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Update Dark/Light Side Vendors


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I support adding more to the dark/light vendors (both the regular, credit vendors and the DvL token vendors). Don't the various Kell Dragon armor sets look just like the Remnant Underworld sets from Alliance Supply crates? Baring adding back in those legacy shells that is an optional route for obtaining them.
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They really do need more earnable items, seeing as the Light vs Dark is an ongoing game mechanic rather than just an event. Seems like most have already earned enough tokens for all of the current items anyway, and since the DvL mechanic doesn't impact gameplay in any other way than offering rewards in exchange for participation, I think adding new items on a semi-regular basis would do game activity some favours.
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Which dark/light vendors are you on about? The very old ones or the light/dark token ones?


Just asking for clarification but yes to both the gear on the old vendors are horribly out dated and I think I can't see an thing on the token vendor to spend a single token on.

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Which dark/light vendors are you on about? The very old ones or the light/dark token ones?


Just asking for clarification but yes to both the gear on the old vendors are horribly out dated and I think I can't see an thing on the token vendor to spend a single token on.


I bet he mean new ones with tokens… 99% players don't remember these first ones :D

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I was referring to the Dark/Light side token vendors. But hey, why not update both. The Kell Dragon Sets are basically the sets from the Alliance Crates, but the Alliance versions don't have the animations. I personally really like the ones with the animations. I think both the Kell Dragon armor and Obroan armor would be great options, as well as decorations.

In general, I think it's a good way to incorporate older items/sets back into the game that are not currently obtainable. I don't even care if they're hideously expensive lol. It'd be something to work towards IMO. I like having in-game items that aren't just obtainable by buying them directly from GTN or CM.

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This is one of my biggest bugbears about the game, have to get rep points or whatever currency needed for venders that never seem to offer much. If the vender had new items every few months it be worth it. I think this is an issue for every vender not just light and dark ones on fleet. Cannot remember last time I used any of the cartel bazaar venders despite still having lot of cartel certs. Not used the security vender in over 3 years. Or the one by the Revan flashpoints. I think I have had one or two companion customizations but that's about it. Oh I tell a lie have had some utility decorations but that's is it.
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This is one of my biggest bugbears about the game, have to get rep points or whatever currency needed for venders that never seem to offer much.


I don't care much about that, because I never seem to get what's required there to buy anything anyway.

For example those KDY crates. I haven't seen them dropped in ages. And because of that, I simply stopped doing the KDY FP since one year or so.


So, instead of those swimming in luxury, I never seem to get whaz's needed, mostly due to my infamously bad roll luck. I Even stopped doing OPs because of that (well, at least until I got into a newer guiild, but even there are OPs where I get NOTHING because of bad roll luck ...).

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I don't care much about that, because I never seem to get what's required there to buy anything anyway.

For example those KDY crates. I haven't seen them dropped in ages. And because of that, I simply stopped doing the KDY FP since one year or so.


So, instead of those swimming in luxury, I never seem to get whaz's needed, mostly due to my infamously bad roll luck. I Even stopped doing OPs because of that (well, at least until I got into a newer guiild, but even there are OPs where I get NOTHING because of bad roll luck ...).


Well you may not care, fine with that. I do, which is why I said it.

Not sure about the bad luck aspect because Dark/Light venders, Cartel Bazaar venders, security venders, the one by the Revan flashpoints, which are the ones I mentioned particularly, Luck does not play a part.

KDY vender? well not ever used, as I am a solo player so any operation venders or group FP venders I know nothing about. However I bet they too have not had updates for items available.

Getting rep points and items available from venders are different issues. Getting the rep point as you mention can be an issue but my reply was to the issue brought up by the original post, which wanted updates to items available from venders.

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Bioware has almost never updated vendor wares in the history of the game. I suspect partly because of some bit of spaghetti code somewhere that seems to cause major issues and bugs (that result in exploits where you buy one of something and then resell it for 100x it's value for example), so they just don't do it. Is that the only reason? Nah, I'm sure the other reason is just that they don't bother to do so. When we get shiny new items that are sold by vendors though, 99.9% of the time, it's a new vendor, not an addition to an existing vendor.


It's a shame, because there are tons of long forgotten vendors in this game whose wares were "old news" years ago, and they just fade away into obscurity taking up server memory.



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It's a shame, because there are tons of long forgotten vendors in this game whose wares were "old news" years ago, and they just fade away into obscurity taking up server memory.




Yeah, the planetary vendors that sell armor or weapons are especially guilty of this. I struggle to imagine a player who ever bought something from these, unless they were gullible newbies who didn't realize you could get better stuff, likely cheaper, on the GTN. I headcanon that they're vendors intended for NPCs to stock up on their vendor trash.


There's also a few Special Promotions vendors scattered around planets that sell literally nothing.

Edited by Ardrossan
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