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I can't remember a time when people so instantly and hatefully wanted a companion killed off more than Koth. I realize a lot of people have wanted Quinn, Skadge, and some other "widely-hated" comps dead since the beginning, but I feel like a lot of the "let's give kill-options to almost everyone" nonsense started with Koth. At first I probably too easily chalked it up to a lot of racism and little to no substance to the hate. I am beyond positive that played a role. The Internet/gaming community has not proven that this would not be a large reason and I'd have no reason to discount that.


However, I think a lot more of it, as I've spent more time with him with more characters, is how NON-subservient he is to the PC. A lot of our feelings for companions stem from how they react to us. We mostly hate companions that seem to bully their way onto our ships with little to no input from us. We definitely hate companions that betray us (settle down, Quinnmancers, I understand :p). And Koth sort of TAKES the Gravestone and if you piss him off enough he will betray the Alliance by taking it away. And he doesn't hold in his resentment at most of your decisions.



Koth doesn't go in lock-step with us, so the few of us that can't forgive a differing opinion (what an ******* to have a mind of his own!) demanded that Bioware kill him off, he gets killed for some but not all, but he might as well be dead after that point even for people who romanced him, and we now have our current bloodthirsty meta of demanding a kill-option on every single companion just because they let one get killed and what's good for one MUST BE good for all regardless of rationality. No one would have cared if they did that and didn't make them cardboard cut-outs or have them excised from the story altogether, but now we all must suffer for the bloodlust of a few.

I get so worked up over that last part I now hope that every Story expansion from now to the end has us waking up with Lana standing over us in every scene, just for spite :p


All of this is very well said. And oh, how I would love to see every cut scene go that way just for spite. :D


I feel like you've hit a lot of it on the head with Koth. It would be naive to think that racism was not a part of it for some people even if it's internalized. There are white characters who have done far worse than Koth with far less hate from the community, and their actions seem to be forgiven far more often. I'd really love to see stats on the people who saved Koth vs. Arcann for instance. But I do think a lot of the hate was because he stood up to the PC, too.


I feel like the devs should not have listened to the fans screaming for a kill option for Koth, and they shouldn't have started the kill-and-brick epidemic.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I get so worked up over that last part I now hope that every Story expansion from now to the end has us waking up with Lana standing over us in every scene, just for spite :p

Well, i like Lana, i really do, but i think she would seriously creep me out if she did that to my JK who is with and supposedly sleeps with Theron :o


About the rest of your post i agree, i don't like companions that force themselves on me, but i do like that they speak their minds and have their own opinions and ideals. That's probably why i like the KOTFE onwards companions more than most of the vanilla ones, but it seems that a lot of players like their companions to be obedient slaves. :(

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I can't remember a time when people so instantly and hatefully wanted a companion killed off more than Koth.

QUINN. Hands down, no question, for far more years. Whole threads wanting to kill Quinn.

Which led to the option to finally kill him off when he returned on Iokath.

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QUINN. Hands down, no question, for far more years. Whole threads wanting to kill Quinn.

Which led to the option to finally kill him off when he returned on Iokath.

Which is a stupid kill option IMHO...

I mean if you are to kill him that should be right after he "betrays" you, not a decade later when he has spent several years in prison because he refused to stop looking for you ...

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Which is a stupid kill option IMHO...

I mean if you are to kill him that should be right after he "betrays" you, not a decade later when he has spent several years in prison because he refused to stop looking for you ...


I feel like that was added just to appease people. As much as I intensely dislike Quinn and didn't miss him when he was gone, it was ridiculous to have my SW just randomly kill him off in the middle of a conversation on Iokath.


And they made it all or nothing because on the Imperial side there's no way to just send him away.


They should have left it in the original game if it was going to be there, and found a way to deal with the lost healer (AFAIk people cried because Quinn was the SW's healer), you know, like giving the healer position to another character like Vette.

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I feel like the devs should not have listened to the fans screaming for a kill option for Koth, and they shouldn't have started the kill-and-brick epidemic.

I both agree and don't agree. I agree that not everyone should be able to be killed off with this "just because" mentality that's going on. They gave so many characters kill off options that they're pretty much expected at this point and it's stupid I agree. Not everyone's life should be resting in the players hands. If a character feels their life is threatened or the PC keeps betraying characters you would think they'd be smart enough to bail or think of an escape plan should the pc to mental on them as well. I find it extremely silly that PC can be literally and single-handedly responsible for over half of important character deaths. Line should be drawn somewhere before we become literal demigods and have a deathstar launch button under our finger.


But then again, not being able to kill characters (or at-least attempt to kill them) in scenarios where it would make sense is also stupid, and BW thought so too originally. In the Beta storyline some characters were killable (such as Quinn directly after betrayal, who would have then be replaced by GenericImperialMedic as a combat follower), but they for whatever reason decided against it which was silly imo. As a sith you should have had all the right and opportunity to kill him off if you so wanted. But BW backed down on this idea to make it more... hm, less gruesome and more mainstream. Which I don't personally agree with.

(and this goes the other way around too, not just for killing. We could do with more "you're going to prison" options rather than the usual black and white "all is forgiven" or "you die now" options)

Edited by Kiesu
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I feel like that was added just to appease people. As much as I intensely dislike Quinn and didn't miss him when he was gone, it was ridiculous to have my SW just randomly kill him off in the middle of a conversation on Iokath.


And they made it all or nothing because on the Imperial side there's no way to just send him away.


They should have left it in the original game if it was going to be there, and found a way to deal with the lost healer (AFAIk people cried because Quinn was the SW's healer), you know, like giving the healer position to another character like Vette.

Yeah that is pretty stupid.

And if you side with the Republic while you were romancing him your only choices are : take him back as your lover (ending another romance you may have started in between), imprison him (why take him back if you are to imprison him ???) or kill him...


Or they should've lived with the consequences of their choice. They want to kill their companions but don't want that to have consequences...

And now that any companion can act as a healer, that decision seems even more stupid. They should put back the beta possible kill/reject options and put some random NPC on Iokath instead of Quinn if he died earlier.

I'd be more than happy if i could refuse Rusk or Skadge to join me and at the very least tell Ashara on Taris that now that she served her purpose with me she can go back to the Jedi or die for all i care. I think there is only 1 instance of Ashara saying something remotedly usefull, but IIRC that could easily be said by Talos if Ashara was not there.

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I like Orgus, but I think I see him as too much of a father figure for the PC to hope he's actually be an option. Same for Keeper/Minister of Intelligence, I really like him (as you know :D ) but I wouldn't want him as a romance option. (Especially not after he mentioned he's married, if someone deserves a happy, steady home life it's him). I would rather have someone like the redhead jedi master from jedi consular's Nar Shaddaa -- he's a little more mature, so good for people who enjoy that sort of thing, and was already playing loose with the jedi rules. :p


Yeah, I hear ya. And we do have that in common, I love Keeper/Minister of Intelligence too :D Wish we could see him again, and I totally would want him as a romance. You know, I always figured that his marriage didn't work out, cause he struck me as such a work-a-holic. I always envisioned his wife as a bored Imperial wife, playing sabacc and drinking and eating expensive food and gossiping with the other bored Imperial wives, and it always amused me to think that she probably knew as much as her hubby, because of their gossiping. Anyway, I digress lol...


I'm not remembering the redhead jedi from the JC story, but then I only did it once on a female consular, might have to do the story again to check him out :D Another good choice would've been Master Relnex. :D

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I feel like that was added just to appease people. As much as I intensely dislike Quinn and didn't miss him when he was gone, it was ridiculous to have my SW just randomly kill him off in the middle of a conversation on Iokath.


And they made it all or nothing because on the Imperial side there's no way to just send him away.


They should have left it in the original game if it was going to be there, and found a way to deal with the lost healer (AFAIk people cried because Quinn was the SW's healer), you know, like giving the healer position to another character like Vette.


It was done to appease people and it was the stupidest thing ever. I wish they'd have catered to his fans and given them something special when they reunite, rather than cater to the haters. There are more fans than haters, and yet they do this. It's hilarious that EA acts like they hate their own creation. Utterly stupid to give in to them. If they were going to do that, they should've done it after the betrayal, but on Iokath, it's just plain moronic.

Edited by Lunafox
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QUINN. Hands down, no question, for far more years. Whole threads wanting to kill Quinn.

Which led to the option to finally kill him off when he returned on Iokath.


I understand, and it was originally handled correctly, as we've mentioned. But the Koth hatred seemed to come about and the kill options came about right after that, and it made me feel like he was the kindling to the companion-kill fire

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Or they should've lived with the consequences of their choice. They want to kill their companions but don't want that to have consequences...

And now that any companion can act as a healer, that decision seems even more stupid. They should put back the beta possible kill/reject options and put some random NPC on Iokath instead of Quinn if he died earlier.

I'd be more than happy if i could refuse Rusk or Skadge to join me and at the very least tell Ashara on Taris that now that she served her purpose with me she can go back to the Jedi or die for all i care. I think there is only 1 instance of Ashara saying something remotedly usefull, but IIRC that could easily be said by Talos if Ashara was not there.


I agree for the most part about consequences - if you've killed off a companion you can't cry when you only have 3 people to send on crew missions, for instance.


But in Quinn's case I don't think anyone should have been punished for wanting not to have someone on their ship who had just hurt one of their other companions and attempted to kill them (even if that was for show; I do know the alternative interpretation). They really should have just had a stand-in NPC for the healer or had a little clip where Vette or Jaesa learned how to be the ship's medic or something.


It really is where the current state of companions (being able to tank, heal or DPS) would have come in really handy.


In the class stories, it seemed like they were more invested in giving people good quality time with companions. It would have been nice if they had one "kick a companion" token for each class story. You would be allowed to kick one companion but only one.


Since nobody was bricked in the class stories it wouldn't have hurt any other players.


When I think of it, the smuggler and Sith Inquisitor stories are the only two where I would have kept all five companions. :/

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Which is a stupid kill option IMHO...

I mean if you are to kill him that should be right after he "betrays" you, not a decade later when he has spent several years in prison because he refused to stop looking for you ...


Yeah, my SW definitely would have killed him during the Quinncident, especially since I seem to recall that he refuses to back down even if he's given the chance. But killing him in cold blood years later doesn't fit my SW's personality at all.

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It was done to appease people and it was the stupidest thing ever. I wish they'd have catered to his fans and given them something special when they reunite, rather than cater to the haters. There are more fans than haters, and yet they do this. It's hilarious that EA acts like they hate their own creation. Utterly stupid to give in to them. If they were going to do that, they should've done it after the betrayal, but on Iokath, it's just plain moronic.


It's pretty ridiculous the way it's scripted and yeah, it was obviously set up to make those edgy sorts happy. They make a point of drawing it out and it's gross, and since you can't send him away on Imperial side you have your back to the wall with it.


It's like, my Sith Warrior either would have killed him at the time, booted him or forgiven him and all three of those responses would have been logical at the time of the Quinncident. But she wouldn't randomly have a chat and then stab him out of nowhere after 6+ years. *facepalm*


The romances mean a lot to people. Even with characters I don't care for, I feel like every romance reunion should have been special. You've been apart from that companion for a long time. They *should* be all sappy and romantic and memorable and pull at the heartstrings because it's a big moment, and it should be given appropriate time. Not two minutes thrown in as an afterthought with your LI never speaking to you again. :(


If they really had done it well they could have even had several conversations. After taking the throne maybe your PC could have a conversation with their LI about how hard it was to adapt. After Umbara maybe they could have comforted you about the betrayal in person (although I think the LI love letters after Umbara are one of the things they have done right, they're all so sweet). So much missed potential.

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As you may recall, he was suffering from a dark side plague that was making all sorts of jedi masters do horrible things. Seemed like a decent enough guy when he got cured from that. :p


Just seemed like a weird choice. Then again, with the master before that [the kaleesh], there was this weird vibe between him and his padawan which was significantly more creepy than any of the romances the PC has.


I get so worked up over that last part I now hope that every Story expansion from now to the end has us waking up with Lana standing over us in every scene, just for spite :p


I hate Lana and Theron significantly more than I hate Koth. Lana and Theron bully you into going after Revan and doing a lot of rather boring FPs before reaching Kotfe, where they proceed to micromanage every aspect of 'your' command. At least with other unlikable comps like Skadge or Quinn, they didn't take over your class story and force out all your other comps.


Still, I wouldn't want to kill them. That's too merciful. There's far more satisfying ways of getting revenge. Like romancing Lana as an IA during SoR and convincing her that she's incompetent and needs to resign, and telling Marr that she'll make a terrible Minister of Intelligence. Or romancing her in kotfe and taking flirt options 50% of the time, and treating her like crap the other 50% of the time, before ditching her when Vector shows up after Kotet. I'm currently romancing Theron on my trooper and looking forward to the reunion with Jorgan just so I can dump Theron with the cruelest option available.:D


I think the big problem with these kill options aren't that they're there at all, it's that BW doesn't write for the chars after that. If they made a kill option and continued to write them into the story for those who didn't kill them, it'd be fine. It's a very lazy way of storytelling, imo, and I don't think you can lay that entirely at the feet of EA budget cuts either. This also connects to the romances - when you dump a comp to take up a new romance, they're pissed...for that cutscene. After that it's like you didn't romance them at all. I'd prefer it if they wrote your exes to be bitter and resentful, just like real life.

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I hate Lana and Theron significantly more than I hate Koth. Lana and Theron bully you into going after Revan and doing a lot of rather boring FPs before reaching Kotfe, where they proceed to micromanage every aspect of 'your' command. At least with other unlikable comps like Skadge or Quinn, they didn't take over your class story and force out all your other comps.


Still, I wouldn't want to kill them. That's too merciful. There's far more satisfying ways of getting revenge. Like romancing Lana as an IA during SoR and convincing her that she's incompetent and needs to resign, and telling Marr that she'll make a terrible Minister of Intelligence. Or romancing her in kotfe and taking flirt options 50% of the time, and treating her like crap the other 50% of the time, before ditching her when Vector shows up after Kotet. I'm currently romancing Theron on my trooper and looking forward to the reunion with Jorgan just so I can dump Theron with the cruelest option available.:D


I think the big problem with these kill options aren't that they're there at all, it's that BW doesn't write for the chars after that. If they made a kill option and continued to write them into the story for those who didn't kill them, it'd be fine. It's a very lazy way of storytelling, imo, and I don't think you can lay that entirely at the feet of EA budget cuts either. This also connects to the romances - when you dump a comp to take up a new romance, they're pissed...for that cutscene. After that it's like you didn't romance them at all. I'd prefer it if they wrote your exes to be bitter and resentful, just like real life.


I spent the time going over Koth but Lana and Theron elicit similar reactions. You (general you) feel like you're not in control and they are making decisions for you. Lana often disapproves of almost everything you do or say, even if she's romancing you (and she's not particularly warm, but it's undeniable how much she cares about you), and welp, there's another "betrayal" foisted on us when all Theron had to do was give us a little wink before stunning Lana and shooting out the window of the train.


Their decisions are often disastrous and misguided. Sometimes they'll ignore your input and do what they want anyway.


All that is to say that I actually enjoy, the more I play through 4.0 story and beyond with more diverse characters, that they are humanized instead of omnipotent, and in turn they humanize us by not entertaining the idea that we are omnipotent, either (who exactly are we fighting but someone who thinks they are omnipotent and untouchable and can just kill billions of people on a whim?).

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Personally I don’t understand the mindset behind killing off an NPC companion, especially one that can be romanced. If I can’t relate to the companion or dislike them for any reason then I simply don’t engage with them, or limit my engagement with them to the absolute minimum of conversations/uses/encounters.


Killing off a companion means removing them from active participation in the story going forward, which not only limits your own story line, but also other players’ story line as well.


I think instead of the kill feature, there should have been a banish or gaol feature where the companion is removed either for a time/indefinitely from ‘your’ story line, but not others, with the option to bring them back/forgive them later on if the story permits.


Oh well, it’s too late now. The only thing that BioWare can take away from conversations like this is that giving players the option to kill off characters really doesn’t help or move the game forward for everyone else.

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This idea of romancing authority figures from vanilla sounds a lot more creepy than romancing Nadia, Ashara etc. Imagine the trooper romancing Garza :eek:


Goes to show how different people are. I find the idea of having relations with an immature subordinate far creepier than having having relations with a mature, seasoned peer. I don't care that Nadia, Ashara etc. are physically old enough to be legal, some of them have the maturity of pre-teens. Looking at you Mako of the barftastic hearts. 🤮

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Personally I don’t understand the mindset behind killing off an NPC companion, especially one that can be romanced. If I can’t relate to the companion or dislike them for any reason then I simply don’t engage with them, or limit my engagement with them to the absolute minimum of conversations/uses/encounters.


Killing off a companion means removing them from active participation in the story going forward, which not only limits your own story line, but also other players’ story line as well.


I think instead of the kill feature, there should have been a banish or gaol feature where the companion is removed either for a time/indefinitely from ‘your’ story line, but not others, with the option to bring them back/forgive them later on if the story permits.


Oh well, it’s too late now. The only thing that BioWare can take away from conversations like this is that giving players the option to kill off characters really doesn’t help or move the game forward for everyone else.


This is the salient point we keep coming back to: killing a companion for one player = killing them for everyone. It doesn't matter if you choose to keep them or not because they're still dead for all intents and purposes.


So when people ask for kill options it does ruin others' games. Nobody should lose their LI because someone else hates them, but that is what happens.


If Bioware truly wants to keep offering kill or banish options - and I hope they don't - they need to truly make save options matter too. Script those characters and replace them with random NPCs for those who exercised the kill option.


OR, they could step away from the Game of Thrones model and stop making seemingly every companion and LI expendable. It's hard to get attached to companions now when you know Bioware will take them away in one form or another.

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If Bioware truly wants to keep offering kill or banish options - and I hope they don't - they need to truly make save options matter too. Script those characters and replace them with random NPCs for those who exercised the kill option.


Or just don't replace them. If I kill Kaliyo [which was great, btw], she shouldn't be replaced by anybody. She should continue to be scripted for players who didn't kill her, of course, but generally the players who choose to kill every comp they can, the 'reward' for them should be a gradually diminishing pool of NPCs to interact with.

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Or just don't replace them. If I kill Kaliyo [which was great, btw], she shouldn't be replaced by anybody. She should continue to be scripted for players who didn't kill her, of course, but generally the players who choose to kill every comp they can, the 'reward' for them should be a gradually diminishing pool of NPCs to interact with.


That would often mean rewriting the dialogue for the ensemble scenes so it could be carried by the surviving NPCs, though, which is an expenditure BW probably would not want. They'd likely just continue to leave the killable characters out altogether.


And if you want the killable characters to have any meaningful role in the PC's story, the dialogue they give will have to be delivered by someone.

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It's pretty ridiculous the way it's scripted and yeah, it was obviously set up to make those edgy sorts happy. They make a point of drawing it out and it's gross, and since you can't send him away on Imperial side you have your back to the wall with it.


It's like, my Sith Warrior either would have killed him at the time, booted him or forgiven him and all three of those responses would have been logical at the time of the Quinncident. But she wouldn't randomly have a chat and then stab him out of nowhere after 6+ years. *facepalm*


The romances mean a lot to people. Even with characters I don't care for, I feel like every romance reunion should have been special. You've been apart from that companion for a long time. They *should* be all sappy and romantic and memorable and pull at the heartstrings because it's a big moment, and it should be given appropriate time. Not two minutes thrown in as an afterthought with your LI never speaking to you again. :(

If they really had done it well they could have even had several conversations. After taking the throne maybe your PC could have a conversation with their LI about how hard it was to adapt. After Umbara maybe they could have comforted you about the betrayal in person (although I think the LI love letters after Umbara are one of the things they have done right, they're all so sweet). So much missed potential.


I agree with everything totally, and most of all the bolded parts. They could've done so much more and done it better. I do enjoy the letters for the most part.

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Or just don't replace them. If I kill Kaliyo [which was great, btw], she shouldn't be replaced by anybody. She should continue to be scripted for players who didn't kill her, of course, but generally the players who choose to kill every comp they can, the 'reward' for them should be a gradually diminishing pool of NPCs to interact with.


I 100% agree with this. The "spare" option should always be the default and the "kill" option should have the consequence of you having one less person to interact with. People always say they want choices with consequences but those consequences should be for yourself rather than other people who didn't make that choice.


Goes to show how different people are. I find the idea of having relations with an immature subordinate far creepier than having having relations with a mature, seasoned peer. I don't care that Nadia, Ashara etc. are physically old enough to be legal, some of them have the maturity of pre-teens. Looking at you Mako of the barftastic hearts. 🤮

A lot of it probably has to do with the age of the actual player as well. At 34, I would be far more interested in a character who is older than our character (Master Orgus, y u no love me?) than someone younger but someone who is 15 would be more likely to think that was gross and want to go for an 18 year old. None of the character romances have that age creep for me because our characters are so young when they meet the love interests except for Nadia because of how she acts and because of the ill-fitting much older man voice the male consular has despite his young age. But I'm not someone who sees the characters as extensions of myself, it's just me observing and experiencing a story. If I did see the characters that way as many do I think I'd be more creeped out.

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A lot of it probably has to do with the age of the actual player as well. At 34, I would be far more interested in a character who is older than our character (Master Orgus, y u no love me?) than someone younger but someone who is 15 would be more likely to think that was gross and want to go for an 18 year old. None of the character romances have that age creep for me because our characters are so young when they meet the love interests except for Nadia because of how she acts and because of the ill-fitting much older man voice the male consular has despite his young age. But I'm not someone who sees the characters as extensions of myself, it's just me observing and experiencing a story. If I did see the characters that way as many do I think I'd be more creeped out.


You are undoubtedly right about the player's age affecting how they see the romances, though I'm pretty sure gender is a factor as well.


Personally, I can't think of the player characters as the age they are supposed to be. They all have much older voice actors and none are written as inexperienced or naive. They all come across to me as 30+. The female love interests I have issues with sound young and act young. They come across to me as <16. (And being immature for their age doesn't make the relationship any more palatable.) So, just like I can't take seriously the age listed for Talos, I can't take seriously the ages listed for the pcs or some of the companions.

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You are undoubtedly right about the player's age affecting how they see the romances, though I'm pretty sure gender is a factor as well.


Personally, I can't think of the player characters as the age they are supposed to be. They all have much older voice actors and none are written as inexperienced or naive. They all come across to me as 30+. The female love interests I have issues with sound young and act young. They come across to me as <16. (And being immature for their age doesn't make the relationship any more palatable.) So, just like I can't take seriously the age listed for Talos, I can't take seriously the ages listed for the pcs or some of the companions.


Players' ages, genders, sexual orientation, all probably play factors.


With the exception of the Jedi Knight and possibly the female Sith Inquisitor, I can't see any of them as being teenagers or early 20s. They all sound and are scripted with a lot of maturity. I feel like they all have to be at least mid-20s with 30+ being perfectly reasonable.


Talos really does not seem like he's 27 to me either, although someone did point out in another thread that he might look prematurely older because of his job. The weather exposure an archaeologist might encounter, plus the Force energy in the tombs, could plausibly make a person look weathered. But Talos seems older in his speech and mannerisms, too.

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Yeah, I hear ya. And we do have that in common, I love Keeper/Minister of Intelligence too :D Wish we could see him again, and I totally would want him as a romance. You know, I always figured that his marriage didn't work out, cause he struck me as such a work-a-holic. I always envisioned his wife as a bored Imperial wife, playing sabacc and drinking and eating expensive food and gossiping with the other bored Imperial wives, and it always amused me to think that she probably knew as much as her hubby, because of their gossiping. Anyway, I digress lol...


I'm not remembering the redhead jedi from the JC story, but then I only did it once on a female consular, might have to do the story again to check him out :D Another good choice would've been Master Relnex. :D


Since we know virtually nothing about Keeper's marriage, I suppose we all (and by that I mean we all who care about him enough to speculate things like that :D ) have our own headcanon for that. I just feel he's gone through so much and hope his wife would be someone who understands his passion for his job and is supportive of him, even if it means she needs to play the "second wife" while his work takes up the first place. :p


I don't really have an opinion of Relnex, apart from the fact that he uses "the Quinn face", which is naturally always a plus. :p He doesn't do anything but give that one quest in Tython, or am I wrong?


Just seemed like a weird choice. Then again, with the master before that [the kaleesh], there was this weird vibe between him and his padawan which was significantly more creepy than any of the romances the PC has.


I think all the ill masters were acting a little creepy, comes with the plague I guess! :p I just picked him because he is a little older (so would work for people who want a more mature romance), isn't exactly devoted to the jedi code (he mentions that he barely bothered with it before he got the plague :D ) and he isn't presented as someone I'd naturally view as PC's father figure. I did always like him better than the other masters you have to save, though...

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