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What to do post class story?


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Hey guys,

so I am about to finish my JK class story. Before my last hiatus from the game I played pretty much all the story lines like Makeb, Oricon Yavin etc etc. up until like Chapter 8 of KOTFE.


Now I came back and I am wondering. Do I NEED to do Makeb, Oricon and all that stuff again or could I just go and start KOTFE straight away since I more or less remember the main plot lines from the pre KOTFE expansions.


Would I be missing out on anything ?


Thanks in advance :)

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If you jump to KOTFE I think it'll only prevent you from ever doing Shadow Of Revan. You can still do Makeb and Oricon.

That's correct. Well. It also locks out any unfinished class-story related things - OP should make sure to finish all conversation stories with class companions before starting KotFE.


And it locks out Forged Alliances/Prelude to Revan (the story that links the Tython, Korriban, Manaan, and Rakata Prime FPs) and Rise of the Emperor (Ziost). (If you want to be pedantically correct!)

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SOR is worth doing, albeit long. My question is, apart from you not knowing Lana and Theron when they first show up, is there any reason to do the Prelude to SoR? I really have come to hate those three solo FPs.


Because it's a set-up for the entire situation, you get to see how militarized the Revanites have become, learn a little bit about their plans. And get to see Revan Reborn's introduction, I'd say if you've completed it once per side it's fine skipping but playing through it at least once is good to get to know how the story got there.

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SOR is worth doing, albeit long. My question is, apart from you not knowing Lana and Theron when they first show up, is there any reason to do the Prelude to SoR? I really have come to hate those three solo FPs.

Apart from the storytelling aspect you mentioned, no, not as such. (It crops up somewhere in KotFE as well, I think when you arrive on Odessen.) Oh, and there are four FPs, not three. (Tython then Korriban OR Korriban then Tython, then Manaan, then Rakata Prime.)


But there's no real reason from an informational point of view to do anything between the end of the class story and the beginning of KotFE more than once. (That means one run of Ilum per faction, and one run of Makeb per faction, and - possibly - one run of SoR's Raider's Cove section per class, to see the per-class part.)


But in any event, it's a really good idea to do Rise of the Emperor = Ziost at least once before the first time you run KotFE, so that you know what the (...) all the meatbag bickering is about.

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SOR is worth doing, albeit long. My question is, apart from you not knowing Lana and Theron when they first show up, is there any reason to do the Prelude to SoR? I really have come to hate those three solo FPs.

So you can mack on Theron as much as possible, duh! :p

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Because it's a set-up for the entire situation, you get to see how militarized the Revanites have become, learn a little bit about their plans. And get to see Revan Reborn's introduction, I'd say if you've completed it once per side it's fine skipping but playing through it at least once is good to get to know how the story got there.


Absolutely, play through once. I just don't like doing those solo FPs every time. Doing Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi are unavoidable in SoR, it's good to know the other four can be skipped.

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