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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I think I saw your 2 Sorcs yesterday. Either that or there are a group of them who do premades together. There were 4 running a premade yesterday that had 2 good Sorcs.

But it’s hard to tell just how good they were because 4 Lighting Sorcs focusing you is diabolical.


Just check the name next time if you think it might me one of em. All his toons have "Hoppi", he's well known on Star Forge. You probably see him on fleet sometimes. He doesn't only play Lightning though, he's fantasatic at everything. You will see some madness sorcs coming in firsy sometimes, but thats often from the dot spreads on maps that have high traffic areas that you know alot of peeps will likely be close packed together like OPG squares and by the doors on Voidstar and the like. You almost never see a Lighting Sorc come in 1st for DPS if it is, it's almost certainly Hoppi. The other guy's name is Ocean but he comes and goes sometimes he's gone for months and than comes back for a while than is gone again. They are both in Deathsmile so you could check that too if your not sure. Deathsmile was the premiere PVP guild on the Shadlowlands and they were nightmares to fight. They use to transfer to other servers sometimes just for a night to take on the top PVP guilds on other servers,and they just destroyed] . Most of the were A-O's but Hoppi, Ocean, and Jalgo were cool guys, even venk if you knew him a bit, most people hated him tho., wasn't an easy guy to like if you didn't know him at all. heh


If Hop is in a WZ with you on either team there is no chance of coming in 1st in DPS. The best you can hope for is 2nd and your not gonna be within 300k of him.


He doesn't need premades he's a one man army but if he is in one it's just because he's playing with friends.


4 lightning sorcs, yeah, that's a lot of lightning to know who it's coming from heh. Plus with all the slows and roots, musta been terrible heh. If you were playing a melee that wasn't Fury and you were able to move, it wasn't him heh. You do not want to fight him, I think I killed him one time out of about 75. Crispy BBQ Marauder for all, dig in!


If you ever do come across him, ask him for tips on Lightning sorc, you'll be glad you did [i know your a great Lighting Sorc already, I don't mean it in a bad way] . No matter how good a person gets we can always learn more. Tell him you know me if you like if that helps break the ice. He's a nice guy.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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If Hop is in a WZ with you on either team there is no chance of coming in 1st in DPS. The best you can hope for is 2nd and your not gonna be within 300k of him.


He doesn't need premades he's a one man army but if he is in one it's just because he's playing with friends.


4 lightning sorcs, yeah, that's a lot of lightning to know who it's coming from heh. Plus with all the slows and roots, musta been terrible heh. If you were playing a melee that wasn't Fury and you were able to move, it wasn't him heh. You do not want to fight him, I think I killed him one time out of about 75. Crispy BBQ Marauder for all, dig in!


If you ever do come across him, ask him for tips on Lightning sorc, you'll be glad you did [i know your a great Lighting Sorc already, I don't mean it in a bad way] . No matter how good a person gets we can always learn more. Tell him you know me if you like if that helps break the ice. He's a nice guy.


Yeah, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for him and jump onto my Sorc to see what he can teach me. It doesn’t matter how good you are, there is always someone better or who knows a trick you don’t. I know I’ve a few tricks I try to keep to myself ;)


I was on my Rage jugg against those 4 Sorcs. I’m sure you can imagine how that was. I felt like a target dummy and died everytime they got close. In the end I avoided them by going somewhere they weren’t. I even hid under the stairs in Yavin to take a break from dying :o

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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