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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Summer Roadmap


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Thanks, this was a nice surprise: simply an announcement, instead of an announcement of an announcement; a roadmap, instead of a roadmap for a roadmap.


PvP stronghold is a very creative idea and I look forward to seeing what it might be like!


New huttball map on an industrial planet... Hutta? CZ-198? Corellia? :confused:


Glad to hear that you are continuing to look at conquest along with other guild features.


I'm particularly interested in the PTS becoming an option again. Seems like a good idea for a period when the focus isn't on story. Maybe we could even fine-tune the PvP stronghold based on player experience and feedback.


If we don't get any more companion returns for the next few months, I hope that the final ones will be great storywise and justify the long wait. Hopefully it'll be a question of saving the best 'til last! ;)

Edited by Estelindis
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Studio jumped out from behind a rock on this. No teasers about a Roadmap coming, yada yada... just BOOM.. here's the summer Roadmap! :) Looks a little on the skinny side though.. but maybe more details later will address this.


Looks like Guilds may finally be getting some love.


I'll leave it to the PvPers to comment on the coming PvP love.

Edited by Andryah
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PvP stronghold is a very creative idea and I look forward to seeing what it might be like!


I agree. Particularly if they offer both a guild level as well as personal level Stronghold in this context.


Fingers crossed on performance though....

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PvP changes and all are long over due, but very welcomed. Hopefully there is some balancing in there too at some point.


Edit: Also for the strongholds, can we please finally get training dummies in there? That would be pretty great.

Edited by Jmenks
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Kill option for Lana please.

People are allowed to dislike characters, but (I hate to tell you) some NPCs need to be alive in all conceivable scenarios. It's simply too hard to construct story otherwise. It sounds like we'll get new featured characters in upcoming story, so conceivably these could be the ones alive in all situations, but still - not everyone needs a kill option.

Edited by Estelindis
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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.
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Thanks for the info, Musco. Much of this looks promising. Especially testing things on PTS. I would think that would be a massive step in solving many of the issues we have with new content.


I would like to note one thing: when we say we want to provide feedback ahead of time, we mean we want a two way street. Not a "we hear you, give it a chance!" Because I sincerly wonder at times if you do understand what you "hear"

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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


Cross faction queues have been a popular request by PvP players for some time now. ;)

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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


Umm...the cross faction is great for the game. It speeds up que times a lot, so you're in the minority here. Except Odessen sucks just as a map, not because of cross faction. Such an odd thing to be upset about.

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If we're talking PvP - will there be additional balance changes? Because game doesn't really feel any more balanced than it was before everyone's damage was nerfed - was it patch 5.3 when this started?


Also, while quality of life changes are very important, it would be really good if you shifted your priorities to fixing bugs once in a while. We have issues dating back to Shadow of Revan expansion...

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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.


While I don't think it will kill PvP, I do NOT like the idea either.

Especially since we are now going back to the whole Faction vs Faction thing instead of being the "Grand Leader of the Factions" stuff.


Odessen doesnt suck because of cross faction, nor does Yavin.

OPG sucks because of the easy way to line of site & destroy nodes with those boosts that you can't interrupt..

Yavin sucks because of the boosts. Get rid of those dang boosts in Yavin & it will be fine.

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So nothing new as far as content goes until September-October at the earliest?? Just great...I REALLY hope this new "continued" storyline isn't this story as FPs BS...really....really hoping. Otherwise what can i say....a roadmap that offers nothing new for 4-5 months, only fixing/reworking stuff.....really not much to comment on that.

There are a lot of us - old pvpers that dont like the crossfaction maps Odessen and Yavin...yet another questionable decision like GC and Conquest....I myself prefer good old rep vs imp as far as pvp goes.

Edited by ExarSun
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Cross faction queues have been a popular request by PvP players for some time now. ;)


No not all Andryah. Mainly by the ones like Lhancelot and Trixxie who are constantly whining about not getting Q pops on Pub side at non-primetime hours and/or no pops as lowbie Q's. (SS gets decent Q pops on Pub side at prime time.)

I for one do not want crossfaction. Cross server, yes. But we both know that won't & can't happen with this engine.

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More or less what i was predicting from the other thread about the roadmap. So no new storyline for a few months, general checks and balances, barebones updates and some of the usual events. little need to focus on a sub for the next few months anyway. Edited by Celise
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No not all Andryah. Mainly by the ones like Lhancelot and Trixxie who are constantly whining about not getting Q pops on Pub side at non-primetime hours and/or no pops as lowbie Q's. (SS gets decent Q pops on Pub side at prime time.)

I for one do not want crossfaction. Cross server, yes. But we both know that won't & can't happen with this engine.


I never said it was all PvPers... only that the request has been popular for some time now. :)


I'll leave it to the PvPers to PvP over what percentage of PvPers what/don't-want. :D


Cross faction does however largely solve the perpetual complaints about faction population imbalance. But for those that feel faction is integral as part of PvP conflict.. sure.. they won't want it.

Edited by Andryah
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Stop with the cross faction ques. You guys continue to emphasize on things that kill the game and refuse to listen till its too late. Odessen sucks. Yavin 4 sucks. No body likes them. Take the hint. Like when command wasn't a "secondary" gearing system. Cross faction q's will kill pvp.

Cross-faction teams aren't what make Odessen a bit weak and Yavin totally meh. Odessen's problems stem mostly from the questionable map layout and the opaque mechanics, and the Yavin map's two main sins are:

* It is literally nothing but a reskinned Alderaan.

* The skin is way far too leafy for good performance.


Notice that "cross-faction teams" doesn't appear on either list.

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Don't really care about anything related to PvP on a personal level, but nice to see things being done. As long as I can do normal SH stuff in the new SH, then all is well.


Since y'all mentioned QoL though, when are you going to fix the bug where you can't abandon the Iokath Op?

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No not all Andryah. Mainly by the ones like Lhancelot and Trixxie who are constantly whining about not getting Q pops on Pub side at non-primetime hours and/or no pops as lowbie Q's. (SS gets decent Q pops on Pub side at prime time.)

I for one do not want crossfaction. Cross server, yes. But we both know that won't & can't happen with this engine.


It increases pop times for regs and ranked substantially. Also, for solo ranked...people have an even lesser chance to win trade and q sync, which to this day (embarrassingly enough) still happens. Majority of the PvP population left in this game want this, and it is needed.

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Hey cool!

I asked about the Roadmap earlier today, and there it is!

AND I tossed out a suggestion about PvP Strongholds a few months ago, and boom, there it is! Very cool! I do hope all PvPers will enjoy the hair off a wookie out of that. :D


Maybe when we get the next expansion the Devs will have a new Decocrafting crew skill for us as well. ;) (super short version: Tier 2 crafting skill that combines all different kinds of crafting mats into decos for our SHs, for example metals+cloth=chair, crystals+compounds=lamps)


Looking forward to more details about, well, everything!

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