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Force Cloak doesn't exit combat? [PvP]

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Actually exiting battle only works about 50% of the time. I play Infiltration so I'm sure it isn't a DoT (do we even have any?). And it isn't Guard either. It isn't the Mass Mind Control heal either, since I've never taken that utility. Why can't I exit battle using Force Cloak?


Does anyone else also have this problem or am I missing something obvious?

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Actually exiting battle only works about 50% of the time. I play Infiltration so I'm sure it isn't a DoT (do we even have any?). And it isn't Guard either. It isn't the Mass Mind Control heal either, since I've never taken that utility. Why can't I exit battle using Force Cloak?


Does anyone else also have this problem or am I missing something obvious?


Well, the issue about Stealth Out is that if you use it while your opponent is in an attack animation, the animation will finish after stealthing out, hence touching you and making you exit stealth. The other issue is that if you haven't picked the utility that gives you two seconds of Resilience/Force Shroud, any debuff that you previously had on yourself (DoT, Taunt...) will keep ticking, making you enter combat right back again. Don't forget that a mass taunt will make you re-enter combat even if you're stealthed. It won't stealth you out, but you'll be in "fight" mode until the taunt wears off. ^^

Infiltration isn't a DoT spec by the way and we don't have any DoT since 5.0. The issue we previously had with Serenity (the actual DoT spec) which couldn't exit combat if it had used a DoT onto an opponent. Like, you could die and get into the spawn, still in combat and unable to enter stealth because the DoT you set earlier was still active on someone.


Hope this helped :)

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I do have the utility that gives me Resilience with Force Cloak. I'm not pulled out of stealth either - I remain in stealth, but I don't exit battle.


Well this is strange. Did you get hit by something while using force cloak ? An AoE ? A Taunt ? As a reminder, if you have the utility, those won't put you out of stealth but will make you re-enter combat.

I don't really see another reason, especially with Infiltration. Apart getting hit or getting a debuff, there isn't anything that should make you re-enter combat. Oh, that and also friendly heals !


Yeah, if you get healed by someone in combat, you will re-enter combat too. This might be it. ^^

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Well this is strange. Did you get hit by something while using force cloak ? An AoE ? A Taunt ? As a reminder, if you have the utility, those won't put you out of stealth but will make you re-enter combat.

I don't really see another reason, especially with Infiltration. Apart getting hit or getting a debuff, there isn't anything that should make you re-enter combat. Oh, that and also friendly heals !


Yeah, if you get healed by someone in combat, you will re-enter combat too. This might be it. ^^


Thanks, it's probably one of these. I did not know taunts and heals bring us into combat.

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HELLO ITS BIOFAIL! These guys don't care half our crap don't do what it's suppose to! Need to phantom stride to target activate ability and oh look nada oh but a i got lame sped buff but do to that little rock graphic target gets away and heals. Or you get rooted i took phasing phantasm pop it oh look still effin rooted. Just accept this fact not enough devs play and the ones that do play other class like merc and jug hence the reason nothing bad eve happens to them. Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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HELLO ITS BIOFAIL! These guys don't care half our crap don't do what it's suppose to! Need to phantom stride to target activate ability and oh look nada oh but a i got lame sped buff but do to that little rock graphic target gets away and heals. Or you get rooted i took phasing phantasm pop it oh look still effin rooted. Just accept this fact not enough devs play and the ones that do play other class like merc and jug hence the reason nothing bad eve happens to them.


It's a good idea to actually know swtor history before using words like "ever".


At their most obnoxious jugs were going round doing untargeted AOE autocrits for a far higher % of health than anyone can do today then screwing around literally waiting for the next rotational AOE autocrit and immediately jumping into as many enemy players as possible to do it.


Funny how that's not a thing anymore.


Mercs have a steady PVE history but their durability in a PVP environment, especially in arena deathmatch was simply bad right up until 5.0. You can still replicate old merc survival today by doing the following: do not take utilities for healing stacks from shield, do not use reflect, do not take utility to boost kolto overload and of course, do not take channel on the move utility. Also do not use Priming Shot to get an instant Tracer Missile, everything needs to be hard cast as you stand still.


Think about how butthurt you get when mercs use those abilities and utilities. They didn't exist for most of the history of swtor. There was a famously faceroll tactic for years in ranked which in a nutshell was, tunnel the merc, their dps dropped like a rock when focused and they couldn't do anything about being ground down through their defences.


So your memory or knowledge is simply bad about both.

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