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Is there a way we do not have to choose a advanced class?


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Unfortunately not. Any new character made has to choose an advanced class during character creation before you even get to play.


I still happen to have a handful of level 1 characters from the United Forces update lying around who are their original base class, but every time I load them up I get this big menu screen telling me to choose an advanced class for the character. I can circumvent that by reloading the UI and thus making the character free to be played again, but after every cutscene the process needs to be repeated in order to regain control, so it doesn't really feel worth it.

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Now when You start to play as new player, there're not 8 classes to choose… but 16!

Pure marketing.


They still only say 8 classes, though. Because it only comes up in the "we have 8 class stories."


It was done because it was a confusing mechanic, and because characters are all but guaranteed to hit L10 before they leave the starting world, which complicates matters.

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So what is the attraction to doing this? See these threads pop up occasionally but don't see the desirable angle beyond trolling teammates in group play.

Just curious

Nostalgia for the olden days when we had to walk up hill in the snow to get to our Flashpoints, t'would be my guess.


Or novelty. Back in the day I took a Sith Warrior through the class story and up to 50 without an Advanced Class, just for the hell of it. In the process, I learned that since the Jugg and Mara don't share an offhand item type, the base warrior never gets the ability to equip one until you pick an AC.

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Not chosing an advanced class was severely debilitating for both the player and other players in the past, it would be so still if it were possible. Thankfully, people are forced to choose an advanced class from the start now.


It was fine for solo play. It's kind of ridiculous that they made us choose advanced classes. And even if they wanted to make us do it, why not wait until level 10 or whatever like they used to? It was a challenge to get through everything without picking AC.

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It was fine for solo play. It's kind of ridiculous that they made us choose advanced classes. And even if they wanted to make us do it, why not wait until level 10 or whatever like they used to? It was a challenge to get through everything without picking AC.


But why would you want to make things difficult for yourself and debilitate your own playthrough? Moreover, picking an advanced class was a lot of fun always as you got to specialise the character and make them unique compared to tohers. I especially loved those cutscenes you got on the fleet.


One of the reasons they made us pick advanced classes from the start was because people went into PvE and PvP refusing to pick an advanced class. The frustrations that could cause... blegh

Edited by Ylliarus
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It was fine for solo play. It's kind of ridiculous that they made us choose advanced classes. And even if they wanted to make us do it, why not wait until level 10 or whatever like they used to? It was a challenge to get through everything without picking AC.


Problem was too many players used it to troll group content, it's fine gimping yourself for solo play but should never be used to gimp a whole group.


If they did bring back the starting classes they would have to create a system so that players could not use group finder without a advanced class, though that still would not stop someone trolling in a pug from the fleet without using GF though one would hope someone would notice right away and uninvite that person.


I really doubt its worth biowares time to do such a thing, there are more important things they should be working on.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Problem was too many players used it to troll group content, it's fine gimping yourself for solo play but should never be used to gimp a whole group.


If they did bring back the starting classes they would have to create a system so that players could not use group finder without a advanced class, though that still would not stop someone trolling in a pug from the fleet without using GF though one would hope someone would notice right away and uninvite that person.


I really doubt its worth biowares time to do such a thing, there are more important things they should be working on.


^^ I agree.


Besides.. it was never intended that a player would not choose an advance class... the breadcumbing of missions very specifically both encouraged and led the player by the hand to advanced class selection. It was simply a loophole in the game that you were not forced to do so, that some players took advantage of until it was closed. Well folks.. the loophole has been closed now.

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But why would you want to make things difficult for yourself and debilitate your own playthrough? Moreover, picking an advanced class was a lot of fun always as you got to specialise the character and make them unique compared to tohers. I especially loved those cutscenes you got on the fleet.


One of the reasons they made us pick advanced classes from the start was because people went into PvE and PvP refusing to pick an advanced class. The frustrations that could cause... blegh


It's called creating a challenge. Just like now some people dismiss companions, play without gear or don't train up skills. Some people enjoy having a little challenge in their game play and don't want everything to be face-roll easy.


Having a maxed level Warrior was far more unique than having a max level Juggernaut or Marauder.


I don't think they removed our ability to not chose an advanced class in order to keep us out of group play, I think it was just easier for them in their ongoing efforts to "streamline" the game. They could have just added an advance class check on group finder if that was their goal.

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People can still sort of play as though they don't have an advanced class. Don't use an offhand. If you're a class whose mainhand would have switched, use the "base" class mainhand instead. I'm pretty sure assassins still have the ability to use a single handed lightsaber for example - although, correct me if I'm wrong, I could be. Only put "base" class skills on your skill bar as much as possible; I know some skills change when you level no matter what. Juggernauts and Guardians would have to stick to wearing medium armor as they didn't used to get the ability to wear heavy until an advanced class was chosen - and no adaptive armor either, that'll automagically give you the heavy armor stat.


It won't be perfect. The advanced classes have drifted farther from the base classes than they used to be. It's probably as good as you'll get though.

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People can still sort of play as though they don't have an advanced class. Don't use an offhand. If you're a class whose mainhand would have switched, use the "base" class mainhand instead. I'm pretty sure assassins still have the ability to use a single handed lightsaber for example - although, correct me if I'm wrong, I could be. Only put "base" class skills on your skill bar as much as possible; I know some skills change when you level no matter what. Juggernauts and Guardians would have to stick to wearing medium armor as they didn't used to get the ability to wear heavy until an advanced class was chosen - and no adaptive armor either, that'll automagically give you the heavy armor stat.


It won't be perfect. The advanced classes have drifted farther from the base classes than they used to be. It's probably as good as you'll get though.


You are able to use the base class' weapon without any problem. You won't be able to use the advanced class' abilities of course.

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