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Heal match making is not working anymore.


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Could be DPS quit and so the only ones left to take queue was healers. Matchmaking can't construct perfect matches all the time. It's unreasonable expecting this.


The main problem with the new match-maker is the requirement of exactly 2 healer/tanks on each team. This will never work and we are starting to see it.


Weak players that have no strategy or ability to think on their feet now simply target the 1-2 healers. Before they had to adapt to whatever their team and opposing team were constructed as. Really if you are dps it is a 1 strategy game now. Find and target a healer. Nothing else is needed. (or so 90% of DPS assume).


That may sound like no problem huh, but now healers do not want to play, even the very good ones. Backfills are a joke, games seem to have more drops, and our "balance" has made most wars more uneven than before. But hey, at least now low intelligence DPSers only need to know 1 thing to participate, umm, so there is that I guess....


As a veteran PvP healer and tank, bah, new matchmaker I'll just roll DPS too. I'll heal on other MMOs where there is more depth.

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Could be DPS quit and so the only ones left to take queue was healers. Matchmaking can't construct perfect matches all the time. It's unreasonable expecting this.


That's a good thinking. Some ppl hate huttball and quit after the queue. XD

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Any chance two of the healers on your team were grouped together?


I don't think the matchmaker affects premades at all other than trying to balance the other team, but if the only healers in the queue are grouped together they'll be queue'd onto the same team.


I could see 3 healers ending up on the same team with none on the other if for example two queue into a match together as part of a premade, and a third maybe comes in as a backfill for a DPS or tank that dropped. There are people who run 4 person premades w/ 2 healers. I know one team on my server that is almost always 2 skanks, 2 healers.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Could be DPS quit and so the only ones left to take queue was healers. Matchmaking can't construct perfect matches all the time. It's unreasonable expecting this.


Or another possibility is their healers quit.


But I am seeing this more and more in arena matches and not from people quitting after they pop in.

Unless there are a lot of healing and tank people declining matches when they pop. I would say the system is degrading.

I see more 2 healer vs no healer arena matches than when this was implemented. I’m also seeing some 2 heals + tank vs no heals or tank. And these are mixed teams and not premades.

Whats worse is the 3 v 2 matches or 4 v 3 matches I’m getting in arena (a lot more). I am without fail, always on the team with the least amount of players and more often than not, the other team has a healer and a tank and we have none.

It makes me think that the match making is taking into account this hidden player ELO when making these combos.

I don’t know why it just doesn’t make 2v2 or 3v3 if there aren’t enough people in the queue. Or pop one person at a time as the opposing team does. That way if one team only gets 2 accepts, the other team only has 2 players.

The same goes for back fills, I’ve been in matches that already have less players on both teams, but it backfills the team with the most amount of players.

Try being 2v1 at the start and end up being 4v1 because the other team got back fills and yours doesn’t.


I will say I’m mainly seeing this healer issue in arena and not so much in 8v8. Although it’s hard to tell sometimes if we even have a healer in 8s because I get all the crap ones :rolleyes:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Any chance two of the healers on your team were grouped together?


I don't think the matchmaker affects premades at all other than trying to balance the other team, but if the only healers in the queue are grouped together they'll be queue'd onto the same team.


I could see 3 healers ending up on the same team with none on the other if for example two queue into a match together as part of a premade, and a third maybe comes in as a backfill for a DPS or tank that dropped. There are people who run 4 person premades w/ 2 healers. I know one team on my server that is almost always 2 skanks, 2 healers.


you can no longer queue this way any more. you can queue at most 1h 1t per 4 man group

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That may sound like no problem huh, but now healers do not want to play, even the very good ones.


I guess the main problem for skilled Healers is, that its just boring to heal in a Random WZ. There aren´t enough good DPS. I mean its just boring if you are waiting the whole round to find someone you could heal, just because no on gets damage.


Its far more entertaining to play DPS and kill people, altough searching for opponents players can be quite annoying, too.

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I guess the main problem for skilled Healers is, that its just boring to heal in a Random WZ. There aren´t enough good DPS.


I am so bored on my healers in WZs now.


It's rare I get put against the better dps for some reason, and there are many on SF. It seems for some reason my luck has my healers up against really inferior DPS teams and I literally die of boredom in the matches.


Either I watch my team do awful dps killing nothing, the other team does awful dps leaving me little to heal, or both. It's pretty sad in 8v8s when I play heals.


On the positive side, it has made me focus all my attention on playing my dps merc and I find it extremely fun and more challenging because I am average at best on dps whereas I would say I am average to above average on healers.

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