huge side pieces and red eyes. It was awful. Truly. :) I really like the ones that don't have anything at all on them, like Darth Jadus's mask. Whenever I need to mask someone, I look for those now.


Thank you very much for checking for me! I am going to grab a few of those dyes. :)

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You won't know yourself until you play through it ;)

Well, yes, but (and this is another conversation entirely) I really don't feel like this whole "Eternal" thing fits into the "real" Star Wars lore, it really goes too far in inventing things that have nothing to do with the Star Wars universe, I'd rather stick to the more-or-less canon version of Star Wars, with the vanilla Old Republic stories added to it, to me it makes much more sense !

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(Instead, I made him walk around the ship naked for a month after his betrayal. He was very chilly, and it was awkward for the entire crew.)


That is an absolutely awesome idea !!

Alright, this is the punishment he's gonna get then :cool:

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Kaliyo is another one who needed a kill option originally back in the Agent story. I mean, she basically used you to make some creds by selling Imperial Intelligence secrets, and in doing so, leaves your posterior hanging in the breeze. We all know how intolerant the Empire is when it comes to incompetence or failure. Who do you think they would blame and hold responsible for her indiscretion? YOU. She's part of your crew. And especially as a Chiss Agent, you'd find yourself at the bad end of a firing squad real quick. I never wanted to kill a companion so badly.


At least when Quinn betrays you to Baras, he was doing it because he felt it was in the best interests of the Empire (and his career). That's almost excusable from an Imperial perspective. Almost.

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Kaliyo is another one who needed a kill option originally back in the Agent story. I mean, she basically used you to make some creds by selling Imperial Intelligence secrets, and in doing so, leaves your posterior hanging in the breeze. We all know how intolerant the Empire is when it comes to incompetence or failure. Who do you think they would blame and hold responsible for her indiscretion? YOU. She's part of your crew. And especially as a Chiss Agent, you'd find yourself at the bad end of a firing squad real quick. I never wanted to kill a companion so badly.


At least when Quinn betrays you to Baras, he was doing it because he felt it was in the best interests of the Empire (and his career). That's almost excusable from an Imperial perspective. Almost.


Agreed.We need option to kill companions.Plus ma male agent romanced her and then she brings some ******e aboard my ship!!

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