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Non Force users should have had a separate story in KOTFE/KOTET


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What a missed opportunity for those classes i personally don't think agent,smuggler,trooper and bounty hunter should be a worthy vessel for the emperor.


Another missed opportunity was legacy interaction within the expansion, get your main force user to become the emperor and have the rest of your characters serve him :(

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Maybe they should've had... but Bioware will definitely won't revisit those expansions just to add that to the game. Plus it's not unheard for powerful Sith to use and even be interested in non force-sensitives, Tenebrae is a smart man and he'll use any tool he has for his advantage. The player character regardless of which class you play is someone who's proven themselves resilient, powerful and likely influential. I'll admit some classes fit better than other IMO but I never had a problem going with my Bounty Hunter or Imperial Agent, they've both taken down elite force-users in the past and managed to accomplish things a lot of average people, even some Sith, couldn't.
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To paraphrase what the Emperor is doing with non-force users:


"I am the greatest single force-user in the history of all force-users, I wield more influence and hold more affinity with the force than anyone who has ever come before me, my power stretches far beyond the frivolous confines of life and death...while you keep company with a farmboy spacer wanna-be, expect to get everything done with a blaster, are completely force-blind...but I've been following your life because we're both really alike in how strong our influences are on the destiny of the galaxy..."

Edited by xordevoreaux
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To paraphrase what the Emperor is doing with non-force users:


"I am the greatest single force-user in the history of all force-users, I wield more influence and hold more affinity with the force than anyone who has ever come before me, my power stretches far beyond the frivolous confines of life and death...while you keep company with a farmboy spacer wanna-be, expect to get everything done with a blaster, are completely force-blind...but I've been following your life because we're both really alike in how strong our influences are on the destiny of the galaxy..."


I actually took it as a "I am the most powerful force user ever, yet you, a force blind nothing, have somehow managed to claw yourself to a semblance of power allowing you to stand equal with Jedi Masters and Sith Lords. This intrigues me, as I could not fathom such a thing happening..."

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Yet, I see it the other way. As the commander/outlander you are constantly told what to do (even T7 ignores you) and the Force users throw you around like a rag-doll and make fun of you (Senya, Knights, Val's kids etc). I thought my non Forcers fit better. Valkorian was giving us all the power we needed as non F, but as Force users we were reduced to wimpyness. Wimpiness? Whatever.


Seriously, play it again as a Force user and go evil or bossy. It's quite frustrating. Kind, non force user makes the most sense. IMHO.

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ITA. I think the only reason Valkorion would have found a non-Force user appealing as his 'vessel' was because they might have had less of an ability to resist or use any Force-related protections to save themselves when the time came to take over their body. But they also would have had to get through the fights with Vaylin and Arcann and realistically I think they would have been vaporized.


For that matter I don't think non-Force users work for the end of SoR either realistically. Yes, non-Force users can be very strong and kill Jedi and Sith - but when they had Darth Marr, Satele, Lana, and Shae Vizla on hand would the first response have really been 'hey, let's send in the smuggler to be the primary fighter!'

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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To paraphrase what the Emperor is doing with non-force users:


"I am the greatest single force-user in the history of all force-users, I wield more influence and hold more affinity with the force than anyone who has ever come before me, my power stretches far beyond the frivolous confines of life and death...while you keep company with a farmboy spacer wanna-be, expect to get everything done with a blaster, are completely force-blind...but I've been following your life because we're both really alike in how strong our influences are on the destiny of the galaxy..."


Which shows exactly how badly the Emperor is written in the dumpster fire that is KotFE. The guy who consumed all life on Ziost would roflstomp any random non-force user, no matter how influential they might be with the normies.

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What a missed opportunity for those classes i personally don't think agent,smuggler,trooper and bounty hunter should be a worthy vessel for the emperor.


The idea was the Emperor wanted to live the Outlander's life. And in this case, he would have been either bored or interested enough to try to live a different type of life. Vitiate did tell the Jedi Knight that he was would be "a farmer, an artist, a simple man."


Another missed opportunity was legacy interaction within the expansion, get your main force user to become the emperor and have the rest of your characters serve him :(


That makes no sense. Many of my characters would want to kill the others. My Jedi would never agree to serve a Sith and vice versa.

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firstly it's feckin' racist =D


secondly, who did ever told ye, that some market gypsy with cheaptricks and glowstick's better that a good old blasterbearer makin' holes in a target? who dares - wins, other opinions should be proved firstly, or it's just an amateur whine, nothin' more.


jedies, sithies - just a clowns bitin' the dust, if they stand in my way

Edited by juniooor
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