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Sith Pure-Bloods


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Okay so im not sure if this has been asked before but how does bioware address the paradox of the original KOTOR stating that sith are not a race anymore and they died out long ago, but more of a ideal. Yet in SWTOR they have returned.





Anyone got a answer for me?

Edited by Radvaun
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The Sith were thought to be extinct but a group of refugees managed to flee to the unknown regions at the behest of Lord Vitiate. It's explained in the game and in the timeline videos. I'll put the full explanation on spoilers.


So during the Sith Genocide after The Great Hyperspace War Lord Vitiate had called upon the remaining Sith Lords to his planet of Nathema, arriving there he consumed in a dark ritual with the aid of the Superweapon known as "Zildrog" who consumed all life on Nathema while the Emperor likely consumed the force of Nathema. Lord Vitiate then commands the remnants of the Sith Empire into a 20 years journey to Dromund Kaas, a planet he himself had the coordinates for but chose to take the blind hyperspace jumps so the remaining Sith would see him as the savior. Settling on Dromund Kaas Lord Vitiate declared himself Emperor of the Sith and reformed the Sith Empire, that Empire kept hidden until 3681 BBY where they star The Great Galactic War.


So yeah, it just happens that the people in KOTOR weren't aware of that Empire's existence and presumed the Sith to be extinct, save for Darth Traya who had warned us about the True Sith.

Edited by FlameYOL
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The original Purebreed Sith died out the moment Sith and Humans started having hybrid children, over the course of a number of generations the original Sith were in effect made extinct by interbreeding. Sith in the SWTOR era had the markings, the skin coloration and some minor sign of their original sith facial and body structure, but in a few more generations as the sith genetics continue to divide into fragments with more human genes, there won't be anything left of the original sith, even with hybrids.
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Okay so im not sure if this has been asked before but how does bioware address the paradox of the original KOTOR stating that sith are not a race anymore and they died out long ago, but more of a ideal. Yet in SWTOR they have returned.





Anyone got a answer for me?


It's a retcon. But it's a retcon that Kotor 2 opened the door for by having Kreia say the "True Sith Empire" still exists.

Edited by OldVengeance
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