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Comments on The Overlook


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Major THANK YOU for being responsive to the player base. This wasn't part of what I asking for, but I'd like to commend the devs for listening and responding in such a short turn around time.

Excellent job!


Now all I have to do is be able to afford this stronghold and its 12 unlocks...


The overlook is accessible by going to where the cave entrance used to be. Click the terminal, blow up the rocks in front of the cave, and you're in. You're in your originally decorated cave. Take a sharp right to an elevator that's basically the one from fleet that goes up to the vip lounge in terms of how fast it moves.


1. No windows, but lots of wall hooks, so that's okay.


2. Thank you for putting the "you can enter here" thingy on the overlook's deck. This is definitely going to be my entry point.


3. Excellent view of the cove, and I see where you added more hooks on top of things.


4. Cute little "with haste" return.


The only thing I would ask for, and this just me being an A-1 klutz... a railing around the overlook's deck.


Good job!


Edit: 1 little bug -- the cave entrance keeps exploding every time you approach it.

Note: The first time down from the Overlook right after I unlocked it, I jumped down via the cliff to the beach, then approached the cave, and no matter how many times I backed up and approached it again, the cave entrance kept exploding. However, I then went to other strongholds and returned (testing the "you can enter here" thingy), used the "with haste" thingy to the beach, and the cave no longer exploded. However, that doesn't identify whether it was using the with haste option or leaving and returning that made the cave entrance stop exploding. Now that my stronghold is unlocked, dismissing it and purchasing it again isn't a valid test because the unlocks will be there.


Edit 2: While the trip down is survivable, I can also see how it would be nice to have a rope bridge or wooden stairs descending to the beach once the Overlook is unlocked.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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